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Created October 5, 2018 22:19
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Librairie pour Internet Explorer - navigator @dependsOn multiSplit (LIB_STRING) and trier (LIB_LIST)
Public Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal lngMilliSeconds As Long)
Public Declare Function URLDownloadToFile Lib "urlmon" Alias "URLDownloadToFileA" (ByVal pCaller As Long, ByVal szURL As String, ByVal szFileName As String, ByVal dwReserved As Long, ByVal lpfnCB As Long) As Long
Sub navigator(ByVal myNav As Collection)
Dim s As String
' on navigue
Dim ie As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set ie = Nothing
For Each c In myNav
wait_load = False
If UBound(c) > 0 Then
If c(0) = "goto" Then
s = c(1)
Set ie = IE7Navigate(s, ie)
wait_load = True
ElseIf c(0) = "input" And UBound(c) = 2 Then
Set el = getHTMLElement(ie.Document, c(1))
' si c(2) commence par "@", c'est une fonction
If Left(c(2), 1) = "@" Then
myFun = Right(c(2), Len(c(2)) - 1)
myVal = Application.Run(myFun)
el.Value = myVal
el.Value = c(2)
End If
ElseIf c(0) = "click" Then
Set el = getHTMLElement(ie.Document, c(1))
wait_load = True
ElseIf c(0) = "dblclick" Then
Set el = getHTMLElement(ie.Document, c(1))
el.FireEvent "ondblclick", 1, 2
wait_load = True
ElseIf c(0) = "download" And UBound(c) = 2 Then
If LCase(Left(c(1), 4)) <> "http" Then
Set el = getHTMLElement(ie.Document, c(1))
s = el.href
s = c(1)
End If
lRet = URLDownloadToFile(0&, s, c(2), 0&, 0)
Debug.Print "Incorrect command " & Join(c, ";")
End If
Debug.Print "Incorrect command " & Join(c, ";")
End If
' on attend éventuellement le chargement de la page
If wait_load Then
Do Until (ie.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE And ie.Document.ReadyState = "complete")
Sleep 10
Sleep 50
End If
Next c
' on ferme ie
If Not ie Is Nothing Then
End If
End Sub
Function getHTMLElement(ByRef html, ByVal chemin, Optional ByVal ind As Integer = 1)
Set path_obj = parseHTMLPath(chemin)
Set myEl = Nothing
For Each el In path_obj
If el("id") <> "" Then
Set myEl = html.getElementById(el("id"))
GoTo fin
ElseIf el("type") <> "" Then
For Each el2 In html.getElementsByTagName(el("type"))
If checkCriteres(el2, el) Then
Set myEl = el2
GoTo fin
End If
Next el2
End If
Next el
If ind = path_obj.Count Or myEl Is Nothing Then
Set getHTMLElement = myEl
Set getHTMLElement = getHTMLElement(myEl, chemin, ind + 1)
End If
End Function
' vérifie que l'élément html el vérifie les criteres définis dans obj
Function checkCriteres(ByRef el, ByVal obj As Collection) As Boolean
b = obj("id") = "" Or el.ID = obj("id")
b = b And (obj("class") = "" Or el.className = obj("class"))
b = b And (obj("type") = "" Or LCase(el.nodeName) = LCase(obj("type")))
If collKeyExists(obj, "href") Then b = b And el.href = obj("href")
checkCriteres = b
End Function
' chemin = "a@href("
Function parseHTMLPath(ByVal chemin As String) As Collection
Set arr = splitHTMLPath(chemin)
Set elements = New Collection
For i = 1 To arr.Count
If arr(i) <> "" Then
Set obj = getHTMLObj(arr(i))
elements.Add obj
End If
Next i
Set parseHTMLPath = elements
End Function
Function getHTMLObj(ByVal tag_str As String) As Collection
tagName = ""
className = ""
myID = ""
href = ""
Set newcoll = New Collection
arr_sep = Array("#", "@", "aaaaa", ".", "tt")
' on get les positions
Dim pos As Variant
ReDim pos(UBound(arr_sep))
For i = 0 To UBound(arr_sep)
pos(i) = InStr(tag_str, arr_sep(i))
Next i
' on trie
ordre = trier(arr_sep, pos)
' on multi-split
Set parts = splitHTMLPath(tag_str, Join(arr_sep, ","))
' on calcule l'offset
myoffset = countOccur(pos, "0")
' on gere le parsing
tagName = parts(1)
For i = 2 To parts.Count
curr_sep = ordre(myoffset + i - 2)
Select Case curr_sep
Case "#":
myID = parts(i)
Case ".":
className = parts(i)
Case "@":
n = InStr(parts(i), "(")
myAttr = Left(parts(i), n - 1)
myVal = Mid(parts(i), n + 1, Len(parts(i)) - n - 1)
If myAttr = "href" Then
newcoll.Add myVal, myAttr
End If
End Select
Next i
newcoll.Add tagName, "type"
newcoll.Add className, "class"
newcoll.Add myID, "id"
Set getHTMLObj = newcoll
End Function
' chemin = "aaaa(c/o/c/o/)bb/aaa/ddd(c/o(z/s/z/s)/c)/aaaa"
Function splitHTMLPath(ByVal chemin As String, Optional ByVal sep As String = "/") As Collection
Set splitHTMLPath = New Collection
split_compt = 0
curr_el = ""
For i = 1 To Len(chemin)
If Mid(chemin, i, 1) = "(" Then
split_compt = split_compt + 1
curr_el = curr_el & Mid(chemin, i, 1)
ElseIf Mid(chemin, i, 1) = ")" Then
split_compt = split_compt - 1
curr_el = curr_el & Mid(chemin, i, 1)
ElseIf InStr("," & sep & ",", "," & Mid(chemin, i, 1) & ",") > 0 And split_compt = 0 Then
splitHTMLPath.Add curr_el
curr_el = ""
curr_el = curr_el & Mid(chemin, i, 1)
End If
Next i
If curr_el <> "" Then splitHTMLPath.Add curr_el
End Function
Public Function IE7Navigate(strURL As String, oldIE As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer, Optional bFireAndForget As Boolean = False) As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim theSHD As SHDocVw.ShellWindows
Dim IE7 As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Dim i As Long
If oldIE Is Nothing Then
Set theSHD = New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
For i = 0 To theSHD.Count - 1
Set IE7 = theSHD.Item(i)
Sleep 10
If Not IE7 Is Nothing Then
If IE7.LocationURL = strURL Then IE7.Quit
End If
Set IE7 = New SHDocVw.InternetExplorer
Set IE7 = oldIE
End If
IE7.Navigate strURL
Set theSHD = New SHDocVw.ShellWindows
For i = theSHD.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1
Set IE7 = theSHD.Item(i)
Sleep 10
If Not IE7 Is Nothing Then
If bFireAndForget Then Exit Do
If IE7.LocationURL = strURL Then Exit Do
End If
IE7.Visible = True
Sleep 10
If bFireAndForget Then Exit Do
Do Until IE7.Document.ReadyState = "complete"
Sleep 10
Set IE7Navigate = IE7
End Function
' ==============================================================================
' ==============================================================================
Sub unittest_nav_ogd()
Dim myNav As New Collection
myNav.Add Array("goto", "")
myNav.Add Array("input", "#login_field", "@getSesameUser")
myNav.Add Array("input", "#pwd_field", "@getSesamePsswd")
myNav.Add Array("click", "input.btn_medium")
myNav.Add Array("download", "", "C:\Users\CB141B4N\Downloads\truc.xls")
navigator myNav
End Sub
Sub unittest_parseHTMLPath()
chemin = "input.class1/#machin/truc"
chemin = "a@href("
Set res = parseHTMLPath(chemin)
End Sub
Sub unittest_splitHTMLPath()
chemin = "aaaa(c/o@c.o/)bb/aaa.ddd(c/o(z/s/z/s)/c)@aaaa"
Set c = splitHTMLPath(chemin, "/,@")
End Sub
Sub unittest_multiSplit()
arr = multiSplit("truc@href(riri).machin#toto", Array("@", ".", "#"))
End Sub
Sub unittest_getHTMLObj()
Set c = getHTMLObj("truc@href(riri).machin#toto")
End Sub
Sub unittest_trier()
arr = Array("a", "b", "c", "d")
critere = Array(34, 5, 0, 28)
res = trier(arr, critere)
End Sub
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