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Last active July 24, 2020 04:20
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Villager v2 debug NBT (Bedrock Edition)
Armor: [{
Count: 0b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "",
WasPickedUp: 0b
}, {
Count: 0b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "",
WasPickedUp: 0b
}, {
Count: 0b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "",
WasPickedUp: 0b
}, {
Count: 0b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "",
WasPickedUp: 0b
AttackTime: 0 s,
Attributes: [{
Base: 0 f,
Current: 0 f,
Max: 1024 f,
Name: "minecraft:luck"
}, {
Base: 20 f,
Current: 20 f,
Max: 20 f,
Name: "minecraft:health"
}, {
Base: 0 f,
Current: 0 f,
Max: 16 f,
Name: "minecraft:absorption"
}, {
Base: 0 f,
Current: 0 f,
Max: 1 f,
Name: "minecraft:knockback_resistance"
}, {
Base: 0.5 f,
Current: 0.5 f,
Max: 3.40282e+38 f,
Name: "minecraft:movement"
}, {
Base: 0.02 f,
Current: 0.02 f,
Max: 3.40282e+38 f,
Name: "minecraft:underwater_movement"
}, {
Base: 0.02 f,
Current: 0.02 f,
Max: 3.40282e+38 f,
Name: "minecraft:lava_movement"
}, {
Base: 16 f,
Current: 16 f,
Max: 2048 f,
Name: "minecraft:follow_range"
BodyRot: 108.281 f,
Chested: 0b,
Color: 0b,
Color2: 0b,
Dead: 0b,
DeathTime: 0 s,
FallDistance: 0 f,
Fire: 0 s,
HighTierCuredDiscount: 0,
HurtTime: 0 s,
Invulnerable: 0b,
IsAngry: 0b,
IsAutonomous: 0b,
IsBaby: 0b,
IsEating: 0b,
IsGliding: 0b,
IsGlobal: 0b,
IsIllagerCaptain: 0b,
IsOrphaned: 0b,
IsPregnant: 0b,
IsRoaring: 0b,
IsScared: 0b,
IsStunned: 0b,
IsSwimming: 0b,
IsTamed: 0b,
IsTrusting: 0b,
LastDimensionId: 0,
LeasherID: -1 l,
LootDropped: 0b,
LowTierCuredDiscount: 0,
Mainhand: [{
Count: 0b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "",
WasPickedUp: 0b
MarkVariant: 0,
NaturalSpawn: 0b,
NearbyCuredDiscount: 0,
NearbyCuredDiscountTimeStamp: 0,
Offers: {
Recipes: [{
buyA: {
Count: 24 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:paper",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 24,
buyCountB: 0,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 16,
priceMultiplierA: 0.05 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
tier: 0,
traderExp: 2,
uses: 0
}, {
buyA: {
Count: 7 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 7,
buyCountB: 0,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 12,
priceMultiplierA: 0.05 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "minecraft:emptymap",
WasPickedUp: 0b
tier: 0,
traderExp: 1,
uses: 0
}, {
buyA: {
Block: {
name: "minecraft:glass_pane",
states: {},
version: 17825806
Count: 11 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:glass_pane",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 11,
buyCountB: 0,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 16,
priceMultiplierA: 0.05 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
tier: 1,
traderExp: 10,
uses: 0
}, {
buyA: {
Count: 13 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyB: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:compass",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 13,
buyCountB: 1,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 12,
priceMultiplierA: 0.2 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0.2 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 3 s,
Name: "minecraft:map",
WasPickedUp: 0b,
tag: {
map_display_players: 1 b,
map_uuid: -47244640242 l
tier: 1,
traderExp: 5,
uses: 0
}, {
buyA: {
Count: 14 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyB: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:compass",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 14,
buyCountB: 1,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 12,
priceMultiplierA: 0.2 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0.2 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 4 s,
Name: "minecraft:map",
WasPickedUp: 0b,
tag: {
map_display_players: 1 b,
map_uuid: -47244640237 l
tier: 2,
traderExp: 10,
uses: 0
}, {
buyA: {
Count: 7 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 7,
buyCountB: 0,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 12,
priceMultiplierA: 0.05 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "minecraft:frame",
WasPickedUp: 0b
tier: 3,
traderExp: 15,
uses: 0
}, {
buyA: {
Count: 3 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 3,
buyCountB: 0,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 12,
priceMultiplierA: 0.05 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 8 s,
Name: "minecraft:banner",
WasPickedUp: 0b
tier: 3,
traderExp: 15,
uses: 0
}, {
buyA: {
Count: 2 b,
Damage: 32767 s,
Name: "minecraft:emerald",
WasPickedUp: 0b
buyCountA: 2,
buyCountB: 0,
demand: 0,
maxUses: 12,
priceMultiplierA: 0.05 f,
priceMultiplierB: 0 f,
rewardExp: 1 b,
sell: {
Count: 1 b,
Damage: 5 s,
Name: "minecraft:banner_pattern",
WasPickedUp: 0b
tier: 4,
traderExp: 30,
uses: 0
TierExpRequirements: [{
0: 0
}, {
1: 10
}, {
2: 70
}, {
3: 150
}, {
4: 250
Offhand: [{
Count: 0b,
Damage: 0 s,
Name: "",
WasPickedUp: 0b
OnGround: 1 b,
OwnerNew: -1 l,
Persistent: 1 b,
PortalCooldown: 0,
Pos: [144.5 f, 69 f, 2.5 f],
Riches: 0,
Rotation: [120.938 f, 1.40625 f],
Saddled: 0b,
Sheared: 0b,
ShowBottom: 0b,
Sitting: 0b,
SkinID: 4,
Strength: 0,
StrengthMax: 0,
Surface: 0b,
TargetID: -1 l,
TradeExperience: 0,
TradeTier: 0,
UniqueID: -47244640245 l,
Variant: 6,
Willing: 0b,
boundX: 0,
boundY: 0,
boundZ: 0,
canPickupItems: 0b,
definitions: ["+minecraft:villager_v2"],
hasBoundOrigin: 0b,
hasSetCanPickupItems: 1 b,
identifier: "minecraft:villager_v2",
limitedLife: -1
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