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Last active April 4, 2024 21:03
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  • Save MalteKiefer/407849891195a542dfa97329510aa387 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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UFW Block IPs from abuseipdb Blacklist
while read line;
/usr/sbin/ufw insert 1 deny from $line to any;
done < /path/to/blacklist
# get latest black list from abuseIPDB
curl -G \
-d confidenceMinimum=50 \
-H "Key: <API_KEY>" \
-H "Accept: text/plain" | sort > /path/to/blacklist
# block every ip in list
# API Key
First of all create a free account here and create an API key to use the blacklist:
You should have installed and started UFW, test it with
ufw status
# Cronjob
Now we set up the cronjob, it should not be shorter than daily, because otherwise you will quickly get over the query limit at abuseIPDB.
Create the file `/etc/cron.daily/getBlacklist` with the above content, and replace `<API_KEY>` with cour API key. Change the path to the blacklist, something like `/opt/blacklist`
# Blacklist
The last step we create the blacklist script. It reads the blacklist file and create the UFW rules. UFW skips entries it already knows, so there is no danger of double entries.
Create the /usr/bin/blacklist, change the path to the blacklist and change the permissions, somethink like this: `chmod 755 /usr/bin/blacklist`
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