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Forked from MustaphaTR/Cargo.cs
Created August 29, 2017 09:41
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#region Copyright & License Information
* Copyright 2007-2017 The OpenRA Developers (see AUTHORS)
* This file is part of OpenRA, which is free software. It is made
* available to you under the terms of the GNU General Public License
* as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of
* the License, or (at your option) any later version. For more
* information, see COPYING.
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Activities;
using OpenRA.Mods.Common.Orders;
using OpenRA.Primitives;
using OpenRA.Traits;
namespace OpenRA.Mods.Common.Traits
[Desc("This actor can transport Passenger actors.")]
public class CargoInfo : ITraitInfo, Requires<IOccupySpaceInfo>
[Desc("The maximum sum of Passenger.Weight that this actor can support.")]
public readonly int MaxWeight = 0;
[Desc("Number of pips to display when this actor is selected.")]
public readonly int PipCount = 0;
[Desc("`Passenger.CargoType`s that can be loaded into this actor.")]
public readonly HashSet<string> Types = new HashSet<string>();
[Desc("A list of actor types that are initially spawned into this actor.")]
public readonly string[] InitialUnits = { };
[Desc("When this actor is sold should all of its passengers be unloaded?")]
public readonly bool EjectOnSell = true;
[Desc("When this actor dies should all of its passengers be unloaded?")]
public readonly bool EjectOnDeath = false;
[Desc("Terrain types that this actor is allowed to eject actors onto. Leave empty for all terrain types.")]
public readonly HashSet<string> UnloadTerrainTypes = new HashSet<string>();
[Desc("Voice to play when ordered to unload the passengers.")]
[VoiceReference] public readonly string UnloadVoice = "Action";
[Desc("Which direction the passenger will face (relative to the transport) when unloading.")]
public readonly int PassengerFacing = 128;
[Desc("Cursor to display when able to unload the passengers.")]
public readonly string UnloadCursor = "deploy";
[Desc("Cursor to display when unable to unload the passengers.")]
public readonly string UnloadBlockedCursor = "deploy-blocked";
[Desc("The condition to grant to self while waiting for cargo to load.")]
public readonly string LoadingCondition = null;
[Desc("The condition to grant to self while passengers are loaded.",
"Condition can stack with multiple passengers.")]
public readonly string LoadedCondition = null;
[Desc("Conditions to grant when specified actors are loaded inside the transport.",
"A dictionary of [actor id]: [condition].")]
public readonly Dictionary<string, string> PassengerConditions = new Dictionary<string, string>();
public IEnumerable<string> LinterPassengerConditions { get { return PassengerConditions.Values; } }
public object Create(ActorInitializer init) { return new Cargo(init, this); }
public class Cargo : IPips, IIssueOrder, IResolveOrder, IOrderVoice, INotifyCreated, INotifyKilled,
INotifyOwnerChanged, INotifyAddedToWorld, ITick, INotifySold, INotifyActorDisposing, IIssueDeployOrder
public readonly CargoInfo Info;
readonly Actor self;
readonly Stack<Actor> cargo = new Stack<Actor>();
readonly HashSet<Actor> reserves = new HashSet<Actor>();
readonly Dictionary<string, Stack<int>> passengerTokens = new Dictionary<string, Stack<int>>();
readonly Lazy<IFacing> facing;
readonly bool checkTerrainType;
int totalWeight = 0;
int reservedWeight = 0;
Aircraft aircraft;
ConditionManager conditionManager;
int loadingToken = ConditionManager.InvalidConditionToken;
Stack<int> loadedTokens = new Stack<int>();
CPos currentCell;
public IEnumerable<CPos> CurrentAdjacentCells { get; private set; }
public bool Unloading { get; internal set; }
public IEnumerable<Actor> Passengers { get { return cargo; } }
public int PassengerCount { get { return cargo.Count; } }
public Cargo(ActorInitializer init, CargoInfo info)
self = init.Self;
Info = info;
Unloading = false;
checkTerrainType = info.UnloadTerrainTypes.Count > 0;
if (init.Contains<RuntimeCargoInit>())
cargo = new Stack<Actor>(init.Get<RuntimeCargoInit, Actor[]>());
totalWeight = cargo.Sum(c => GetWeight(c));
else if (init.Contains<CargoInit>())
foreach (var u in init.Get<CargoInit, string[]>())
var unit = self.World.CreateActor(false, u.ToLowerInvariant(),
new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(self.Owner) });
totalWeight = cargo.Sum(c => GetWeight(c));
foreach (var u in info.InitialUnits)
var unit = self.World.CreateActor(false, u.ToLowerInvariant(),
new TypeDictionary { new OwnerInit(self.Owner) });
totalWeight = cargo.Sum(c => GetWeight(c));
facing = Exts.Lazy(self.TraitOrDefault<IFacing>);
void INotifyCreated.Created(Actor self)
aircraft = self.TraitOrDefault<Aircraft>();
conditionManager = self.Trait<ConditionManager>();
static int GetWeight(Actor a) { return a.Info.TraitInfo<PassengerInfo>().Weight; }
public IEnumerable<IOrderTargeter> Orders
get { yield return new DeployOrderTargeter("Unload", 10,
() => CanUnload() ? Info.UnloadCursor : Info.UnloadBlockedCursor); }
public Order IssueOrder(Actor self, IOrderTargeter order, Target target, bool queued)
if (order.OrderID == "Unload")
return new Order(order.OrderID, self, queued);
return null;
Order IIssueDeployOrder.IssueDeployOrder(Actor self)
return new Order("Unload", self, false);
public void ResolveOrder(Actor self, Order order)
if (order.OrderString == "Unload")
if (!CanUnload())
Unloading = true;
if (aircraft != null)
self.QueueActivity(new HeliLand(self, true));
self.QueueActivity(new UnloadCargo(self, true));
IEnumerable<CPos> GetAdjacentCells()
return Util.AdjacentCells(self.World, Target.FromActor(self)).Where(c => self.Location != c);
bool CanUnload()
if (checkTerrainType)
var terrainType = self.World.Map.GetTerrainInfo(self.Location).Type;
if (!Info.UnloadTerrainTypes.Contains(terrainType))
return false;
return !IsEmpty(self) && (aircraft == null || aircraft.CanLand(self.Location))
&& CurrentAdjacentCells != null && CurrentAdjacentCells.Any(c => Passengers.Any(p => p.Trait<IPositionable>().CanEnterCell(c)));
public bool CanLoad(Actor self, Actor a)
return (reserves.Contains(a) || HasSpace(GetWeight(a))) && self.IsAtGroundLevel();
internal bool ReserveSpace(Actor a)
if (reserves.Contains(a))
return true;
var w = GetWeight(a);
if (!HasSpace(w))
return false;
if (conditionManager != null && loadingToken == ConditionManager.InvalidConditionToken && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.LoadingCondition))
loadingToken = conditionManager.GrantCondition(self, Info.LoadingCondition);
reservedWeight += w;
return true;
internal void UnreserveSpace(Actor a)
if (!reserves.Contains(a))
reservedWeight -= GetWeight(a);
if (loadingToken != ConditionManager.InvalidConditionToken)
loadingToken = conditionManager.RevokeCondition(self, loadingToken);
public string CursorForOrder(Actor self, Order order)
if (order.OrderString != "Unload")
return null;
return CanUnload() ? Info.UnloadCursor : Info.UnloadBlockedCursor;
public string VoicePhraseForOrder(Actor self, Order order)
if (order.OrderString != "Unload" || IsEmpty(self) || !self.HasVoice(Info.UnloadVoice))
return null;
return Info.UnloadVoice;
public bool HasSpace(int weight) { return totalWeight + reservedWeight + weight <= Info.MaxWeight; }
public bool IsEmpty(Actor self) { return cargo.Count == 0; }
public Actor Peek(Actor self) { return cargo.Peek(); }
public Actor Unload(Actor self)
var a = cargo.Pop();
totalWeight -= GetWeight(a);
foreach (var npe in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyPassengerExited>())
npe.OnPassengerExited(self, a);
var p = a.Trait<Passenger>();
p.Transport = null;
Stack<int> passengerToken;
if (passengerTokens.TryGetValue(a.Info.Name, out passengerToken) && passengerToken.Any())
conditionManager.RevokeCondition(self, passengerToken.Pop());
if (loadedTokens.Any())
conditionManager.RevokeCondition(self, loadedTokens.Pop());
return a;
void SetPassengerFacing(Actor passenger)
if (facing.Value == null)
var passengerFacing = passenger.TraitOrDefault<IFacing>();
if (passengerFacing != null)
passengerFacing.Facing = facing.Value.Facing + Info.PassengerFacing;
foreach (var t in passenger.TraitsImplementing<Turreted>())
t.TurretFacing = facing.Value.Facing + Info.PassengerFacing;
public IEnumerable<PipType> GetPips(Actor self)
var numPips = Info.PipCount;
for (var i = 0; i < numPips; i++)
yield return GetPipAt(i);
PipType GetPipAt(int i)
var n = i * Info.MaxWeight / Info.PipCount;
foreach (var c in cargo)
var pi = c.Info.TraitInfo<PassengerInfo>();
if (n < pi.Weight)
return pi.PipType;
n -= pi.Weight;
return PipType.Transparent;
public void Load(Actor self, Actor a)
var w = GetWeight(a);
totalWeight += w;
if (reserves.Contains(a))
reservedWeight -= w;
if (loadingToken != ConditionManager.InvalidConditionToken)
loadingToken = conditionManager.RevokeCondition(self, loadingToken);
// If not initialized then this will be notified in the first tick
if (initialized)
foreach (var npe in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyPassengerEntered>())
npe.OnPassengerEntered(self, a);
var p = a.Trait<Passenger>();
p.Transport = self;
string passengerCondition;
if (conditionManager != null && Info.PassengerConditions.TryGetValue(a.Info.Name, out passengerCondition))
passengerTokens.GetOrAdd(a.Info.Name).Push(conditionManager.GrantCondition(self, passengerCondition));
if (conditionManager != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(Info.LoadedCondition))
loadedTokens.Push(conditionManager.GrantCondition(self, Info.LoadedCondition));
void INotifyKilled.Killed(Actor self, AttackInfo e)
if (Info.EjectOnDeath)
while (!IsEmpty(self) && CanUnload())
var passenger = Unload(self);
var cp = self.CenterPosition;
var inAir = self.World.Map.DistanceAboveTerrain(cp).Length != 0;
var positionable = passenger.Trait<IPositionable>();
positionable.SetPosition(passenger, self.Location);
if (!inAir && positionable.CanEnterCell(self.Location, self, false))
self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w => w.Add(passenger));
var nbm = passenger.TraitOrDefault<INotifyBlockingMove>();
if (nbm != null)
nbm.OnNotifyBlockingMove(passenger, passenger);
foreach (var c in cargo)
void INotifyActorDisposing.Disposing(Actor self)
foreach (var c in cargo)
void INotifySold.Selling(Actor self) { }
void INotifySold.Sold(Actor self)
if (!Info.EjectOnSell || cargo == null)
while (!IsEmpty(self))
void SpawnPassenger(Actor passenger)
self.World.AddFrameEndTask(w =>
passenger.Trait<IPositionable>().SetPosition(passenger, self.Location);
// TODO: this won't work well for >1 actor as they should move towards the next enterable (sub) cell instead
void INotifyOwnerChanged.OnOwnerChanged(Actor self, Player oldOwner, Player newOwner)
if (cargo == null)
foreach (var p in Passengers)
void INotifyAddedToWorld.AddedToWorld(Actor self)
// Force location update to avoid issues when initial spawn is outside map
currentCell = self.Location;
CurrentAdjacentCells = GetAdjacentCells();
bool initialized;
void ITick.Tick(Actor self)
// Notify initial cargo load
if (!initialized)
foreach (var c in cargo)
c.Trait<Passenger>().Transport = self;
foreach (var npe in self.TraitsImplementing<INotifyPassengerEntered>())
npe.OnPassengerEntered(self, c);
initialized = true;
var cell = self.World.Map.CellContaining(self.CenterPosition);
if (currentCell != cell)
currentCell = cell;
CurrentAdjacentCells = GetAdjacentCells();
public class RuntimeCargoInit : IActorInit<Actor[]>, ISuppressInitExport
readonly Actor[] value = { };
public RuntimeCargoInit() { }
public RuntimeCargoInit(Actor[] init) { value = init; }
public Actor[] Value(World world) { return value; }
public class CargoInit : IActorInit<string[]>
readonly string[] value = { };
public CargoInit() { }
public CargoInit(string[] init) { value = init; }
public string[] Value(World world) { return value; }
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