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Last active August 29, 2015 14:13
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Pairs example written in Erlang (see Haskell version as well) #erlang
%% Counting characters in strings
%% Count number of occurences of C in X.
count_char_in_string(C, X) -> length([Ch || Ch <- X,
Ch == C]).
%% Return a list containing the count of each character in Chars for a single name.
count_chars(_, []) ->
count_chars([], _) ->
count_chars(Chars, Str) ->
[count_char_in_string(string:to_upper(C), string:to_upper(Str)) || C <- Chars].
%% Count how many occurences of each character in Ch is for every name in the list.
count(_, []) ->
count(Ch, [H|T]) ->
[count_chars(Ch, H)] ++ count(Ch, T).
%% Doing calculations
%% Creates a list by summing every pair, e.g.
%% [1,2,3,4] -> [3,5,7].
sum_by_pairs([Head|Tail]) ->
sum_by_pairs(Head, Tail).
sum_by_pairs(_, []) ->
sum_by_pairs(Head, [TailFirst|Rest]) ->
[case Head+TailFirst<10 of
true -> Head + TailFirst;
false -> Head + TailFirst - 9 end] ++ sum_by_pairs([TailFirst|Rest]).
%% Counts value for a single name pair.
count_one([]) ->
count_one([_]) ->
count_one([Head, Tail]) ->
Head * 10 + Tail;
count_one([Head|Tail]) ->
%% Counts all the values for a the first name on the list.
count_for_one(_, []) ->
count_for_one(Head, [Second|Rest]) ->
V = [count_one(lists:zipwith(fun(X,Y) -> X + Y end, Head, Second))],
V ++ count_for_one(Head, Rest).
%% Goes through all the name combinations.
count_for_all([]) ->
count_for_all([Head|Tail]) ->
[count_for_one(Head, Tail)] ++ count_for_all(Tail).
%% Main logic
%% Calculate how many of the pairs have a percentage greater or equal to Filt.
get_count(Filt, Chs, Lst) ->
Char_counts = count(Chs, Lst),
V = lists:filter(fun(X) -> X >= Filt end, lists:flatten([X || X <- count_for_all(Char_counts)])),
main() ->
R = get_count(99, "pairs", readlines("nimet.txt")),
io:fwrite("~w~n", [R]).
%% File management
%% Open a file and return a list of all of the lines in it
%% in a list.
readlines(Filename) ->
{ok, Device} = file:open(Filename, [read]),
get_all_lines(Device, []).
get_all_lines(Device, Accum) ->
case io:get_line(Device, "") of
eof -> file:close(Device), Accum;
Line -> get_all_lines(Device, Accum ++ [Line])
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