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Last active March 30, 2021 19:30
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// ## Kaelin
// A simple, blockhain-enabled MOBA implemented in Formality-Core.
// Kaelin aims to capture some of the spirit of a MOBA, inluding map awareness,
// micro and macro strategies, resource control, team-fights, skillshots and so
// on, while aiming blockchain-compatible by being very lightweight (the entire
// game state has only 8192 bits) and based on ~20 second turns. This allows it
// to run on state-channels and use Ethereum for conflict resolution.
// ## Heroes
// Name | Role | Description | MOV | HP | References & Inspiration
// ------- | ------ | -------------- | --- | --- | -------------------------------------------------
// Tophoro | Tank | Terrain Bender | 4 | 60 | Toph (Avatar TLA), Totoro (Studio Ghibli)
// Gonk | Tank | Warrior | 4 | 40 | Gon (Hunter X Hunter), Goku (Gradon Ball Z)
// Stanci | Tank | Healer | 4 | 40 | Dev
// ????? | Tank | | | |
// Erkos | Ranged | Fire Mage | 4 | 20 | Erk (Fire Emblem), Harry Potter (Harry Potter)
// Croni | Ranged | Dark Mage | 4 | 20 | Chromie (Blizzard), Raven (Teen Titans)
// Snarch | Ranged | Archer | 4 | 20 | Zk-Snarks (crypto)
// ????? | Ranged | ? | | |
// Sirpix | Melee | Thief | 4 | 30 | Dev
// Kenlua | Melee | Swordsman | 4 | 30 | Killua (Hunter X Hunter), Kenshin (Rurouni Kenshin)
// Flina | Melee | Pegasus Knight | 4 | 30 | Florina (Fire Emblem), Link (The Legend of Zelda)
// ????? | Melee | ? | 4 | 30 | ????
// Zagatur | Tactic | Summoner | 0 | 4 | Zagara, Abathur (Blizzard)
// Agdris | Tactic | Silencer | 2 | 10 | Agda, Idris (programming language)
// Mewem | Tactic | Psychic | 0 | 10 | Mewtwo (Pokémon), Meruem (Hunter X Hunter)
// ????? | Tactic | ? | ? | ?? | ????
// ## Moves
// ------- | -------------- | ------
// TOPHORO | Earth_Root | Heals 20 hp. Self-roots for 3 turns. Fast.
// TOPHORO | Earth_Wall | Range: 2. Area: 1. Places a temporary wall. Fast.
// TOPHORO | Earth_Rise | Range: 2. Area: 1. Damage: 2. Mutes.
// GONK | Empathy | Range: 1. Area: 1. Armor: 8. Fast. Loses 4 HP.
// GONK | Revenge | Range: 1. Area: 0. Fast. Damage: `missing_hp / 4`. Fast.
// GONK | Ground_Slam | Range: 0. Area: 2. Damage: 2. Mutes.
// STANCI | Restore | Range: 4. Area: 0. Heal: 3. Fast.
// STANCI | Escort | Range: 4. Area: 0. Armor: 3. Fast.
// STANCI | Detain | Range: 4. Area: 0. Mutes. Fast.
// ? | |
// ? | |
// ? | |
// ERKOS | Flame_Ball | Range: 4. Area: 2. Damage: 3.
// ERKOS | Flame_Wave | Range: 4. Area: 1. Damage: 5.
// ERKOS | Flame_Nova | Range: 0. Area: 6. Damage: 15. Loses 30 HP.
// CRONI | Shadow_Bond | Fast. Loses 3 HP. If enemy at given position kills Croni this turn, it dies too.
// CRONI | Shadow_Trap | Range: 8. Area: 0. Fast. Places a trap that locks whoever steps on it.
// CRONI | Shadow_Flux | Range: 8. Area: 1. Damage: 8.
// SNARCH | Ballista | Mounts from a ballista, doubling Snarch's range and locking him. Can't attack on this turn
// SNARCH | Quick_Bolt_0 | Range: 6. Area: 0. Damage: 2. Fast.
// SNARCH | Quick_Bolt_1 | Range: 6. Area: 0. Damage: 2. Fast.
// ? | |
// ? | |
// ? | |
// SIRPIX | Stealth_Move | Moves your Stealth Clone up to 4 range.
// SIRPIX | Stealth_Strike | Range: 0. Area: 0. Damage: 3. Before attacking, swaps position with your Stealth Clone.
// SIRPIX | Lockpick | Special effects on map.
// KENLUA | Haste | Range: 3. Area: 0. Loses 2 hp. Blinks to target. Range: 0. Area: 1. Damage: 4.
// KENLUA | Dodge | Range: 32. Can't take damage from target during this turn.
// KENLUA | Slash | Range: 1. Area: 0. Damage: 12.
// FLINA | Javelin | Range: 2. Area: 0. Damage: 4. Fast.
// FLINA | Fly | Range: 3. Area: 0. Blinks to target.
// FLINA | Gust | Range: 2. Area: 1. Damage: 3.
// ? | |
// ? | |
// ? | |
// ZAGATUR | Wrap | Range: 0. Area: 1. Fast. Locks.
// ZAGATUR | Needle | Range: 0. Area: 1. Damage: 3.
// ZAGATUR | Summon | Range: 3. Spawns a clone of Zagatur.
// AGDRIS | Memento | Range: 32. Area: 2. Damage: 2. Fast. Heal: 2. Armor: 2. Locks. Mutes. Dies.
// AGDRIS | Silence | Range: 32. Area: 0. Mutes.
// AGDRIS | Protect | Range: 32. Area: 0. Armor: 3.
// MEWRU | Teleport | Range: 32. Fast. Blinks to target.
// MEWRU | Psychock | hits a 3x3 area up to 4 range, dealing 6 damage.
// MEWRU | Imprison | hits a 3x3 area up to 4 range, locking enemies.
// ? | |
// ? | |
// ? | |
// Hero | Skill F | Skill D | Skill S
// ------- | ----------------- | ------------------- | -----------------
// TOPHORO | Earth_Root | Earth_Wall | Earth_Rise
// GONK | Empathy | Revenge | Ground_Slam
// STANCI | Restore | Escort | Detain
// ERKOS | Flame_Ball | Flame_Wave | Flame_Nova
// CRONI | Shadow_Bond | Shadow_Trap | Shadow_Flux
// SNARCH | Quick_Bolt_0 | Quick_Bolt_1 | Ballista
// SIRPIX | Stealth_Move | Stealth_Strike | Lockpick
// KENLUA | Haste | Dodge | Slash
// FLINA | Javelin | Fly | Gust
// ZAGATUR | Wrap | Needle | Summon
// AGDRIS | Memento | Silence | Protect
// MEWRU | Teleport | Psychock | Imprison
def kaelin:
// :::::::::::
// :: Array ::
// :::::::::::
dup fold4 = (fold_array ~4)
dup fold6 = (fold_array ~6)
dup fold8 = (fold_array ~8)
dup init4 = (init ~4)
dup init6 = (init ~6)
dup init8 = (init ~8) #
dup with4 = (with ~4)
dup take4 = (take ~4)
dup update4 = (update ~4)
dup write4 = (write ~4)
dup with6 = (with ~6)
dup take6 = (take ~6)
dup update6 = (update ~6)
dup write6 = (write ~6)
dup with8 = (with ~8)
dup take8 = (take ~8)
dup update8 = (update ~8)
dup write8 = (write ~8)
// :::::::::::::::
// :: Direction ::
// :::::::::::::::
dup RIGHT = #[ 1, 0]
dup DOWN = #[ 0, 1]
dup LEFT = #[-1, 0]
dup UP = #[ 0,-1]
// ::::::::::
// :: Side ::
// ::::::::::
dup WHITE = # 0
dup BLACK = # 1
dup BOARD = # 2
dup is_enemy_side = # {a b}
cpy a = a
cpy b = b
|||a == WHITE| & |b == BLACK|| | ||a == BLACK| & |b == WHITE|||
dup is_ally_side = # {a b}
cpy a = a
cpy b = b
|||a == WHITE| & |b == WHITE|| | ||a == BLACK| & |b == BLACK|||
// ::::::::::
// :: Hero ::
// ::::::::::
dup TOPHORO = # 0
dup GONK = # 1
dup STANCI = # 2
dup HERO_3 = # 3
dup ERKOS = # 4
dup CRONI = # 5
dup SNARCH = # 6
dup HERO_7 = # 7
dup SIRPIX = # 8
dup KENLUA = # 9
dup FLINA = # 10
dup HERO_B = # 11
dup ZAGATUR = # 12
dup AGDRIS = # 13
dup MEWEM = # 14
dup HERO_F = # 15
// Given a hero, returns its icon
dup get_hero_icon = # {hero}
let hero00 = (to_chars "To")
let hero01 = (to_chars "Go")
let hero02 = (to_chars "St")
let hero03 = (to_chars "??")
let hero04 = (to_chars "Er")
let hero05 = (to_chars "Cr")
let hero06 = (to_chars "Sn")
let hero07 = (to_chars "??")
let hero08 = (to_chars "Si")
let hero09 = (to_chars "Ke")
let hero10 = (to_chars "Fl")
let hero11 = (to_chars "??")
let hero12 = (to_chars "Za")
let hero13 = (to_chars "Ag")
let hero14 = (to_chars "Me")
let hero15 = (to_chars "??")
let half00 = [[[hero00,hero01],[hero02,hero03]],[[hero04,hero05],[hero06,hero07]]]
let half01 = [[[hero08,hero09],[hero10,hero11]],[[hero12,hero13],[hero14,hero15]]]
let heroes = [half00, half01]
(snd (take4 hero NilF heroes))
// Given a hero, returns its max life
dup get_hero_max_life = # {hero}
let hero00 = 60
let hero01 = 40
let hero02 = 40
let hero03 = 0
let hero04 = 20
let hero05 = 20
let hero06 = 20
let hero07 = 0
let hero08 = 30
let hero09 = 30
let hero10 = 30
let hero11 = 0
let hero12 = 1
let hero13 = 10
let hero14 = 10
let hero15 = 0
let half00 = [[[hero00,hero01],[hero02,hero03]],[[hero04,hero05],[hero06,hero07]]]
let half01 = [[[hero08,hero09],[hero10,hero11]],[[hero12,hero13],[hero14,hero15]]]
let heroes = [half00, half01]
(snd (take4 hero NilF heroes))
// :::::::::::
// :: Skill ::
// :::::::::::
dup TOPHORO_WALK = # 0
dup EARTH_ROOT = # 1
dup EARTH_WALL = # 2
dup EARTH_RISE = # 3
dup GONK_WALK = # 4
dup GROUND_SLAM = # 5
dup REVENGE = # 6
dup EMPATHY = # 7
dup STANCI_WALK = # 8
dup RESTORE = # 9
dup ESCORT = # 10
dup DETAIN = # 11
dup ERKOS_WALK = # 16
dup FLAME_BALL = # 17
dup FLAME_WAVE = # 18
dup FLAME_NOVA = # 19
dup CRONI_WALK = # 20
dup SHADOW_BOND = # 21
dup SHADOW_TRAP = # 22
dup SHADOW_FLUX = # 23
dup SNARCH_WALK = # 24
dup QUICK_BOLT_0 = # 25
dup QUICK_BOLT_1 = # 26
dup BALLISTA = # 27
dup SIRPIX_WALK = # 32
dup STEALTH_MOVE = # 33
dup LOCKPICK = # 35
dup KENLUA_WALK = # 36
dup HASTE = # 37
dup DODGE = # 38
dup SLASH = # 39
dup FLINA_WALK = # 40
dup JAVELIN = # 41
dup FLY = # 42
dup GUST = # 43
dup ZAGATUR_WALK = # 48
dup NEEDLE = # 49
dup WRAP = # 50
dup SUMMON = # 51
dup AGDRIS_WALK = # 52
dup PROTECT = # 53
dup SILENCE = # 54
dup MEMENTO = # 55
dup MEWEN_WALK = # 56
dup TELEPORT = # 57
dup PSYCHOCK = # 58
dup IMPRISON = # 59
(Cons WRAP
(Cons FLY
(Cons GUST
let get_skill_area = {skill}
cpy skill = skill
if |skill == 2| then: 1
else: if |skill == 3| then: 1
else: if |skill == 5| then: 1
else: if |skill == 7| then: 2
else: if |skill == 17| then: 2
else: if |skill == 18| then: 1
else: if |skill == 19| then: 6
else: if |skill == 23| then: 1
else: if |skill == 43| then: 1
else: if |skill == 49| then: 1
else: if |skill == 50| then: 1
else: if |skill == 53| then: 2
else: if |skill == 58| then: 1
else: if |skill == 59| then: 1
else: 0
dup get_skill_priority =
dup build_array = (~64 #{state}
get [array, state] = state
get [index, skills] = state
get [skills, skill] = (pop 63 skills)
cpy index = index
let array = (write6 skill index array)
[array, [|index + 1|, skills]])
dup empty_array = (init6 #0)
# {skill}
let array = fst (build_array [empty_array, [0, PRIORITY_LIST]])
snd (take6 skill 0 array)
// ::::::::::
// :: Item ::
// ::::::::::
dup WALL = # 0
dup ROCK = # 1
dup TRAP = # 2
// ::::::::::
// :: Unit ::
// ::::::::::
dup VOID = # 0
dup ITEM = # 1
dup GOAL = # 2
dup HERO = # 3
// Unit getters
dup get_unit_kind = # {unit} ||unit >> 30| & 0b00000011|
dup get_unit_side = # {unit} ||unit >> 28| & 0b00000011|
dup get_unit_type = # {unit} ||unit >> 26| & 0b00000011|
dup get_unit_hero = # {unit} ||unit >> 24| & 0b00001111|
dup get_unit_life = # {unit} ||unit >> 18| & 0b00111111|
dup get_unit_defs = # {unit} ||unit >> 14| & 0b00001111|
dup get_unit_eff1 = # {unit} ||unit >> 12| & 0b00000011|
dup get_unit_lock = # {unit} ||unit >> 10| & 0b00000011|
dup get_unit_mute = # {unit} ||unit >> 8| & 0b00000011|
dup get_unit_spec = # {unit} ||unit >> 0| & 0b11111111|
// Unit setters
dup set_unit_kind = # {kind unit} ||unit & 0b00111111111111111111111111111111| | ||kind & 0b00000011| << 30||
dup set_unit_side = # {side unit} ||unit & 0b11001111111111111111111111111111| | ||side & 0b00000011| << 28||
dup set_unit_type = # {type unit} ||unit & 0b11110011111111111111111111111111| | ||type & 0b00000011| << 26||
dup set_unit_hero = # {hero unit} ||unit & 0b11110000111111111111111111111111| | ||hero & 0b00001111| << 24||
dup set_unit_life = # {life unit} ||unit & 0b11111111000000111111111111111111| | ||life & 0b00111111| << 18||
dup set_unit_defs = # {defs unit} ||unit & 0b11111111111111000011111111111111| | ||defs & 0b00001111| << 14||
dup set_unit_eff1 = # {eff1 unit} ||unit & 0b11111111111111111100111111111111| | ||eff1 & 0b00000011| << 12||
dup set_unit_lock = # {lock unit} ||unit & 0b11111111111111111111001111111111| | ||lock & 0b00000011| << 10||
dup set_unit_mute = # {mute unit} ||unit & 0b11111111111111111111110011111111| | ||mute & 0b00000011| << 8||
dup set_unit_spec = # {spec unit} ||unit & 0b11111111111111111111111100000000| | ||spec & 0b11111111| << 0||
// Unit mappers
dup mut_unit_kind = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_kind (func (get_unit_kind unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_type = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_type (func (get_unit_type unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_side = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_side (func (get_unit_side unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_hero = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_hero (func (get_unit_hero unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_life = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_life (func (get_unit_life unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_defs = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_defs (func (get_unit_defs unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_eff1 = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_eff1 (func (get_unit_eff1 unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_lock = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_lock (func (get_unit_lock unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_mute = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_mute (func (get_unit_mute unit)) unit)
dup mut_unit_spec = # {func unit} cpy unit = unit (set_unit_spec (func (get_unit_spec unit)) unit)
// Unit constructor
dup Unit = # {kind}
cpy kind = kind
cpy unit = 0
if |kind == VOID| then:
let unit = (set_unit_kind VOID unit)
let unit = (set_unit_side BOARD unit)
else: if |kind == ITEM| then: {type}
let unit = (set_unit_kind ITEM unit)
let unit = (set_unit_side BOARD unit)
let unit = (set_unit_type type unit)
else: if |kind == GOAL| then: {side}
let unit = (set_unit_kind GOAL unit)
let unit = (set_unit_side side unit)
else: if |kind == HERO| then: {side hero life defs eff1 lock mute spec}
let unit = (set_unit_kind HERO unit)
let unit = (set_unit_side side unit)
let unit = (set_unit_hero hero unit)
let unit = (set_unit_life life unit)
let unit = (set_unit_defs defs unit)
let unit = (set_unit_eff1 eff1 unit)
let unit = (set_unit_lock lock unit)
let unit = (set_unit_mute mute unit)
let unit = (set_unit_spec spec unit)
// Void constructor
dup Void = #
(Unit VOID)
// Item constructor
dup Item = # {type}
(Unit ITEM type)
// Goal constructor
dup Goal = # {side}
(Unit GOAL side)
// Hero constructor
dup Hero = # {side hero}
cpy hero = hero
(Unit HERO side hero (get_hero_max_life hero) 0 0 0 0 0)
// Unit kind pattern-matching
dup match_unit_kind = # {unit case_void case_item case_goal case_hero}
cpy unit = unit
cpy kind = (get_unit_kind unit)
if |kind == VOID| then:
else: if |kind == ITEM| then:
else: if |kind == GOAL| then:
else: if |kind == HERO| then:
dup unit_to_scott = # {unit}
cpy unit = unit
let case_void = {Void Item Goal Hero}
let case_item = {Void Item Goal Hero}
(Item (get_unit_type unit))
let case_goal = {Void Item Goal Hero}
(Goal (get_unit_side unit))
let case_hero = {Void Item Goal Hero}
(get_unit_side unit)
(get_unit_hero unit)
(get_unit_life unit)
(get_unit_defs unit)
(get_unit_eff1 unit)
(get_unit_lock unit)
(get_unit_mute unit)
(get_unit_spec unit))
(match_unit_kind unit case_void case_item case_goal case_hero)
// Given a unit, returns its icon
dup get_unit_icon = # {unit}
cpy unit = unit
let case_void = (to_chars " .")
let case_item = cpy t = (get_unit_type unit) if |t == WALL| [(to_chars "[]"), if |t == ROCK| [(to_chars "()"), (to_chars " %")]]
let case_goal = (to_chars "<>")
let case_unit = (get_hero_icon (get_unit_hero unit))
(match_unit_kind unit case_void case_item case_goal case_unit)
// Given a unit, returns a readable stats line
dup get_unit_info = # {unit}
cpy unit = unit
let case_void = NilF
let case_item = NilF
let case_goal = NilF
let case_hero =
cpy hero = (get_unit_hero unit)
cpy side = (get_unit_side unit)
cpy life = (get_unit_life unit)
cpy defs = (get_unit_defs unit)
cpy eff1 = (get_unit_eff1 unit)
cpy lock = (get_unit_lock unit)
cpy mute = (get_unit_mute unit)
cpy spec = (get_unit_spec unit)
(concat (get_hero_icon hero) // Hero name
(concat (to_chars " | ")
(concat (ConsF (box_byte (num_to_char ||life / 10| % 10|)) NilF) // life
(concat (ConsF (box_byte (num_to_char ||life / 1| % 10|)) NilF) // life
(concat (to_chars " | ")
(concat (ConsF (box_byte (num_to_char ||defs / 10| % 10|)) NilF) //defs
(concat (ConsF (box_byte (num_to_char ||defs / 1| % 10|)) NilF) //defs
(concat (to_chars " | ")
(concat (if side [(to_chars "black "),(to_chars "white ")])
(concat (if eff1 [(to_chars "(eff1) "), NilF])
(concat (if lock [(to_chars "(lock) "), NilF])
(concat (if mute [(to_chars "(mute) "), NilF])
(concat (if spec [(to_chars "(spec) "), NilF])
(ConsF #10 NilF))))))))))))))
(match_unit_kind unit case_void case_item case_goal case_hero)
dup is_enemy = # {unit_a unit_b} (is_enemy_side (get_unit_side unit_a) (get_unit_side unit_b))
dup is_ally = # {unit_a unit_b} (is_ally_side (get_unit_side unit_a) (get_unit_side unit_b))
// Adds an amount of life to an unit
dup heal = # {add_life unit}
cpy unit = unit
let case_void = unit
let case_item = unit
let case_goal = unit
let case_hero =
cpy add_life = add_life
cpy has_life = (get_unit_life unit)
cpy max_life = (get_hero_max_life (get_unit_hero unit))
cpy new_life = |has_life + add_life|
if |new_life > 2147483648| then: // damage > life
else: if |new_life > max_life| then:
(set_unit_life max_life unit)
(set_unit_life new_life unit)
(match_unit_kind unit case_void case_item case_goal case_hero)
// Removes an amount of life of an unit
dup dmge = # {dmg unit} (heal |0 - dmg| unit)
dup mute = # {trn unit} (mut_unit_mute {mute}|mute + trn| unit)
dup lock = # {trn unit} (mut_unit_lock {lock}|lock + trn| unit)
dup defs = # {def unit} (mut_unit_defs {defs}|defs + def| unit)
dup if_unit = # {comp fun caster target}
cpy caster = caster
cpy target = target
if (comp caster target)
then: (fun caster target)
else: [caster, target]
dup dmge_enemy = # {val} (if_unit is_enemy {caster target}
// Gets caster and target
cpy c_old = caster
cpy t_old = target
// Gets hero and spec info
cpy c_hero = (get_unit_hero c_old)
cpy t_hero = (get_unit_hero t_old)
cpy t_spec = (get_unit_spec t_old)
// Applies armor
cpy dmg = val
cpy def = (get_unit_defs t_old)
cpy t_defs = if |def > dmg| [|def - dmg|, 0]
cpy dmg = if |def > dmg| [0, |dmg - def|]
// Applies DODGE
cpy dmg =
if ||t_hero == KENLUA| & |t_spec == |c_hero + 128|||
then: 0
else: dmg
// Applies damage
cpy t_new = (dmge dmg (set_unit_defs t_defs t_old))
// Applies SHADOW_BOND
cpy c_new =
if |||t_hero == CRONI| & |t_new == Void|| & |t_spec > 0||
then: Void
else: c_old
[c_new, t_new])
dup lock_enemy = # {val} (if_unit is_enemy {caster target} [caster, (lock val target)])
dup mute_enemy = # {val} (if_unit is_enemy {caster target} [caster, (mute val target)])
dup heal_ally = # {val} (if_unit is_ally {caster target} [caster, (heal val target)])
dup defs_ally = # {val} (if_unit is_ally {caster target} [caster, (defs val target)])
// "a" and "b" are side positions. The function checks if they can swap their position, that is, simulate a walk, and returns:
// - The same position: if they can't interact with each other.
// - Inverted position: the elements interacted and one now occupies the position of the other.
dup a_step_to_b = # {a b}
cpy a = a
cpy b = b
let case_a_void = [a, b]
let case_a_item = [a, b]
let case_a_goal = [a, b]
let case_a_hero =
let case_b_void = [b, a]
let case_b_item =
// TODO: don't activate trap if it is from the same team (must add that info on the trap)
if |(get_unit_type b) == TRAP|
then: [Void, (lock 2 a)]
else: [a, b]
let case_b_goal = [a, b]
let case_b_hero =
cpy a_side = (get_unit_side a)
cpy b_side = (get_unit_side b)
if |a_side == b_side|
then: [b, a]
else: [a, b]
(match_unit_kind b case_b_void case_b_item case_b_goal case_b_hero)
(match_unit_kind a case_a_void case_a_item case_a_goal case_a_hero)
// :::::::::::
// :: Board ::
// :::::::::::
dup new_board = #
let O = Void
let W = (Item WALL)
let a = (Hero WHITE GONK)
let b = (Hero WHITE ERKOS)
let c = (Hero WHITE KENLUA)
let d = (Hero WHITE MEWEM)
let x = (Goal WHITE)
let e = (Hero BLACK TOPHORO)
let f = (Hero BLACK CRONI)
let g = (Hero BLACK FLINA)
let h = (Hero BLACK STANCI)
let y = (Goal BLACK)
let r00 = [[[[W,W],[W,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[h,W],[W,W]]]]
let r01 = [[[[W,W],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,g],[y,W]]]]
let r02 = [[[[W,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[f,W]]]]
let r03 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,e]]]]
let r04 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r05 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r06 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r07 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r08 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r09 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r10 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r11 = [[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r12 = [[[[a,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]]]
let r13 = [[[[W,b],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[O,W]]]]
let r14 = [[[[W,x],[c,O]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,O],[W,W]]]]
let r15 = [[[[W,W],[W,d]],[[O,O],[O,O]]],[[[O,O],[O,O]],[[O,W],[W,W]]]]
// Converts a 16x16 position to an index up to 256.
dup board_index = # {pos}
get [x,y] = pos
cpy x = x
cpy y = y
cpy o = ||x > 15| | |y > 15||
let x = if o [0, x]
let y = if o [0, y]
||y * 16| + x|
// Converts an index up to 256 to a 16x16 position.
dup board_position = # {idx}
cpy idx = idx
[|idx % 16|, |idx / 16|]
dup board_interact = # {a_pos b_pos}
cpy a_idx = (board_index a_pos)
cpy b_idx = (board_index b_pos)
if |a_idx == b_idx|
then: {fun board}
get [board,b_val] = (take8 b_idx Void board)
cpy b_val = b_val
get [a_val,b_val] = (fun b_val b_val)
let board = (write8 b_idx b_val board)
else: {fun board}
get [board,a_val] = (take8 a_idx Void board)
get [board,b_val] = (take8 b_idx Void board)
get [a_val,b_val] = (fun a_val b_val)
let board = (write8 a_idx a_val board)
let board = (write8 b_idx b_val board)
dup board_swap = # {a_pos b_pos board}
(board_interact a_pos b_pos {a b}[b,a] board)
// Apply a function to a board unit
dup board_update = # {pos fun board}
(update8 (board_index pos) fun board)
dup print_board =
let NEWLINE = 10
let SPACE = 32
let break_lines = {list Cons}
dup Cons = Cons
dup fold = (list #{x xs i}
cpy i = i
(if |i == 0| then:
{list} (Cons NEWLINE list)
else: if ||i % 32| == 0| then:
{list} (Cons SPACE (Cons (num_to_char ||i - 1| / 32|) (Cons NEWLINE list)))
{list} list
(Cons x (xs |i + 1|))))
# {Nil} (fold {i}(Cons SPACE (Cons (num_to_char 15) Nil)) 0)
let fold_node = {lft rgt}
get [lft_info, lft_board] = lft
get [rgt_info, rgt_board] = rgt
[(concat lft_info rgt_info), (concat lft_board rgt_board)]
let fold_leaf = {unit}
cpy unit = unit
[(get_unit_info unit), (get_unit_icon unit)]
dup fold = (fold8 #fold_node #fold_leaf)
# {board}
get [info_text, board_text] = (fold board)
(concat (ConsF NEWLINE NilF)
(concat (to_chars " 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 a b c d e f")
(concat (break_lines board_text)
(concat (ConsF NEWLINE NilF)
(concat (to_chars "HR | HP | DF |")
(concat (ConsF NEWLINE NilF)
(concat (to_chars "-- | -- | -- |")
(concat (ConsF NEWLINE NilF)
(concat info_text
(ConsF NEWLINE NilF)))))))))))
// get_hero_position
// | Returns the position of a hero on the board, if any
// | TODO: board should remember hero positions to avoid searching
// : {hero : HeroID} ->
// {board : (Array ~8 Unitt)} ->
// [(Array ~8 Unit), (Maybe [Num,Num])]
dup get_hero_position =
let fold_node = {lft rgt her idx}
cpy idx = idx
cpy her = her
get [lft_board, lft_pos] = (lft her |idx * 2|)
get [rgt_board, rgt_pos] = (rgt her ||idx * 2| + 1|)
[[lft_board, rgt_board], (maybe_concat lft_pos rgt_pos)]
let fold_leaf = {unit her idx}
cpy unit = unit
if ||(get_unit_kind unit) == HERO| & |(get_unit_hero unit) == her||
then: [unit, (Just (board_position idx))]
else: [unit, None]
dup find = (fold8 #fold_node #fold_leaf)
# {hero board}
(find board hero 0)
dup query_at = # {pos func board}
let cpy_app_func = {unit}
cpy unit = unit
[unit, (func unit)]
(with8 (board_index pos) cpy_app_func board)
dup get_at = # {pos board}
(query_at pos {x}x board)
dup is_void_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos {unit}|(get_unit_kind unit) == VOID| board)
dup is_item_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos {unit}|(get_unit_kind unit) == WALL| board)
dup is_goal_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos {unit}|(get_unit_kind unit) == GOAL| board)
dup is_hero_at = # {pos hero board} (query_at pos ({unit} cpy unit = unit ||(get_unit_kind unit) == HERO| & |(get_unit_hero unit) == hero||) board)
dup get_lock_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos get_unit_lock board)
dup get_mute_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos get_unit_mute board)
dup get_side_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos get_unit_side board)
dup get_life_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos get_unit_life board)
dup get_defs_at = # {pos board} (query_at pos get_unit_defs board)
dup comp_side = # {comp a_pos b_pos board}
get [board, a_side] = (get_side_at a_pos board)
get [board, b_side] = (get_side_at b_pos board)
[board, (comp a_side b_side)]
dup are_enemies_at = # (comp_side {a b}|a == b|)
dup are_allies_at = # (comp_side {a b}|a == b|)
// :::::::::::::
// :: Effects ::
// :::::::::::::
// Given a position and a direction to step forward, move the element (if is possible) and return the updated map
dup step = # {a_pos a_dxy board}
get [a_pos0,a_pos1] = (vec2_cpy a_pos)
let b_pos = (vec2_add a_pos0 a_dxy)
(board_interact a_pos1 b_pos a_step_to_b board)
// cast_area
// : {-P : Type}
// {range : Num}
// {area : Area}
// {hits : {cpos : [Num,Num]} {hpos : [Num,Num]} {state : P} P}
// ! {pos : [Num,Num]}
// {dirs : (SList [Num,Num])}
// {state : P}
// P
let cast_area = {range area hits}
dup range = range
dup hits = hits
dup exec = (area #{hpos state}
get [state, cpos] = state
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
get [hpos0, hpos1] = (vec2_cpy hpos)
let new_state = (hits cpos0 hpos0 state)
[new_state, cpos1])
# {cpos tpos}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
get [tpos0, tpos1] = (vec2_cpy tpos)
if |(vec2_flat_dist cpos0 tpos0) < |range + 1||
then: {state} (fst (exec tpos1 [state, cpos1]))
else: {state} state
// cast_wave
// : {-P : Type}
// {area : Area}
// {hits : {cpos : [Num,Num]} {tpos : [Num,Num]} {dir : [Num,Num]} {state : P} P}
// ! {pos : [Num,Num]}
// {dir : [Num,Num]}
// {state : P}
// P
let cast_wave = {area hits}
dup hits = hits
dup exec = (area #{hpos_dir state}
get [hpos, dir] = hpos_dir
get [state, cpos] = state
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
get [hpos0, hpos1] = (vec2_cpy hpos)
let new_state = (hits cpos0 hpos0 dir state)
[new_state, cpos1])
# {pos dir state}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy pos)
get [state, cpos] = (exec cpos0 dir [state, cpos1])
// Walks through a set of directions
let walk = {range}
let rang = range
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = {cpos tpos board}
let effect = {caster target}
cpy caster = caster
cpy target = target
cpy c_lock = (get_unit_lock caster)
cpy c_hero = (get_unit_hero caster)
cpy c_spec = (get_unit_spec caster)
cpy locked = |c_lock | ||c_hero == SNARCH| & |c_spec > 0|||
if locked
then: [caster, target]
else: (a_step_to_b caster target)
(board_interact cpos tpos effect board)
(cast_area rang area #hits)
// == Tophoro ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup tophoro_walk = (walk #3)
dup earth_root = (cast_area #0 vec2_range_0 # {cpos tpos board}
(board_update cpos {unit}(heal 20 (mute 3 (lock 3 unit))) board))
dup earth_rise =
let rang = #2
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = #{cpos tpos board}
let effect = {caster target}
get [caster, target] = (dmge_enemy 2 caster target)
get [caster, target] = (mute_enemy 1 caster target)
[caster, target]
(board_interact cpos tpos effect board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup earth_wall =
let rang = #2
let area = vec2_range_1
let wall = {unit}
cpy unit = unit
if |(get_unit_kind unit) == VOID|
then: (Item ROCK)
else: unit
let hits = {cpos tpos board}
(board_update tpos wall board)
(cast_area #2 area #hits)
let test_earth_root =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_update [0xf,0x3] (dmge 50) board)
let board = (earth_root [0xf,0x3] [0xf,0x3] board)
(print_board board)
let test_earth_rise =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x3,0xf] [0xf,0x5] board)
let board = (earth_rise [0xf,0x3] [0xf,0x4] board)
(print_board board)
let test_earth_wall =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x3,0xf] [0xf,0x5] board)
let board = (earth_wall [0xf,0x3] [0xe,0x4] board)
(print_board board)
// == Gonk ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~
dup gonk_walk = (walk #3)
dup empathy =
let rang = #1
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = #{cpos tpos board} (board_interact cpos tpos (defs_ally 8) board)
dup cast = (cast_area rang area hits)
# {cpos tpos board}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
let board = (board_update cpos0 (dmge 4) board)
(cast cpos1 tpos board)
dup revenge =
let rang = #1
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = #{cpos tpos board}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
get [board, life] = (get_life_at cpos0 board)
let effect = (dmge_enemy ||40 - life| / 4|)
(board_interact cpos1 tpos effect board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup ground_slam =
let rang = #0
let area = vec2_range_2
let hits = #{cpos tpos board}
get [tpos0, tpos1] = (vec2_cpy tpos)
let effect = {caster target}
get [caster, target] = (dmge_enemy 2 caster target)
get [caster, target] = (mute_enemy 1 caster target)
[caster, target]
(board_interact cpos tpos1 effect board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
let test_empathy =
let board = new_board
let board = (gonk_walk [0x0,0xc] [0x2,0xc] board)
let board = (board_swap [0xf,0x3] [0x5,0xe] board)
let board = (empathy [0x2,0xc] [0x2,0xd] board)
let board = (earth_rise [0x5,0xe] [0x3,0xe] board)
let board = (earth_rise [0x5,0xe] [0x3,0xe] board)
let board = (earth_rise [0x5,0xe] [0x3,0xe] board)
(print_board board)
let test_revenge =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x0,0xc] [0xf,0x4] board)
let board = (board_update [0xf,0x4] (dmge 32) board)
let board = (revenge [0xF,0x4] [0xF,0x3] board)
(print_board board)
let test_ground_slam =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x0,0xc] [0xe,0x3] board)
let board = (ground_slam [0xe,0x3] [0xe,0x3] board)
(print_board board)
// == Stanci ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup stanci_walk = (walk #3)
dup restore =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = #{cpos hpos board} (board_interact cpos hpos (heal_ally 3) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup escort =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = #{cpos hpos board} (board_interact cpos hpos (defs_ally 3) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup detain =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = #{cpos hpos board} (board_interact cpos hpos (mute_enemy 1) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
let test_restore =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_update [0xe,0x2] (dmge 10) board)
let board = (restore [0xd,0x1] [0xe,0x2] board)
(print_board board)
let test_escort =
let board = new_board
let board = (escort [0xd,0x1] [0xe,0x2] board)
(print_board board)
let test_detain =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x0,0xc] [0xc,0x2] board)
let board = (detain [0xd,0x1] [0xc,0x2] board)
(print_board board)
// == Erkos ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
dup erkos_walk = (walk #3)
dup flame_ball =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_2
let hits = # {cpos hpos board} (board_interact cpos hpos (dmge_enemy 3) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup flame_wave =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = # {cpos hpos board} (board_interact cpos hpos (dmge_enemy 5) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup flame_nova =
let rang = #0
let area = vec2_range_6
let hits = #{cpos hpos board} (board_interact cpos hpos (dmge_enemy 15) board)
dup cast = (cast_area rang area hits)
# {cpos tpos board}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
let board = (board_update cpos0 (dmge 30) board)
(cast cpos1 tpos board)
let test_flame_ball =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x1,0xd] [0xd,0x5] board)
let board = (flame_ball [0xd,0x5] [0xd,0x3] board)
(print_board board)
let test_flame_wave =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x1,0xd] [0xd,0x5] board)
let board = (flame_wave [0xd,0x5] [0xd,0x2] board)
(print_board board)
let test_flame_nova =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x1,0xd] [0xd,0x5] board)
let board = (flame_nova [0xd,0x5] 12 board)
(print_board board)
// == Croni ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
dup croni_walk = (walk #3)
dup shadow_bond = # {pos nil board}
let bind = {unit}
let unit = (dmge 3 unit)
let unit = (set_unit_spec 1 unit)
(board_update pos bind board)
dup shadow_trap =
let rang = #8
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = #{cpos hpos board}
let put_trap = {unit}
cpy unit = unit
if |(get_unit_kind unit) == VOID|
then: (Item TRAP)
else: unit
(board_update hpos put_trap board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup shadow_flux =
let rang = #8
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = #{cpos tpos board} (board_interact cpos tpos (dmge_enemy 8) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
let test_shadow_trap =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0xe,0x2] [0xa,0xd] board)
let board = (shadow_trap [0xa,0xd] [0x2,0xd] board)
let board = (erkos_walk [0x1,0xd] [0x2,0xd] board)
(print_board board)
let test_shadow_bond =
let board = new_board
let board = (shadow_bond [0xe,0x2] [0,0] board)
let board = (board_swap [0x1,0xd] [0xe,0x3] board)
let board = (board_update [0xe,0x2] (dmge 16) board)
let board = (flame_wave [0xe,0x3] [0xe,0x2] board)
(print_board board)
// == Snarch ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup snarch_walk = (walk #3)
dup ballista = # {pos nil board}
let mount = {unit}
cpy unit = unit
let spec = (get_unit_spec unit)
let unit = (mut_unit_lock {x}|x + 1| unit)
let unit = (mut_unit_mute {x}|x + 1| unit)
let unit = (set_unit_spec |1 - spec| unit)
(board_update pos mount board)
dup quick_bolt_0 =
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = #{cpos hpos} (board_interact cpos hpos (dmge_enemy 2))
let rngX = {rng} (cast_area rng area hits)
dup rngA = (rngX #6)
dup rngB = (rngX #12)
# {cpos hpos board}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
get [board, mounted] = (query_at cpos0 get_unit_spec board)
(if mounted [rngB, rngA] cpos1 hpos board)
dup quick_bolt_1 = # quick_bolt_0
let test_quick_bolt_0 =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0xd,0x4]) (Hero BLACK SNARCH) board)
let board = (quick_bolt_0 [0xd,0x4] [0xd,0x1] board)
(print_board board)
let test_ballista =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0xd,0xd]) (Hero WHITE SNARCH) board)
let board = (ballista [0xd,0xd] 0 board)
let board = (board_update [0xd,0xd] (set_unit_lock 0) board)
let board = (board_update [0xd,0xd] (set_unit_mute 0) board)
let board = (quick_bolt_0 [0xd,0xd] [0xd,0x1] board)
let board = (snarch_walk [0xd,0xd] [0xd,0xe] board)
(print_board board)
// == Sirpix ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup sirpix_walk = (walk #3)
dup stealth_move = # {cpos tpos board}
get [cx, cy] = cpos
get [tx, ty] = tpos
cpy cx = cx
cpy cy = cy
cpy tx = tx
cpy ty = ty
get [board, spec] = (query_at [cx,cy] get_unit_spec board)
cpy spec = spec
cpy spec = if |spec == 0| [||cy << 4| | cx|, spec]
cpy sx = ||spec >> 0| & 0b1111|
cpy sy = ||spec >> 4| & 0b1111|
(if |(vec2_flat_dist [sx,sy] [tx,ty]) < |4 + 1||
then: {board} (board_update [cx,cy] (set_unit_spec ||ty << 4| | tx|) board)
else: {board} board
dup stealth_strike =
let rang = #0
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = {cpos hpos} (board_interact cpos hpos (dmge_enemy 3))
let cast = (cast_area rang area hits)
# {cpos nil board}
get [cx, cy] = cpos
cpy cx = cx
cpy cy = cy
get [board, spec] = (query_at [cx,cy] get_unit_spec board)
cpy spec = spec
cpy spec = if |spec == 0| [||cy << 4| | cx|, spec]
cpy sx = ||spec >> 0| & 0b1111|
cpy sy = ||spec >> 4| & 0b1111|
get [board, void] = (is_void_at [sx,sy] board)
(if void
then: {board}
let board = (board_update [cx,cy] (set_unit_spec ||cy << 4| | cx|) board)
let board = (board_swap [cx,cy] [sx,sy] board)
let board = (cast [sx,sy] [sx,sy] board)
else: {board}
dup lockpick = # {cpos nil board}
let test_stealth =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0xd,0xd]) (Hero BLACK SIRPIX) board)
let board = (stealth_move [0xd,0xd] [0xd,0x9] board)
let board = (stealth_move [0xd,0xd] [0xd,0x5] board)
let board = (stealth_move [0xd,0xd] [0xd,0x2] board)
let board = (stealth_strike [0xd,0xd] 0 board)
(print_board board)
// == Kenlua ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup kenlua_walk = (walk #3)
dup haste =
let rang = #0
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = # {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (dmge_enemy 4))
dup strike = (cast_area rang area hits)
# {cpos tpos board}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
get [tposA, tposB] = (vec2_cpy tpos)
get [tpos0, tpos1] = (vec2_cpy tposA)
get [tpos2, tpos3] = (vec2_cpy tposB)
get [board, void] = (is_void_at tpos0 board)
(if void
then: {board}
let board = (board_update cpos0 (dmge 2) board)
let board = (board_swap cpos1 tpos1 board)
let board = (strike tpos2 tpos3 board)
else: {board}
dup dodge =
let rang = #32
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = #{cpos tpos board}
let effect = {caster target}
cpy caster = caster
cpy target = target
let caster = if |(get_unit_kind target) == HERO|
then: (set_unit_spec |(get_unit_hero target) + 128| caster)
else: caster
[caster, target]
(board_interact cpos tpos effect board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup slash =
let rang = #1
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = # {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (dmge_enemy 12))
(cast_area rang area hits)
let test_haste =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0xd,0x8]) (Hero WHITE KENLUA) board)
let board = (kenlua_walk [0xd,0x8] [0xd,0x5] board)
let board = (haste [0xd,0x5] [0xd,0x2] board)
(print_board board)
let test_dodge =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0xf,0x3] [0x4,0xe] board)
let board = (board_swap [0xe,0x2] [0x6,0xe] board)
let board = (dodge [0x2,0xe] [0x4,0xe] board)
let board = (earth_rise [0x4,0xe] [0x2,0xe] board)
let board = (shadow_flux [0x6,0xe] [0x2,0xe] board)
(print_board board)
let test_slash =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0xe,0x3]) (Hero WHITE KENLUA) board)
let board = (board_update [0xe,0x3] (dmge 20) board)
let board = (slash [0xe,0x3] [0xf,0x3] board)
(print_board board)
// == Flina ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
dup flina_walk = (walk #3)
dup javelin =
let rang = #2
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (dmge_enemy 4))
(cast_area rang area #hits)
dup fly =
let rang = #3
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos a_step_to_b)
(cast_area rang area #hits)
dup gust =
let rang = #2
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = # {cpos hpos board} (board_interact cpos hpos (dmge_enemy 3) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
let test_javelin =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x1,0xd] [0xa,0x0] board)
let board = (javelin [0xc,0x0] [0xa,0x0] board)
(print_board board)
let test_fly =
let board = new_board
let board = (board_swap [0x0,0xc] [0xa,0x2] board)
let board = (fly [0xc,0x0] [0xa,0x2] board)
(print_board board)
// == Zagatur ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup zagatur_walk = (walk #0)
dup wrap =
let rang = #0
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = #{cpos tpos board} (board_interact cpos tpos (lock_enemy 1) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup needle =
let rang = #0
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = # {cpos tpos board} (board_interact cpos tpos (dmge_enemy 3) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup summon =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = {cpos tpos board}
let effect = {caster target}
cpy caster = caster
cpy target = target
let target = if |(get_unit_kind target) == VOID|
then: (Hero (get_unit_side caster) ZAGATUR)
else: target
[caster, target]
(board_interact cpos tpos effect board)
(cast_area #2 vec2_range_0 #hits)
let test_summon =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0x3,0xe]) (Hero BLACK ZAGATUR) board)
let board = (summon [0x3,0xe] [0x5,0xe] board)
let board = (needle [0x3,0xe] [0x3,0xe] board)
let board = (wrap [0x3,0xe] [0x3,0xe] board)
(print_board board)
// == Agdris ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup agdris_walk = (walk #1)
dup silence =
let rang = #32
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (mute_enemy 1))
(cast_area rang area #hits)
dup protect =
let rang = #32
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (defs_ally 3))
(cast_area rang area #hits)
dup memento =
let rang = #32
let area = vec2_range_2
let hit0 = # {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (mute_enemy 1))
let hit1 = # {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (lock_enemy 1))
let hit2 = # {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (dmge_enemy 2))
let hit3 = # {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (defs_ally 2))
let hit4 = # {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos (heal_ally 2))
dup eff0 = (cast_area rang area hit0)
dup eff1 = (cast_area rang area hit1)
dup eff2 = (cast_area rang area hit2)
dup eff3 = (cast_area rang area hit3)
dup eff4 = (cast_area rang area hit4)
# {cpos tpos board}
get [cx, cy] = cpos
get [tx, ty] = tpos
cpy cx = cx
cpy cy = cy
cpy tx = tx
cpy ty = ty
let board = (eff0 [cx,cy] [tx,ty] board)
let board = (eff1 [cx,cy] [tx,ty] board)
let board = (eff2 [cx,cy] [tx,ty] board)
let board = (eff3 [cx,cy] [tx,ty] board)
let board = (eff4 [cx,cy] [tx,ty] board)
let board = (board_update [cx,cy] (dmge 63) board)
let test_silence =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0x2,0xd]) (Hero WHITE AGDRIS) board)
let board = (silence [0x2,0xd] [0xc,0x0] board)
(print_board board)
let test_protect =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0x2,0xd]) (Hero WHITE AGDRIS) board)
let board = (protect [0x2,0xd] [0x0,0xc] board)
(print_board board)
let test_memento =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0x2,0xd]) (Hero WHITE AGDRIS) board)
let board = (board_swap [0xe,0x2] [0x3,0xd] board)
let board = (board_swap [0xd,0x1] [0x2,0xc] board)
let board = (memento [0x2,0xd] [0x2,0xd] board)
(print_board board)
// == Mewem ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~
dup mewem_walk = (walk #0)
dup teleport =
let rang = #32
let area = vec2_range_0
let hits = {cpos tpos} (board_interact cpos tpos a_step_to_b)
(cast_area rang area #hits)
dup psychock =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = #{cpos tpos board} (board_interact cpos tpos (dmge_enemy 6) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
dup imprison =
let rang = #4
let area = vec2_range_1
let hits = #{cpos tpos board} (board_interact cpos tpos (lock_enemy 2) board)
(cast_area rang area hits)
// == That's all! ==
// ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
dup get_skill_effect = # {skill}
let to = [[tophoro_walk , earth_root] , [earth_wall , earth_rise]]
let go = [[gonk_walk , ground_slam] , [revenge , empathy]]
let st = [[stanci_walk , restore] , [escort , detain]]
let h3 = 0
let er = [[erkos_walk , flame_ball] , [flame_wave , flame_nova]]
let cr = [[croni_walk , shadow_bond] , [shadow_trap , shadow_flux]]
let sn = [[snarch_walk , quick_bolt_0] , [quick_bolt_1 , ballista]]
let h7 = 0
let si = [[sirpix_walk , stealth_move] , [stealth_strike , lockpick]]
let ke = [[kenlua_walk , haste] , [dodge , slash]]
let fl = [[flina_walk , javelin] , [fly , gust]]
let hB = 0
let za = [[zagatur_walk , needle] , [wrap , summon]]
let ag = [[agdris_walk , protect] , [silence , memento]]
let me = [[mewem_walk , teleport] , [psychock , imprison]]
let hF = 0
let r0 = [[[to,go],[st,h3]],[[er,cr],[sn,h7]]]
let r1 = [[[si,ke],[fl,hB]],[[za,ag],[me,hF]]]
(snd (take6 skill 0 [r0, r1]))
// :::::::::::
// :: Casts ::
// :::::::::::
// empty_cast
dup empty_cast = # Nil
let sort_casts = {casts} {Cons}
dup Cons = Cons
dup arr = (init6 #{Nil} Nil)
let loop = {cast arr}
get [id, name] = cast
cpy id = id
let priority = (get_skill_priority id)
let append = {cont} {k} (Cons [id, name] (cont k))
(update6 priority append arr)
dup rec = (casts #loop)
dup arr = # (rec arr)
dup fold = (fold6 #{arr1 arr2} {Nil} (arr1 (arr2 Nil)) #{x} x)
#(fold arr)
let cast = {cast board}
get [skill, argm] = cast
cpy skill = skill
let hero = |skill / 4|
get [board, cpos] = (get_hero_position hero board)
let case_cpos_none = {board}
let case_cpos_just = {cpos} {board}
get [cpos0, cpos1] = (vec2_cpy cpos)
get [board, unit] = (get_at cpos0 board)
let is_muted = (get_unit_mute unit)
(if is_muted
then: {cpos board} board
else: {cpos board}
let effect = (get_skill_effect skill)
let board = (effect cpos argm board)
cpos1 board)
(cpos case_cpos_none case_cpos_just board)
let test_muted_cast =
let board = new_board
let board = (write8 (board_index [0x2,0xd]) (Hero WHITE AGDRIS) board)
let board = (cast [SILENCE,[0xc,0x0]] board)
let board = (board_update [0xd,0x1] (dmge 8) board)
let board = (cast [RESTORE,[0xd,0x1]] board)
(print_board board)
// TODO: create end_turn function
dup end_turn =
let fold_node = {lft rgt}
[lft, rgt]
let fold_leaf = {unit}
cpy unit = unit
let case_void =
let case_item =
cpy item = (get_unit_type unit)
if |item == ROCK| then:
else: if |item == TRAP| then:
let case_goal =
let case_hero =
cpy lock = (get_unit_lock unit)
cpy mute = (get_unit_mute unit)
cpy hero = (get_unit_hero unit)
cpy spec = (get_unit_spec unit)
let lock = if |lock > 0| [|lock - 1|, lock]
let mute = if |mute > 0| [|mute - 1|, mute]
let defs = 0
let spec = if ||hero == KENLUA| & |spec > 0|| [0, spec] // remove DODGE
let spec = if ||hero == CRONI| & |spec > 0|| [0, spec] // remove SHADOW_BOND
let unit = (set_unit_lock lock unit)
let unit = (set_unit_mute mute unit)
let unit = (set_unit_defs defs unit)
let unit = (set_unit_spec spec unit)
(match_unit_kind unit case_void case_item case_goal case_hero)
(fold8 #fold_node #fold_leaf)
let test_end_turn =
let board = new_board
let board = (cast [EARTH_WALL,[0xf,0x4]] board)
let board = (cast [SHADOW_BOND,[0xe,0x2]] board)
let board = (board_update [0x0,0xc] (lock 1) board)
let board = (end_turn board)
(print_board board)
dup exports =
# exports
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