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Created May 24, 2020 11:21
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Reason meetup #2

Algebraic Effects for Concurrency

Monads/Promises have been our go to tools for expressing concurrency.

However, they seem to divide up our language.

Context: How do we achieve concurrency?

We constantly look for ways to execute a piece of code after a certain operation.

Existing solutions

Monads (Lwt, Async)


Generators, async/await (in Javascript land)

Promises in action

let url = "";

|> Js.Promise.then_( ... )

/* This point on, we are trapped in the world of 
   promises */

Promises don’t support cancel operation

Monads need ceremonial transformations

Monads also create the divide in the language.

Promises are, after all, monadics interfaces

Enter Algebraic Effects

They provide us with ability to define the semantics of elsewhere (handlers)

Algebraic Effects in action

effect V : int      

let rec sum_up () =
   perform V

let () = 
  let v =
    try sum_up () with
    | effect V k ->
	   continue k 667
   Printf.printf "Value received is %d\n" v

Another example

effect Conversion_failure : string -> int

let int_of_string l =
  try int_of_string l with
  | Failure _ -> perform (Conversion_failure l)

let rec sum_up acc =
    let l = input_line stdin in
    acc := !acc + int_of_string l;
    sum_up acc

let _ =
  let r = ref 0 in
  try sum_up r with
  | End_of_file -> Printf.printf "Sum is %d\n" !r
  | effect (Conversion_failure s) k ->
      Printf.fprintf stderr "Conversion failure \"%s\"\n%!" s;
      continue k 0

So, what are Algebraic Effects?

Algebraic effects are often spoken about in 3 contexts

  1. Computational effects/side effects/Purity
  2. Asynchronous programming
  3. Usefulness in writing schedulers (OCaml multicore, React team)
  4. Alternative control flow (think generators, async/await, coroutines, iterators)



Algebraic Effects for the rest of us

What goes into crafting a programming language with Effects?



Avoiding large monolithic runtimes by letting programs write their own schedulers


Control flow

All major concurrency primitives convered - async/await, fibers, co-routines, continuations, delimited continuations and algebraic effects

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