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Created November 14, 2016 11:36
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.cpu cortex-m3
.asciz ""
.skip 4096 // reserve 4k of room for us <3
.align 1
.global decompress
// r0 = value of compressed string head
// r1 = read head of compressed string
// r2 = write head of decompressed string
// r3 = offset of match
// r4 = length of match
// r5 = alternate read head on match
push {r4, r5, lr} // push registers
ldr r1, =compressed_string // adress of the compressed string
ldr r2, =decompressed // adress of the reserved space for the decompressed string
ldrb r0, [r1] // get char from string
cmp r0, #'@' // if the char is an '@' then readfrombuffer
beq readfrombuffer
cbz r0, final // if we get a null byte then get out of here
strb r0, [r2] // put ze byte in ze decompressed string
push {r1 - r3} // put ze byte in ze terminal so we can see the this works
bl put_char
pop {r1 - r3}
add r1, #1 // get to the next char
add r2, #1 // make room for ze next char
b loop // do it agaaain
ldrb r3, [r1, #1] // read char after '@'
ldrb r4, [r1, #2] // store the amount of characters in r4
add r1, r1, #3
sub r3, r3, #31 // subtract a space because Wouter
sub r5, r2, r3 // r5 is now our read head back in the buffer
writefrombuffer: // read for the length given
cmp r4, #' ' // gave we done enough reading back yet?
beq loop
ldrb r0, [r5] // get byte from alt read head
strb r0, [r2] // put the damn thing in our decompressed string
push {r1 - r3} // put ze char in the terminal yet again because I NEED CONFURMATION
bl put_char
pop {r1 - r3}
add r5, #1 // we need to make progression so lets just inc some values
add r2, #1
sub r4, #1 // subtract one of the characters we still have to read total
b writefrombuffer
pop {r4, r5, pc} // restore the registers because we are nice people
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