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Last active June 11, 2021 14:58
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Create a project

symfony new project-name

Start your SF app

symfony server:start (-d to lauch as daemon)

Stop your SF app

symfony server:stop

Generating Code

You need this:

composer require symfony/maker-bundle --dev

composer require doctrine/annotations

composer require orm

Create a page

bin/console make:controller

Create an entity

bin/console make:entity

Create database

Setup .env file

bin/console doctrine:database:create -> create database

bin/console make:migration -> create a migration

bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate -> push migration to database


You need this:

composer require security

composer require twig

composer require form validator

Create User

bin/console make:user

Create Login

bin/console make:auth

Create Registration Form

bin/console make:registration-form

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