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Created August 8, 2016 20:44
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Latest test run for coala on 8 August 2016 ~22:40 with recent master
D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala [Makman2/linter-update ≡ +3 ~0 -0 !]> py.test --cov --cov-report html
============================= test session starts =============================
platform win32 -- Python 3.4.3, pytest-2.8.7, py-1.4.31, pluggy-0.3.1
rootdir: D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala, inifile: setup.cfg
plugins: cov-2.2.1, env-0.6.0, mock-1.1, timeout-1.0.0, xdist-1.14
collected 549 items / 14 skipped
coalib\bearlib\naming_conventions\ ....
coalib\bears\ ..
coalib\bears\requirements\ .
coalib\bears\requirements\ .
coalib\bears\requirements\ ..
coalib\bears\requirements\ ..
coalib\bears\requirements\ .
coalib\bears\requirements\ ..
coalib\bears\requirements\ ....
coalib\bears\requirements\ .
coalib\bears\requirements\ ..
coalib\collecting\ .
coalib\misc\ .
coalib\misc\ .
coalib\misc\ .
coalib\misc\ .
coalib\output\ .
coalib\parsing\ .
coalib\results\ .
coalib\results\ ...
coalib\settings\ F
coalib\settings\ ..
docs\index.rst s
docs\General_Dev_Info\git_tutorial_1.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\Codestyle.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\MAC_Hints.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\Newcomers.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\README.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\Review.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\Testing.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\Writing_Documentation.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\Writing_Good_Commits.rst s
docs\Getting_Involved\Writing_Tests.rst s
docs\Users\Container.rst s
docs\Users\Exit_Codes.rst s
docs\Users\External_APIs.rst s
docs\Users\FAQ.rst s
docs\Users\Git_Hooks.rst s
docs\Users\Glob_Patterns.rst .
docs\Users\Install.rst s
docs\Users\coafile.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Development_Setup.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Git_Help.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Linter_Bears.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Linter_Bears_Advanced.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Shell_Autocompletion.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Testing_Bears.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Tutorial.rst s
docs\Users\Tutorials\Writing_Bears.rst s
tests\ .F.F.
tests\ .FF
tests\ .
tests\ ..........
tests\ F......
tests\bearlib\abstractions\ ............
tests\bearlib\abstractions\ ............s...........
tests\bearlib\abstractions\ ...
tests\bearlib\abstractions\external_bear_wrap_testfiles\ .........
tests\bearlib\languages\ ....
tests\bearlib\languages\documentation\ ....
tests\bearlib\languages\documentation\ .........
tests\bearlib\languages\documentation\ ........
tests\bearlib\spacing\ .....
tests\bears\ .........
tests\bears\ ..
tests\bears\ ..
tests\bears\requirements\ ..
tests\bears\requirements\ ss
tests\bears\requirements\ ss
tests\bears\requirements\ ss
tests\bears\requirements\ ....
tests\bears\requirements\ ss
tests\collecting\ ......................
tests\collecting\ ...
tests\collecting\ ........
tests\misc\ ......
tests\misc\ .........
tests\misc\ F.....
tests\misc\ ......
tests\misc\ ........
tests\misc\ ..
tests\misc\ ..
tests\misc\ .
tests\misc\ ......
tests\output\ ..
tests\output\ ...F.............................
tests\output\ .
tests\output\ ..........
tests\output\dbus\ .
tests\output\printers\ .
tests\output\printers\ ....
tests\parsing\ ..
tests\parsing\ .......
tests\parsing\ ..
tests\parsing\ ................................
tests\parsing\ ......
tests\processes\ ......
tests\processes\ .
tests\processes\ ......................
tests\processes\communication\ ....
tests\results\ ......
tests\results\ ..........s......
tests\results\ ......
tests\results\ .
tests\results\ ..
tests\results\ .
tests\results\ ..........
tests\results\ ........
tests\results\ .F.
tests\results\ ...........
tests\results\ ..
tests\results\ ..........
tests\results\result_actions\ ........
tests\results\result_actions\ ....
tests\results\result_actions\ ..
tests\results\result_actions\ ..
tests\results\result_actions\ .
tests\results\result_actions\ ......
tests\settings\ ...........
tests\settings\ ..
tests\settings\ .....
tests\settings\ ..
tests\settings\ ............
tests\settings\ ..........
--------------- coverage: platform win32, python 3.4.3-final-0 ----------------
Coverage HTML written to dir htmlcov
=========================== short test summary info ===========================
SKIP [2] D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala\tests\output\dbus\ python-dbus is not installed
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ Go is not installed.
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ Gem is not installed.
SKIP [2] D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala\tests\output\dbus\ python-dbus is not installed
SKIP [1] d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ unable to import module local('D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\')
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ Npm is not installed.
SKIP [1] d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ unable to import module local('D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\output\\dbus\\')
SKIP [1] tests\bearlib\abstractions\ `pwd` does not exist in Windows-cmd and `cd` is a built-in command which fails the executable-existence check from @linter.
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ Gem is not installed.
SKIP [1] d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ unable to import module local('D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\output\\dbus\\')
SKIP [2] D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala\tests\ python-gi or python-dbus not installed
SKIP [1] tests\results\ [WinError 126] Das angegebene Modul wurde nicht gefunden. To provide a path to libclang use Config.set_library_path() or Config.set_library_file().
SKIP [2] D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala\tests\output\dbus\ python-dbus or python-gi is not installed
SKIP [26] d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ all tests skipped by +SKIP option
SKIP [2] D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala\tests\output\dbus\ python-dbus is not installed
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ R is not installed.
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ R is not installed.
SKIP [1] d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\site-packages\_pytest\ unable to import module local('D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\output\\dbus\\')
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ Go is not installed.
SKIP [1] tests\bears\requirements\ Npm is not installed.
================================== FAILURES ===================================
____ [doctest] coalib.settings.ConfigurationGathering.get_config_directory ____
239 of the coafile will be assumed the configuration directory:
241 >>> section.append(Setting("files", "**", origin="/tmp/.coafile"))
242 >>> get_config_directory(section) == os.path.abspath('/tmp/')
243 True
245 However if its origin is already a directory this will be preserved:
247 >>> section['files'].origin = os.path.abspath('/tmp/dir/')
248 >>> os.makedirs(section['files'].origin, exist_ok=True)
UNEXPECTED EXCEPTION: PermissionError(13, 'Zugriff verweigert')
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\", line 1318, in __run
compileflags, 1), test.globs)
File "<doctest coalib.settings.ConfigurationGathering.get_config_directory[5]>", line 1, in <module>
File "d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\", line 227, in makedirs
makedirs(head, mode, exist_ok)
File "d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\", line 237, in makedirs
mkdir(name, mode)
PermissionError: [WinError 5] Zugriff verweigert: 'D:\\tmp'
D:\Users\MAK\Eigene Dokumente\GitHub\coala\coalib\settings\ UnexpectedException
________________________ coalaCITest.test_find_issues _________________________
self = <tests.coalaCITest.coalaCITest testMethod=test_find_issues>
def test_find_issues(self):
with bear_test_module(), \
prepare_file(["#fixme"], None) as (lines, filename):
retval, output = execute_coala(coala_ci.main, "coala-ci",
"-c", os.devnull,
"-b", "LineCountTestBear",
"-f", re.escape(filename))
self.assertIn("This file has 1 lines.",
> "The output should report count as 1 lines")
E AssertionError: 'This file has 1 lines.' not found in 'Executing section Default...\n\x1b[31m[ERROR][22:39:16] \x1b[0mAn unknown error occurred. This is a bug. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact the developers for assistance. During execution of coala an exception was raised. This should never happen. When asked for, the following information may help investigating:\n' : The output should report count as 1 lines
tests\ AssertionError
____________________ coalaCITest.test_fix_patchable_issues ____________________
self = <tests.coalaCITest.coalaCITest testMethod=test_fix_patchable_issues>
def test_fix_patchable_issues(self):
with bear_test_module(), \
prepare_file(["\t#include <a>"], None) as (lines, filename):
retval, output = execute_coala(
coala_ci.main, "coala-ci",
"-c", os.devnull,
"-f", re.escape(filename),
"-b", "SpaceConsistencyTestBear",
"--settings", "autoapply=true", "use_spaces=True",
> self.assertIn("Applied 'ApplyPatchAction'", output)
E AssertionError: "Applied 'ApplyPatchAction'" not found in "Executing section Default...\n\x1b[31m[ERROR][22:39:19] \x1b[0mFailed to execute action 'ApplyPatchAction' with error: path is on mount 'c:', start on mount 'D:'.\n\x1b[31m[ERROR][22:39:19] \x1b[0mAn unknown error occurred. This is a bug. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact the developers for assistance. During execution of coala an exception was raised. This should never happen. When asked for, the following information may help investigating:\n"
tests\ AssertionError
___________________ coalaDeleteOrigTest.test_normal_running ___________________
self = <tests.coalaDeleteOrigTest.coalaDeleteOrigTest testMethod=test_normal_running>
def test_normal_running(self):
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as directory:
temporary = tempfile.mkstemp(suffix=".orig", dir=directory)
section = Section("")
section.append(Setting("project_dir", re.escape(directory)))
> retval = coala_delete_orig.main(section=section)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
coalib\ in main
+ os.path.relpath(ofile))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
path = 'c:\\users\\mak\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmp4l1b_r6l\\tmp8_o9hj8a.orig'
start = '.'
def relpath(path, start=curdir):
"""Return a relative version of a path"""
sep = _get_sep(path)
if start is curdir:
start = _get_dot(path)
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_abs = abspath(normpath(start))
path_abs = abspath(normpath(path))
start_drive, start_rest = splitdrive(start_abs)
path_drive, path_rest = splitdrive(path_abs)
if normcase(start_drive) != normcase(path_drive):
error = "path is on mount '{0}', start on mount '{1}'".format(
path_drive, start_drive)
> raise ValueError(error)
E ValueError: path is on mount 'c:', start on mount 'D:'
d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\ ValueError
__________________ coalaDeleteOrigTest.test_remove_exception __________________
self = <tests.coalaDeleteOrigTest.coalaDeleteOrigTest testMethod=test_remove_exception>
mock_glob = <MagicMock name='glob' id='95612048'>
def test_remove_exception(self, mock_glob):
# Non existent file
mock_glob.return_value = ["non_existent_file"]
with retrieve_stdout() as stdout:
retval = coala_delete_orig.main(section=self.section)
output = stdout.getvalue()
self.assertEqual(retval, 0)
self.assertIn("Couldn't delete", output)
# Directory instead of file
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as filename, \
retrieve_stdout() as stdout:
mock_glob.return_value = [filename]
> retval = coala_delete_orig.main(section=self.section)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
coalib\ in main
+ os.path.relpath(ofile))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
path = 'C:\\Users\\MAK\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmpqvocbdsh', start = '.'
def relpath(path, start=curdir):
"""Return a relative version of a path"""
sep = _get_sep(path)
if start is curdir:
start = _get_dot(path)
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_abs = abspath(normpath(start))
path_abs = abspath(normpath(path))
start_drive, start_rest = splitdrive(start_abs)
path_drive, path_rest = splitdrive(path_abs)
if normcase(start_drive) != normcase(path_drive):
error = "path is on mount '{0}', start on mount '{1}'".format(
path_drive, start_drive)
> raise ValueError(error)
E ValueError: path is on mount 'C:', start on mount 'D:'
d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\ ValueError
____________________________ coalaTest.test_coala _____________________________
self = <tests.coalaTest.coalaTest testMethod=test_coala>
def test_coala(self):
with bear_test_module(), \
prepare_file(["#fixme"], None) as (lines, filename):
retval, output = execute_coala(
"coala", "-c", os.devnull,
"-f", re.escape(filename),
"-b", "LineCountTestBear")
self.assertIn("This file has 1 lines.",
> "The output should report count as 1 lines")
E AssertionError: 'This file has 1 lines.' not found in 'Executing section Default...\n\x1b[31m[ERROR][22:39:28] \x1b[0mAn unknown error occurred. This is a bug. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact the developers for assistance. During execution of coala an exception was raised. This should never happen. When asked for, the following information may help investigating:\n' : The output should report count as 1 lines
tests\ AssertionError
______________________ CachingTest.test_caching_results _______________________
self = <tests.misc.CachingTest.CachingTest testMethod=test_caching_results>
def test_caching_results(self):
A simple integration test to assert that results are not dropped
when coala is ran multiple times with caching enabled.
with bear_test_module(), \
prepare_file(["a=(5,6)"], None) as (lines, filename):
with simulate_console_inputs("0"):
retval, output = execute_coala(
"-c", os.devnull,
"-f", re.escape(filename),
"-b", "LineCountTestBear",
"-L", "DEBUG")
> self.assertIn("This file has", output)
E AssertionError: 'This file has' not found in '\x1b[32m[DEBUG][22:39:33] \x1b[0mPlatform Windows -- Python 3.4.3, pip 8.0.2, coalib 0.8.0.dev99999999999999\nExecuting section Default...\n\x1b[32m[DEBUG][22:39:34] \x1b[0mFiles that will be checked:\nc:\\users\\mak\\appdata\\local\\temp\\tmpajv6v27x\n\x1b[32m[DEBUG][22:39:34] \x1b[0mRunning bear LineCountTestBear...\n\x1b[31m[ERROR][22:39:35] \x1b[0mAn unknown error occurred. This is a bug. We are sorry for the inconvenience. Please contact the developers for assistance. During execution of coala an exception was raised. This should never happen. When asked for, the following information may help investigating:\n\x1b[32m[DEBUG][22:39:35] \x1b[0mException was:\nTraceback (most recent call last):\n\n File "D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\", line 101, in run_coala\n log_printer=log_printer)\n\n File "D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\processes\\", line 700, in execute_section\n log_printer),\n\n File "D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\processes\\", line 550, in process_queues\n ignore_ranges)\n\n File "D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\processes\\", line 237, in print_result\n file_diff_dict)\n\n File "D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\output\\", line 404, in print_results\n color=color)\n\n File "D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\output\\", line 335, in print_affected_files\n sourcerange)\n\n File "D:\\Users\\MAK\\Eigene Dokumente\\GitHub\\coala\\coalib\\output\\", line 415, in print_affected_lines\n console_printer.print("\\n" + os.path.relpath(sourcerange.file),\n\n File "d:\\program files (x86)\\python 3.4.3\\lib\\", line 579, in relpath\n raise ValueError(error)\n\nValueError: path is on mount \'c:\', start on mount \'D:\'\n'
tests\misc\ AssertionError
______________ ConsoleInteractionTest.test_print_affected_files _______________
self = <tests.output.ConsoleInteractionTest.ConsoleInteractionTest testMethod=test_print_affected_files>
def test_print_affected_files(self):
with retrieve_stdout() as stdout, \
make_temp() as some_file:
file_dict = {some_file: ["1\n", "2\n", "3\n"]}
affected_code = (SourceRange.from_values(some_file),)
> color=True)
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
coalib\output\ in print_affected_files
coalib\output\ in print_affected_lines
console_printer.print("\n" + os.path.relpath(sourcerange.file),
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
path = 'C:\\Users\\MAK\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp1dmok_cv', start = '.'
def relpath(path, start=curdir):
"""Return a relative version of a path"""
sep = _get_sep(path)
if start is curdir:
start = _get_dot(path)
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_abs = abspath(normpath(start))
path_abs = abspath(normpath(path))
start_drive, start_rest = splitdrive(start_abs)
path_drive, path_rest = splitdrive(path_abs)
if normcase(start_drive) != normcase(path_drive):
error = "path is on mount '{0}', start on mount '{1}'".format(
path_drive, start_drive)
> raise ValueError(error)
E ValueError: path is on mount 'C:', start on mount 'D:'
d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\ ValueError
________________________ SourcePositionTest.test_json _________________________
self = <tests.results.SourcePositionTest.SourcePositionTest testMethod=test_json>
def test_json(self):
with prepare_file([""], None) as (_, filename):
uut = SourcePosition(filename, 1)
> self.assertEqual(uut.__json__(use_relpath=True)
['file'], relpath(filename))
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
coalib\results\ in __json__
_dict['file'] = relpath(_dict['file'])
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
path = 'C:\\Users\\MAK\\AppData\\Local\\Temp\\tmp0re1gipo', start = '.'
def relpath(path, start=curdir):
"""Return a relative version of a path"""
sep = _get_sep(path)
if start is curdir:
start = _get_dot(path)
if not path:
raise ValueError("no path specified")
start_abs = abspath(normpath(start))
path_abs = abspath(normpath(path))
start_drive, start_rest = splitdrive(start_abs)
path_drive, path_rest = splitdrive(path_abs)
if normcase(start_drive) != normcase(path_drive):
error = "path is on mount '{0}', start on mount '{1}'".format(
path_drive, start_drive)
> raise ValueError(error)
E ValueError: path is on mount 'C:', start on mount 'D:'
d:\program files (x86)\python 3.4.3\lib\ ValueError
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