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Created February 28, 2021 12:44
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Full sitemap functionality
import { GetServerSideProps } from 'next';
import fs from 'fs';
import path from 'path';
// This functions returns a domain based on the NODE_ENV setting
import { GetCurrentDomain } from '../utils/UrlBuilder';
export default function Sitemap() {}
type Url = {
host: string;
route: string;
date?: Date;
const excludedRoutes: Array<string> = ['/sitemap', '/404'];
export const getServerSideProps: GetServerSideProps = async ({ res }) => {
const basePath: string = process.cwd();
const routes_manifest: object = ReadManifestFile(basePath);
const host: string = GetCurrentDomain();
let routes: Array<Url> = GetPathsFromManifest(routes_manifest, host);
const pagesPath = path.join(basePath + '/.next/server/pages/');
routes = routes.concat(GetPathsFromBuildFolder(pagesPath, [], host, pagesPath));
routes = routes.filter((el) => !excludedRoutes.includes(el.route));
const sitemap: string = GetSitemapXml(routes);
res.setHeader('Content-Type', 'text/xml');
return { props: {} };
const ReadManifestFile = (basePath: string): object => {
const routes_manifest_path = path.join(basePath + '/.next/server/pages-manifest.json');
// Read from the file
if (fs.existsSync(routes_manifest_path)) {
const raw_json = fs.readFileSync(routes_manifest_path);
return JSON.parse(raw_json.toString());
} else return null;
const GetPathsFromManifest = (manifest: any, host: string): Array<Url> => {
let routes: Array<string> = [];
for (let [route, file] of Object.entries(manifest)) {
if (!isNextInternalUrl(route)) {
// Add static paths
routes = routes.concat(route);
let sitemapUrls: Array<Url> = [];
routes.forEach((route) => {
sitemapUrls.push({ host: host, route: route });
return sitemapUrls;
const GetPathsFromBuildFolder = (dir: string, urlList: Array<Url>, host: string, basePath: string): Array<Url> => {
const dirContent: string[] = fs.readdirSync(dir);
urlList = urlList || [];
dirContent.forEach((dirItem) => {
if (fs.statSync(dir + dirItem).isDirectory()) {
urlList = GetPathsFromBuildFolder(dir + dirItem + '/', urlList, host, basePath);
} else {
if (path.extname(dirItem) == '.json') {
let route = path.join(dir + dirItem.substring(0, dirItem.length - 5));
route = route.replace(basePath, '/');
urlList.push({ host: host, route: route });
return urlList;
const GetUrlElement = ({ host, route, date }: Url): string => {
if (date) {
return `<url><loc>${host}${route}</loc><lastmod>${date}</lastmod></url>`;
} else return `<url><loc>${host}${route}</loc></url>`;
const GetSitemapXml = (urls: Array<Url>): string => `<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<urlset xmlns="">
${ => GetUrlElement(url)).join('')}
const isNextInternalUrl = (path: string): boolean => {
return new RegExp(/[^\/]*^.[_]|(?:\[)/g).test(path);
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