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Created October 6, 2023 23:25
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import Foundation
public protocol Logger: AnyObject {
static func info(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString)
static func event(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString)
static func error(_ message: String, file: StaticString, function: StaticString)
final class Sentinel: Logger {
static func info(
_ message: String,
file: StaticString = #file,
function: StaticString = #function
) {
log(level: "ℹ️", message: message, file: file, function: function)
static func event(
_ message: String,
file: StaticString = #file,
function: StaticString = #function
) {
log(level: "📝", message: message, file: file, function: function)
static func error(
_ message: String,
file: StaticString = #file,
function: StaticString = #function
) {
log(level: "😱", message: message, file: file, function: function)
// swiftlint:disable print_function_usage
private static func log(
level: String,
message: String = "",
file: StaticString = #file,
function: StaticString = #function
) {
let fileName = (String(describing: file) as NSString).lastPathComponent
print("[\(level)] \(fileName) - \(function) -> \(message)")
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