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Last active July 12, 2021 12:18
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  • Save MahouShoujoMivutilde/6a2dea53dc90a51b7566584ac7d3d283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MahouShoujoMivutilde/6a2dea53dc90a51b7566584ac7d3d283 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop. - is the script that allows you to translate latin lf mappings to your non-latin keyboard layout


  1. In edit translists variable according to your needs (see comments).

  2. Concatenate default mappings (goes first) with your mappings (second), and pipe the result into E.g. like this:

grep '^map' ~/.config/lf/lfrc | cat ~/.config/lf/lf-defaults - | > ~/.config/lf-localized-maps
  1. Add source ~/.config/lf-localized-maps to the bottom of your lfrc
map k up
map <c-u> half-up
map <c-b> page-up
map j down
map <c-d> half-down
map <c-f> page-down
map h updir
map l open
map q quit
map gg top
map G bottom
map v invert
map u unselect
map y copy
map d cut
map p paste
map c clear
map <c-l> redraw
map <c-r> reload
map r rename
map f find
map F find-back
map ; find-next
map , find-prev
map / search
map ? search-back
map n search-next
map N search-prev
map m mark-save
map ' mark-load
map " mark-remove
map zh set hidden!
map zr set reverse!
map zn set info
map zs set info size
map zt set info time
map za set info size:time
map sn :set sortby natural; set info
map ss :set sortby size; set info size
map st :set sortby time; set info time
map sa :set sortby atime; set info atime
map sc :set sortby ctime; set info ctime
map se :set sortby ext; set info
map gh cd ~
map e $$EDITOR $f
map i $$PAGER $f
map w $$SHELL
#!/usr/bin/env python3
# - is the script that allows you to translate latin lf mapping
# to your non-latin keyboard layout (to allow all mappings to work as expected
# regardless of your current layout).
# grep '^map' lfrc | cat lf-defaults - |
# paste the output below all your mappings in lfrc
# NOTE you will need a file with deafult lf bindings (for hjkl etc...)
from sys import stdin
import re
# maketrans - creates dictionary to translate characters in first line (as keys)
# to characters in second (values)
translists = [
# e.g. above is latin >>> cyrillic
# this will allow lf to interpret Ф as A, ф as a, etc
# if you want to use more that one alternative layout -
# put another maketrans here
# e.g.
# str.maketrans(
# "l", # etc
# "م"
# )
def trans(s, translist, inv_translist):
s = s.translate(translist)
if'<.-.>', s, flags=re.IGNORECASE):
# fix ctrl, alt, and f1...
for char in ['c', 'a', 'f']:
mp = f'<{char}-'
mpa = mp.translate(translist)
s = s.replace(mpa, mp)
if special := re.findall(r'<\w+>', s, re.IGNORECASE):
for w in special:
untrans = w.translate(inv_translist)
s = s.replace(w, untrans)
return s
if __name__ == '__main__':
lines = [line.strip() for line in stdin.readlines()]
# skip comments
lines = filter(lambda line:
line != '' and
not re.match(r'^\s*#', line),
lines = list(lines)
unmapped = set()
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
if len(words) == 2:
for translist in translists:
inv_translist = {v: k for k, v in translist.items()}
for line in lines:
words = line.split()
# don't translate unmapped defaults, <enter>...
keys = words[1]
if keys not in unmapped and not re.match(r'<\w+>', keys):
cmd = f'push {keys}'
new_keys = trans(keys, translist, inv_translist)
if new_keys == keys:
print(' '.join(['map', f'"{new_keys}"', cmd]))
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