- If Termux is closed in the background by Android, the cron service will stop updating your repository and you must open Termux again. Refer to instructions for your device model to disable the killing of certain background applications.
- This may negatively affect your devices battery life. I'm not entirely sure yet.
- Install Termux – Apps on Google Play
- Open Termux, run
. Press the ↓ button and press spacebar to tick all repositories, then press enter to move to the next screen - Press ↓, then spacebar to tick the "Mirrors hosted by Albatross", press enter
- Run
pkg install git -y
- Run
- Run
cd storage/shared
(If you get permissions issues, refer to this page) - Run
git config --global credential.helper store
- Run
git config --global user.email "<your_email>"
- Run
git config --global user.name "<The name you want on your commits>"
- Run
git config --global pull.rebase true
- Run
git clone <your repository>
and enter your login when prompted. You may need to create a personal access token if you're using GitHub. - Install and open Obsidian
- Click "Open folder as vault", click on your phone name at the top to navigate to the top directory, and click on your git repository name. Then click "use this folder"
- With this setup so far, you will need to manually go into the folder in Termux and type
git pull
. If you'd like to create shortcuts to do this on your homescreen, see this guide
- Run
pkg install cronie termux-services
- Restart Termux by typing
. - Run
sv-enable crond
- Run
crontab -e
and enter*/30 * * * * ~/sync_repo.sh
(This syncs every 30 minutes) - Click the CTRL button, and type
. Typey
and enter. - Type
nano sync_repo.sh
and enter:
cd ~/storage/shared/<your repository name>
git add .
git commit -m "Android Sync $(date)"
git pull
git push
(This is a very basic sync and will not handle things like merge conflicts)
- Click the CTRL button, and type
. Typey
and enter. - Run
chmod +x sync_repo.sh
- Test your script by running it like so
Assuming Android doesn't kill the background service, it will now sync Obsidian automatically.
@DovieW thanks, that helps a lot. obviously, my git knowledge wasn't the best here. Concerning the .obsidian subfolder, I was assuming that that was device/client-specific, hence, I wanted to ignore it. But I'm gonna use only those you listed in your repo thanks