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Created October 5, 2018 22:23
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##lister_rdv## liste les RDV dans les nb_jours prochains jours filtre = par ex "Subject,Start"

Function lister_rdv(Optional ByVal filtre As String = "", Optional ByVal nb_jours As Integer = -1)

##proposeMeeting## même arguments que pour getFreeBusy mais dans time_params il faut ajouter au début "trouve-moi un créneau de 1h du 07/12/2015 au 11/12/2015 de 14h à 18h par pas de 30min"

Function proposeMeeting(ByVal participants As String, ByVal time_params As String) As Variant

##getEmail## renvoie l'adresse mail du carnet outlook global à partir du nom prénom de la personne

Public Function getEmail(ByVal nom_prenom As String) As String

##checkAvailability## dit si la liste de personnes (adresses mails séparées par un "|") est dispo entre début et fin en option, si opt est non vide, ça liste les personnes non dispo

Function checkAvailability(ByVal recipients As String, ByVal debut As Date, ByVal fin As Date, Optional ByVal opt As String = "")
' liste les RDV dans les nb_jours prochains jours
' filtre = par ex "Subject,Start"
Function lister_rdv(Optional ByVal filtre As String = "", Optional ByVal nb_jours As Integer = -1)
Dim o As Outlook.Application
Dim NS As Outlook.Namespace
Dim CalendarFolder As Outlook.Folder
Dim objOwner As Outlook.Recipient
On Error Resume Next
Set o = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set o = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set NS = o.GetNamespace("MAPI")
' get default calendar
Set curCal = NS.GetDefaultFolder(olFolderCalendar).Items
' prepare output
Dim res As Variant
If filtre = "" Then
arrFiltre = Array("Start", "End", "Subject", "Duration", "Location", "Participants")
arrFiltre = Split(filtre, ",")
End If
' on compte le nombre de dates à récupérer
nbDates = 0
For i = 1 To curCal.Count
If curCal(i).Start >= Date Then nbDates = nbDates + 1
Next i
ReDim res(nbDates, UBound(arrFiltre))
k = 0
For i = 1 To curCal.Count
Set e = curCal(i)
If e.Start >= Date Then
If filtre = "" Or InStr("," & filtre & ",", ",Start,") > 0 Then res(k, searchArr("Start", arrFiltre)) = e.Start
If filtre = "" Or InStr("," & filtre & ",", ",End,") > 0 Then res(k, searchArr("End", arrFiltre)) = e.End
If filtre = "" Or InStr("," & filtre & ",", ",Subject,") > 0 Then res(k, searchArr("Subject", arrFiltre)) = e.Subject
If filtre = "" Or InStr("," & filtre & ",", ",Duration,") > 0 Then res(k, searchArr("Duration", arrFiltre)) = e.Duration
If filtre = "" Or InStr("," & filtre & ",", ",Location,") > 0 Then res(k, searchArr("Location", arrFiltre)) = e.Location
If filtre = "" Or InStr("," & filtre & ",", ",Participants,") > 0 Then res(k, searchArr("Participants", arrFiltre)) = e.RequiredAttendees
k = k + 1
End If
Next i
lister_rdv = res
End Function
Sub unittest_lister_rdv()
res = lister_rdv("Start,Subject,RequiredAttendees")
res2 = lister_rdv()
res3 = lister_rdv("Participants")
End Sub
' même arguments que pour getFreeBusy
' mais dans time_params il faut ajouter au début "trouve-moi un créneau de 1h du 07/12/2015 au 11/12/2015 de 14h à 18h par pas de 30min"
Function proposeMeeting(ByVal participants As String, ByVal time_params As String) As Variant
dispos = getFreeBusy(participants, time_params)
dispos_val = subArray(dispos, Array("", "1:", "1:"))
notes_dispos = sumArray(dispos_val, 1)
' on crée le pochoir pour la convolution
pas = parseTimeParams(time_params)(5)
creneau = RegexMatch("créneau\s+de\s+([0-9]{1,3}[hm\:][0-9]{0,3})\s+du", time_params)
creneau = Replace(creneau, "h", ":")
If Len(Split(creneau, ":")(0)) < 2 Then creneau = "0" & creneau
If Right(creneau, 1) = ":" Then creneau = creneau & "00"
creneau = creneau & ":00"
creneau = DateDiff("n", CDate("01/01/2000 00:00:00"), CDate("01/01/2000 " & creneau))
creneau = creneau / pas
Dim pochoir As Variant
ReDim pochoir(1 To 1, 1 To creneau)
For i = 1 To creneau
pochoir(1, i) = 1
Next i
' on convolue
notes_creneaux = convolArray(notes_dispos, pochoir)
' on écrit les dates/heures de début de chaque créneau
Dim finalNotes As Variant
ReDim finalNotes(0 To 1, LBound(notes_creneaux, 2) To UBound(notes_creneaux, 2))
For i = LBound(notes_creneaux, 2) To UBound(notes_creneaux, 2)
finalNotes(0, i) = dispos(0, i)
finalNotes(1, i) = notes_creneaux(1, i)
Next i
proposeMeeting = transposeArr(finalNotes)
End Function
Sub unittest_proposeMeeting()
res = proposeMeeting("|", "créneau de 1h30 du 02/11/2015 au 06/11/2015 de 14h00 à 16h30 par pas de 30min")
End Sub
' renvoie un tableau avec les dispos des participants sur la période définie par time_params
' participants = "|"
' time_params = "du 31/01/2015 au 10/02/2015 de 14h30 à 18h par pas de 30min"
' c'est du 31/01/2015 au 10/02/2015 inclus
' le pas peut être en heures ou minutes, on peut écrire les heures en mode 14h30 ou 14:30 ou 14h
Function getFreeBusy(ByVal participants As String, ByVal time_params As String) As Variant
' on initialise outlook
Dim o As Outlook.Application
Dim NS As Outlook.Namespace
On Error Resume Next
Set o = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set o = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set NS = o.GetNamespace("MAPI")
' on récupère les paramètres de temps
Set params = parseTimeParams(time_params)
Dim date_dep, date_fin As Date
date_dep = params(1)
date_fin = params(2)
nbDays = DateDiff("d", date_dep, date_fin) + 1
time_dep = params(3)
time_fin = params(4)
pas = params(5)
nbSlots = DateDiff("n", CDate("01/01/2000 " & time_dep), CDate("01/01/2000 " & time_fin))
nbSlots = nbSlots / pas + 1
Dim res As Variant
persons = Split(participants, "|")
ReDim res(0 To UBound(persons) + 1, 1 To nbSlots * nbDays) ' au lieu de 0 to 1 ce sera 0 to nbParticipants
' for each participant
For j = 0 To UBound(persons)
On Error GoTo nextone
Set objRecipient = NS.CreateRecipient(persons(j))
strFreeBusyData = objRecipient.FreeBusy(date_dep, pas)
On Error GoTo 0
nbSlotsInDay = 24 * 60 / pas
slot_dep = DateDiff("n", CDate("01/01/2000 00:00:00"), CDate("01/01/2000 " & time_dep)) / pas
slot_fin = DateDiff("n", CDate("01/01/2000 00:00:00"), CDate("01/01/2000 " & time_fin)) / pas + 1
k = 1
For i = 1 To nbDays
daySlots = Mid(strFreeBusyData, (i - 1) * nbSlotsInDay + 1, nbSlotsInDay + 2)
For p = 0 To nbSlotsInDay - 1
If p > slot_dep And p <= slot_fin Then
curr_date = DateAdd("d", i - 1, date_dep)
curr_date = DateAdd("n", (p - 1) * pas, curr_date)
res(0, k) = Format(curr_date, "dd-mmm hh:mm")
res(j + 1, k) = Mid(daySlots, p, 1)
k = k + 1
End If
Next p
Next i
Next j
getFreeBusy = res
End Function
Sub unittest_getFreeBusy()
res = getFreeBusy("|", "du 02/11/2015 au 06/11/2015 de 14h00 à 16h30 par pas de 30min")
End Sub
Function parseTimeParams(ByVal time_params As String) As Collection
Dim res As New Collection
regex_date = "[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{2}/[0-9]{4}"
regex_time = "[0-9]{1,2}[h\:][0-9]{0,2}"
myDates = Split(RegexMatch(regex_date, time_params, ";"), ";")
res.Add CDate(myDates(0))
res.Add CDate(myDates(1))
Dim mytime(1) As Variant
mytime(0) = RegexMatch("de\s+(" & regex_time & ")\s+à", time_params, ";")
mytime(1) = RegexMatch("à\s+(" & regex_time & ")\s+par", time_params, ";")
For i = 0 To UBound(mytime)
mytime(i) = Replace(mytime(i), "h", ":")
If Len(Split(mytime(i), ":")(0)) < 2 Then mytime(i) = "0" & mytime(i)
If Right(mytime(i), 1) = ":" Then mytime(i) = mytime(i) & "00"
mytime(i) = mytime(i) & ":00"
Next i
pas = RegexMatch("par\s+pas\s+de\s+([0-9]{1,2}[hm])", time_params)
If Right(pas, 1) = "h" Then
pas = CInt(Left(pas, Len(pas) - 1)) * 60
pas = CInt(Left(pas, Len(pas) - 1))
End If
res.Add mytime(0)
res.Add mytime(1)
res.Add pas
Set parseTimeParams = res
End Function
Sub unittest_parseTimeParams()
Set res1 = parseTimeParams("du 31/01/2015 au 10/02/2015 de 14h30 à 18h par pas de 30min")
Set res2 = parseTimeParams("du 31/01/2015 au 02/10/2015 de 4:30 à 18:00 par pas de 1h")
End Sub
' renvoie l'adresse mail du carnet outlook global à partir du nom prénom de la personne
Public Function getEmail(ByVal nom_prenom As String) As String
Dim o As Outlook.Application
Dim myDelegate As Outlook.Recipient
Dim pa As Outlook.PropertyAccessor
Const PR_SMTP_ADDRESS As String = _
On Error Resume Next
Set o = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set o = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Dim myItem As Outlook.TaskItem
Set myItem = o.CreateItem(olTaskItem)
Set myDelegate = myItem.recipients.Add(nom_prenom)
If myDelegate.Resolved Then
Set pa = myDelegate.PropertyAccessor
getEmail = pa.GetProperty(PR_SMTP_ADDRESS)
End If
End Function
' dit si la liste de personnes (adresses mails séparées par un "|") est dispo entre début et fin
' en option, si opt est non vide, ça liste les personnes non dispo
Function checkAvailability(ByVal recipients As String, ByVal debut As Date, ByVal fin As Date, Optional ByVal opt As String = "")
' on initialise outlook
Dim o As Outlook.Application
Dim NS As Outlook.Namespace
On Error Resume Next
Set o = GetObject(, "Outlook.Application")
If Err <> 0 Then
Set o = CreateObject("Outlook.Application")
End If
On Error GoTo 0
Set NS = o.GetNamespace("MAPI")
Dim res As Boolean
res = True
unavailable_persons = ""
persons = Split(recipients, "|")
pas = 30
debut_jour = CDate(Format(CDate(debut), "dd/mm/yyyy 00:00:00"))
For j = 0 To UBound(persons)
On Error GoTo nextone
Set objRecipient = NS.CreateRecipient(persons(j))
strFreeBusyData = objRecipient.FreeBusy(debut, pas)
slot_dep = DateDiff("n", debut_jour, debut) / pas + 1
slot_fin = DateDiff("n", debut_jour, fin) / pas
For i = slot_dep To slot_fin
If Mid(strFreeBusyData, i, 1) = 1 Then
res = False
unavailable_persons = unavailable_persons & persons(j) & ";"
GoTo nextone
End If
Next i
Next j
If opt <> "" Then
checkAvailability = res & ";" & Left(unavailable_persons, Len(unavailable_persons) - 1)
checkAvailability = res
End If
End Function
Sub unittest_checkavailability()
End Sub
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