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Created December 6, 2022 19:28
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const canvas = document.getElementById('fpcanvas');
const game = document.getElementById('fpgame');
const ctx = canvas.getContext('2d');
const img = new Image();
img.src = "";
// general settings
let gamePlaying = false;
const gravity = .5;
const speed = 2;
const size = [51, 36];
const jump = -11.5;
const cTenth = (canvas.width / 10);
let index = 0,
bestScore = 0,
// pipe settings
const pipeWidth = 78;
const pipeGap = 270;
const pipeLoc = () => (Math.random() * ((canvas.height - (pipeGap + pipeWidth)) - pipeWidth)) + pipeWidth;
const setup = () => {
currentScore = 0;
flight = jump;
// set initial flyHeight (middle of screen - size of the bird)
flyHeight = (canvas.height / 2) - (size[1] / 2);
// setup first 3 pipes
pipes = Array(3).fill().map((a, i) => [canvas.width + (i * (pipeGap + pipeWidth)), pipeLoc()]);
const render = () => {
// make the pipe and bird moving
// ctx.clearRect(0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// background first part
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, -((index * (speed / 2)) % canvas.width) + canvas.width, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// background second part
ctx.drawImage(img, 0, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height, -(index * (speed / 2)) % canvas.width, 0, canvas.width, canvas.height);
// pipe display
if (gamePlaying){ => {
// pipe moving
pipe[0] -= speed;
// top pipe
ctx.drawImage(img, 432, 588 - pipe[1], pipeWidth, pipe[1], pipe[0], 0, pipeWidth, pipe[1]);
// bottom pipe
ctx.drawImage(img, 432 + pipeWidth, 108, pipeWidth, canvas.height - pipe[1] + pipeGap, pipe[0], pipe[1] + pipeGap, pipeWidth, canvas.height - pipe[1] + pipeGap);
// give 1 point & create new pipe
if(pipe[0] <= -pipeWidth){
// check if it's the best score
bestScore = Math.max(bestScore, currentScore);
// remove & create new pipe
pipes = [...pipes.slice(1), [pipes[pipes.length-1][0] + pipeGap + pipeWidth, pipeLoc()]];
// if hit the pipe, end
if ([
pipe[0] <= cTenth + size[0],
pipe[0] + pipeWidth >= cTenth,
pipe[1] > flyHeight || pipe[1] + pipeGap < flyHeight + size[1]
].every(elem => elem)) {
gamePlaying = false;
// draw bird
if (gamePlaying) {
ctx.drawImage(img, canvas.width, Math.floor((index % 9) / 3) * size[1], ...size, cTenth, flyHeight, ...size);
flight += gravity;
flyHeight = Math.min(flyHeight + flight, canvas.height - size[1]);
} else {
ctx.drawImage(img, canvas.width, Math.floor((index % 9) / 3) * size[1], ...size, ((canvas.width / 2) - size[0] / 2), flyHeight, ...size);
flyHeight = (canvas.height / 2) - (size[1] / 2);
// text accueil
ctx.fillText(`Best score : ${bestScore}`, 85, 245);
ctx.fillText('Click to play', 90, 535);
ctx.font = "bold 30px courier";
document.getElementById('fpbestScore').innerHTML = `Best : ${bestScore}`;
document.getElementById('fpcurrentScore').innerHTML = `Current : ${currentScore}`;
// tell the browser to perform anim
// launch setup
img.onload = render;
// start game
game.addEventListener('click', () => gamePlaying = true);
game.onclick = () => flight = jump;
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