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Last active February 11, 2022 18:18
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2D geometry template
#pragma GCC target("avx2")
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#pragma GCC optimize("unroll-loops")
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
typedef long long int ll;
typedef long double ld;
typedef complex<ld> pt;
struct circ { pt C; ld R; };
* builtin pt operations:
* +, -: usual vector addition/subtraction
* *, /: scalar multiplication/division (also complex multiplication / division if that's ever useful)
* abs(p): vector length
* norm(p): squared vector length
* arg(p): angle p forms with positive x axis
* polar(r, th): vector with length r pointing in direction th
* conj(p): reflects p over x axis
#define X real()
#define Y imag()
#define CRS(a, b) (conj(a) * (b)).Y //scalar cross product
#define DOT(a, b) (conj(a) * (b)).X //dot product
#define U(p) ((p) / abs(p)) //unit vector in direction of p (don't use if Z(p) == true)
#define Z(x) (abs(x) < EPS)
#define A(a) (a).begin(), (a).end() //shortens sort(), upper_bound(), etc. for vectors
//constants (INF and EPS may need to be modified)
constexpr ld PI = acosl(-1), INF = 1e30, EPS = 1e-12;
constexpr pt I = {0, 1}, INV = {INF, INF};
namespace std {
//lexicographical comparison
bool operator<(pt a, pt b) { return Z(a.X - b.X) ? a.Y < b.Y : a.X < b.X; }
struct line {
pt P, D;
bool S;
// Two points
line (pt a, pt b, bool s=0) : P(a), D(b-a), S(s) {}
// Point and angle
line (pt a, ld theta) : P(a), D(polar(1.l, theta)), S(0) {}
//makes line l a full line (sets segment bool to false)
line ml(line l) { l.S=false; return l; }
//true if d1 and d2 parallel (zero vectors considered parallel to everything)
bool parallel(pt d1, pt d2) { return Z(d1) || Z(d2) || Z(CRS(U(d1), U(d2))); }
//"above" here means if l & p are rotated such that l.D points in the +x direction, then p is above l
bool above_line(pt p, line l) { return CRS(p - l.P, l.D) > 0; }
//true if p is on line l
bool on_line(pt p, line l) { return parallel(l.P - p, l.D) && (!l.S || DOT(l.P - p, l.P + l.D - p) <= 0); }
//true if p inside triangle abc
bool in_tri(pt p, pt a, pt b, pt c) {
line ab = line(a, b, 1), bc = line(b, c, 1), ac = line(a, c, 1);
return on_line(p, ab) || on_line(p, bc) || on_line(p, ac) ||
(above_line(p, ab) == above_line(c, ab) &&
above_line(p, bc) == above_line(a, bc) &&
above_line(p, ac) == above_line(b, ac));
//intersection pt of l1 and l2, returns INV if they are nonintersecting / parallel / identical
pt intsct(line l1, line l2) {
if(parallel(l1.D, l2.D)) return INV;
pt p = l1.P + l1.D * CRS(l2.D, l2.P - l1.P) / CRS(l2.D, l1.D);
return on_line(p, l1) && on_line(p, l2) ? p : INV;
//closest pt on l to p
pt cl_pt_on_l(pt p, line l) {
pt q = l.P + DOT(U(l.D), p - l.P) * U(l.D);
if(on_line(q, l)) return q;
return abs(p - l.P) < abs(p - l.P - l.D) ? l.P : l.P + l.D;
//distance from p to l
ld dist_to(pt p, line l) { return abs(p - cl_pt_on_l(p, l)); }
//p reflected over l
pt refl_pt(pt p, line l) { l.S = 0; return (ld)2 * cl_pt_on_l(p, l) - p; }
//ray r reflected off l (if no intersection, returns original ray)
line reflect_line(line r, line l) {
pt p = intsct(r, l);
if(Z(p - INV)) return r;
return line(p, INF * (p - refl_pt(r.P, l)), 1);
//altitude from p to l
line alt(pt p, line l) { return line(p, cl_pt_on_l(p, ml(l))); }
//angle bisector of angle abc
line ang_bis(pt a, pt b, pt c) { return line(b, b+ INF * (U(a - b) + U(c - b)), 1); }
//perpendicular bisector of l (assumes l.S == 1)
line perp_bis(line l) {
auto base = l.P+l.D/2.l;
return line(base, base+ (l.D*I), 0);
//orthocenter of triangle abc
pt orthocent(pt a, pt b, pt c) { return intsct(alt(a, line(b, c, 1)), alt(b, line(a, c, 1))); }
//incircle of triangle abc
circ incirc(pt a, pt b, pt c) {
pt cent = intsct(ang_bis(a, b, c), ang_bis(b, a, c));
return {cent, dist_to(cent, line(a, b, 1))};
//circumcircle of triangle abc
circ circumcirc(pt a, pt b, pt c) {
pt cent = intsct(perp_bis(line(a, b, 1)), perp_bis(line(a, c, 1)));
return {cent, abs(cent - a)};
//returns true if p is contained in the convex hull given by hu / hd
bool in_hull(pt p, pair<vector<pt>, vector<pt>>& h) {
if(p < *h.first.begin() || *h.second.begin() < p) return false;
auto u = upper_bound(A(h.first), p);
auto d = lower_bound(h.second.rbegin(), h.second.rend(), p);
return CRS(*u - p, *(u - 1) - p) > 0 && CRS(*(d - 1) - p, *d - p) > 0; //change to >= if border counts as "inside"
//helper function for get_hull
void do_hull(vector<pt>& pts, vector<pt>& h) {
for(pt p : pts) {
while(h.size() > 1 && CRS(h.back() - p, h[h.size() - 2] - p) <= 0)
//returns upper convex hull / lower convex hull of pts
pair<vector<pt>, vector<pt>> get_hull(vector<pt>& pts) {
vector<pt> hu, hd;
sort(A(pts)), do_hull(pts, hu);
reverse(A(pts)), do_hull(pts, hd);
return {hu, hd};
//returns convex hull of pts as a vector of pts in cw order
vector<pt> full_hull(vector<pt>& pts) {
auto h = get_hull(pts);
h.first.pop_back(), h.second.pop_back();
for(pt p : h.second) h.first.push_back(p);
return h.first;
//helper function for dyn_in_hull
bool dyn_in(pt p, set<pt>& h) {
if(h.empty() || p < *h.begin() || *h.rbegin() < p) return false;
auto i = h.upper_bound(p), j = i--;
return CRS(*j - p, *i - p) > 0; //change to >= if border counts as "inside"
//returns true if p contained in dynamic hull hu / hd
bool dyn_in_hull(pt p, pair<set<pt>, set<pt>>& h) { return dyn_in(p, h.first) && dyn_in(-p, h.second); }
//helper function for dyn_add
void fix_bad(set<pt>::iterator i, set<pt>&h, bool l) {
if(i == --h.begin() || i == h.end()) return;
pt p = *i; h.erase(p);
if(!dyn_in(p, h)) h.insert(p);
else fix_bad(l ? --h.lower_bound(p) : h.upper_bound(p), h, l);
//helper function for dyn_add_to_hull
void dyn_add(pt p, set<pt>& h) {
if(dyn_in(p, h)) return;
fix_bad(--h.lower_bound(p), h, true);
fix_bad(h.upper_bound(p), h, false);
//adds p to dynamic hull hu / hd
void dyn_add_to_hull(pt p, pair<set<pt>, set<pt>>& h) { dyn_add(p, h.first), dyn_add(-p, h.second); }
//turns dynamic hull h into vector of pts (h is destroyed)
vector<pt> dyn_full_hull(pair<set<pt>, set<pt>>& h) {
vector<pt> poly;
for(pt p : h.first) poly.push_back(p);
for(pt p : h.second) poly.push_back(-p);
return poly;
//is pt p inside the (not necessarily convex) polygon given by poly
bool in_poly(pt p, vector<pt>& poly) {
line l = {p, {INF, INF * PI}, 1};
bool ans = false;
pt lst = poly.back();
for(pt q : poly) {
line s = line(q, lst, 1); lst = q;
if(on_line(p, s)) return true; //change if border not included
else if(!Z(intsct(l, s) - INV)) ans = !ans;
return ans;
//area of polygon, vertices in order (cw or ccw)
ld area(vector<pt>& poly) {
ld ans = 0;
pt lst = poly.back();
for(pt p : poly) ans += CRS(lst, p), lst = p;
return abs(ans / 2);
//perimeter of polygon, vertices in order (cw or ccw)
ld perim(vector<pt>& poly) {
ld ans = 0;
pt lst = poly.back();
for(pt p : poly) ans += abs(lst - p), lst = p;
return ans;
//centroid of polygon, vertices in order (cw or ccw)
pt centroid(vector<pt>& poly) {
ld area = 0;
pt lst = poly.back(), ans = {0, 0};
for(pt p : poly) {
area += CRS(lst, p);
ans += CRS(lst, p) * (lst + p) / (ld)3;
lst = p;
return ans / area;
//vector of intersection pts of two circs (up to 2) (if circles same, returns empty vector)
vector<pt> intsct(circ c1, circ c2) {
pt d = c2.C - c1.C;
ld d2 = norm(d);
if (Z(d2)) return {}; // concentric
ld pd = (d2 + c1.R*c1.R - c2.R*c2.R)/2;
ld h2 = c1.R*c1.R - pd*pd/d2;
if (h2<0) return {};
pt p = c1.C+d*pd/d2, h=d*I*sqrtl(h2/d2);
if (Z(h)) return {p};
return {p-h, p+h};
//vector of intersection pts of a line and a circ (up to 2)
vector<pt> intsct(circ c, line l) {
pt p = cl_pt_on_l(c.C, l);
ld h2 = c.R*c.R - norm(p);
if (h2<0) return {};
pt h = U(l.D)*sqrtl(h2);
if (Z(h)) return {p};
return {p-h, p+h};
//external tangents of two circles (negate c2.R for internal tangents)
vector<line> circTangents(circ c1, circ c2) {
pt d = c2.C - c1.C;
ld dr = c1.R - c2.R, d2 = norm(d), h2 = d2 - dr * dr;
if(Z(d2) || h2 < 0) return {};
vector<line> ans;
for(ld sg : {-1, 1}) {
pt u = (d * dr + d * I * sqrt(h2) * sg) / d2;
ans.push_back(line(c1.C + u * c1.R, c2.C + u * c2.R, 1));
if(Z(h2)) ans.pop_back();
return ans;
int main() {
ll t;
while (t--) {
ll x1, y1, x2, y2, r1, r2;
auto ret = intsct(circ{{x1, y1}, r1}, circ{{x2, y2}, r2});
if (ret.size())cout<<"YES\n";
else cout<<"NO\n";
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