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Created October 5, 2018 22:18
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Librairie pour extraire des informations depuis des documents Office TODO nettoyer car il y a des fonctions qui ne servent à rien
Const sep_postproc = ";"
' récupère une information d'un doc Word
Function getObjectListDOC(ByVal fichier As String, ByVal myrules)
' on ouvre Word et le fichier
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Document
Set oWord = New Word.Application
If Mid(fichier, 2, 1) <> ":" Then
fichier = ActiveWorkbook.path & "\" & fichier
End If
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(fichier, , True)
' pour chaque règle, on la parse
Dim resultats As New Collection
status_base = Application.StatusBar
For Each Rule In myrules
If Rule <> "" Then
Application.StatusBar = status_base & " - extracting " & Rule
el = getObjectDOC(oWord, oDoc, Rule)
el = ""
End If
resultats.Add el
Next Rule
Application.StatusBar = status_base
Set getObjectListDOC = resultats
' on ferme Word et le fichier
oDoc.Close False
Set oWord = Nothing
End Function
Function getObjectDOC(oWord As Word.Application, oDoc As Document, ByVal s_rule As String)
Rule = parseRule(s_rule)
Dim myObj As Variant
If UBound(Rule) >= 1 Then
' on récupère les infos du paragraphe à chercher
monpar = Rule(0)
monstyle = Rule(1)
' on récupère le bon paragraphe
Dim r As Object
Set r = getRangeWORD(oWord, oDoc, monpar, monstyle)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
' par défaut on se prépare pour renvoyer le texte brut du paragraphe r
myObj = Right(r.Text, Len(r.Text) - Len(monpar))
' on fait éventuellement du post-processing sur le paragraphe r qu'on a récupéré
debut = True
For i = 2 To UBound(Rule)
If debut Then
myObj = postProcessing(r, Rule(i), "object")
debut = False
myObj = postProcessing(myObj, Rule(i))
End If
Next i
getObjectDOC = myObj
Debug.Print "Impossible de trouver le paragraphe " & monpar & " de style " & monstyle
getObjectDOC = ""
End If
Debug.Print "La règle " & myrule & " est mal formée"
End If
End Function
' effectue du postprocessing défini par p sur le range r
Function postProcessing(ByVal r, ByVal p As String, Optional ByVal mytype As String = "variant") As Variant
p_arr = Split(p, sep_postproc)
If UBound(p_arr) >= 0 Then
' extraire un tableau simple
If p_arr(0) = "tab" And UBound(p_arr) > 0 And Not mytype = "variant" Then
num_tab = CInt(p_arr(1))
If r.Tables.Count >= num_tab Then
Set mytab = r.Tables(num_tab)
postProcessing = wordtab2variant(mytab)
End If
' extraire une liste à puces
ElseIf p_arr(0) = "bullet" And Not mytype = "variant" Then
postProcessing = wordbullet2variant(r)
' extraire les indices d'un tableau
ElseIf p_arr(0) = "index" And UBound(p_arr) > 1 And mytype = "variant" And isArray(r) = 2 Then
postProcessing = extractIndex(r, p_arr)
' faire une recherche sioux dans le tableau
ElseIf p_arr(0) = "find" And UBound(p_arr) > 2 And mytype = "variant" And isArray(r) = 2 Then
postProcessing = findTab(r, p_arr)
' nettoyer l'output avec une regex
ElseIf p_arr(0) = "match" And UBound(p_arr) > 1 And mytype = "variant" Then
s = join2D(r, p_arr(2))
postProcessing = RegexMatch(p_arr(1), s)
If postProcessing = "" Then postProcessing = r
' todo
Debug.Print "Invalid post-proc : " & p
End If
End If
End Function
' [regex à trouver];[offset ligne];[offset colonne]
' offset ligne et colonne peuvent utiliser le ":"
Function findTab(ByVal t As Variant, ByVal p_arr As Variant) As Variant
arr = indexFind(t, p_arr(1))
If arr(0) > -1 And arr(1) > -1 Then
filtre_lig = getFiltreIndex(p_arr(2), UBound(t, 1), CInt(arr(0)))
filtre_col = getFiltreIndex(p_arr(3), UBound(t, 2), CInt(arr(1)))
' on extrait
findTab = extractFiltreTab(t, filtre_lig, filtre_col)
End If
End Function
' renvoie le premier indice (l,c) dans t où la regex re est matchée
Function indexFind(ByVal t As Variant, ByVal re As String) As Variant
indexFind = Array(-1, -1)
For i = 0 To UBound(t, 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(t, 2)
If re = t(i, j) Or RegexMatch(re, t(i, j)) <> "" Then
indexFind = Array(i, j)
Exit Function
End If
Next j
Next i
End Function
' extrait de manière intelligente des éléments de l'array 2D t
Function extractIndex(ByVal t As Variant, ByVal p_arr As Variant) As Variant
ligne = p_arr(1)
col = p_arr(2)
filtre_ligne = getFiltreIndex(ligne, UBound(t, 1))
filtre_col = getFiltreIndex(col, UBound(t, 2))
' on extrait
res = extractFiltreTab(t, filtre_ligne, filtre_col)
extractIndex = res
End Function
' extrait une partie de t en respectant le filtre
Function extractFiltreTab(ByVal t As Variant, ByVal filtre_ligne As String, ByVal filtre_col) As Variant
Dim res As Variant
ReDim res(0)
debut = True
For i = 0 To UBound(t, 1)
For j = 0 To UBound(t, 2)
If InStr(filtre_ligne, "," & i & ",") > 0 And InStr(filtre_col, "," & j & ",") Then
If debut Then
res(0) = t(i, j)
debut = False
ReDim Preserve res(UBound(res) + 1)
res(UBound(res)) = t(i, j)
End If
End If
Next j
Next i
extractFiltreTab = res
End Function
' pour nmax = 8, transforme qqc comme 1,3,5: en ,1,3,5,6,7,8, ou 0:-5 en ,0,1,2,3,
Function getFiltreIndex(ByVal s As String, ByVal nmax As Integer, Optional ByVal off As Integer = 0) As String
filtre = ","
' on crée les filtres lignes et col
arr = Split(s, ",")
For i = 0 To UBound(arr)
arr2 = Split(arr(i), ":")
dep = CInt(arr2(0)) + off
If dep - off < 0 Then dep = nmax + dep + 1 - off
If UBound(arr2) > 0 Then
If arr2(1) = "" Then
fin = nmax
fin = CInt(arr2(1)) + off
If fin - off < 0 Then fin = nmax + fin + 1 - off
End If
fin = dep
End If
For j = dep To fin
filtre = filtre & j & ","
Next j
Next i
getFiltreIndex = filtre
End Function
' transforme une liste bullet points en variant (max 2 niveaux d'indentation)
Function wordbullet2variant(word_bullet) As Variant
' on récupère le nombre de lignes et de colonnes
Dim arr_bullet As Variant
ReDim arr_bullet(word_bullet.ListParagraphs.Count - 2)
For i = 0 To UBound(arr_bullet)
If word_bullet.ListParagraphs(i + 2).Range.ListParagraphs.Count > 0 Then
s = word_bullet.ListParagraphs(i + 2).Range.ListParagraphs(1).Range.Text
For j = 2 To word_bullet.ListParagraphs(i + 2).Range.ListParagraphs.Count
s = s & ";;" & word_bullet.ListParagraphs(i + 2).Range.ListParagraphs(j).Range.Text
Next j
arr_bullet(i) = s
arr_bullet(i) = word_bullet.ListParagraphs(i + 2).Range.Text
End If
Next i
wordbullet2variant = arr_bullet
End Function
' transforme un tableau word en variant
Function wordtab2variant(word_table) As Variant
Dim arr_tab As Variant
ReDim arr_tab(word_table.Rows.Count - 1, word_table.Columns.Count - 1)
For i = 1 To word_table.Range.Cells.Count
ligne = word_table.Range.Cells(i).RowIndex
col = word_table.Range.Cells(i).ColumnIndex
' les 2 lignes suivantes permettent d'enlever les caractères spéciaux moches
s = word_table.Range.Cells(i).Range.Text
If Len(s) > 1 Then s = Left(s, Len(s) - 2)
arr_tab(ligne - 1, col - 1) = s
Next i
wordtab2variant = arr_tab
End Function
' parse une règle sous forme de string en objet définissant une règle
Function parseRule(ByVal r As String) As Variant
parseRule = Split(r, "@")
End Function
Function getObjectDOC2(ByVal fichier As String, ByVal masection As String, ByVal element As String) As Variant
tmparr = Split(element, "@")
Dim tabWord As New Collection
If UBound(tmparr) >= 1 Then
' on ouvre le fichier word
Dim oWord As Word.Application
Dim oDoc As Document
Set oWord = New Word.Application
Set oDoc = oWord.Documents.Open(fichier, , True)
' on récupère les infos du paragraphe à chercher
monpar = tmparr(0)
monstyle = tmparr(1)
' on récupère le bon paragraphe
Set r = getRangeWORD(oWord, oDoc, monpar, monstyle)
If Not r Is Nothing Then
If UBound(tmparr) >= 2 Then
' on extrait le tableau avec choix par croix
If Left(LCase(tmparr(2)), 4) = "tabx" Then
num_tab = extractInt(tmparr(2))
Set mytab = r.Tables(num_tab)
For i = 1 To mytab.Range.Cells.Count
t = mytab.Range.Cells(i).Range.Text
If RegexMatch("\[\s?x\s?\]", LCase(t)) <> "" And Len(t) < 7 Then
GoTo breakfori
End If
Next i
j = i + 1
If j <= mytab.Range.Cells.Count Then t = mytab.Range.Cells(j).Range.Text
While j <= mytab.Range.Cells.Count And Not (Len(t) < 7 And RegexMatch("\[\s?\]", t) <> "")
tabWord.Add Left(t, Len(t) - 1)
j = j + 1
If j <= mytab.Range.Cells.Count Then t = mytab.Range.Cells(j).Range.Text Else t = "[ ]"
If tabWord.Count > 0 Then
getObjectDOC = coll2arr(tabWord)
getObjectDOC = Join(getObjectDOC, ";;")
End If
' ici on traite les tabx mais des anciens DAT donc avec de vraies cases à cocher (pas des X)
ElseIf Left(LCase(tmparr(2)), 4) = "taby" Then
On Error GoTo breakfori2
num_tab = extractInt(tmparr(2))
Set mytab = r.Tables(num_tab)
For i = 1 To mytab.Range.Cells.Count
Set coco = mytab.Range.Cells(i).Range.FormFields
If coco.Count = 1 Then
If coco(1).CheckBox.Default Then
getObjectDOC = mytab.Range.Cells(i + 1).Range.Text
GoTo breakfori2
End If
End If
Next i
' on extrait un tableau avec n colonnes (tab1C5 = premier tableau qui a 5 colonnes)
' on peut ajouter un offset : tab1C5off-1
ElseIf RegexMatch("tab[1-9]C[1-9]", LCase(tmparr(2))) <> "" Then
num_tab = Int(RegexMatch("tab([1-9])C[1-9]", LCase(tmparr(2))))
If num_tab <= r.Tables.Count Then
Set mytab = r.Tables(num_tab)
nbcols = Int(RegexMatch("tab[1-9]c([0-9]{1,2})", LCase(tmparr(2))))
myoffset = RegexMatch("tab[1-9]c[0-9]{1,2}off(-?[1-9])", LCase(tmparr(2)))
If myoffset = "" Then myoffset = 0 Else myoffset = Int(myoffset)
' on ignore la première ligne d'en-tête (donc on commence à la cellule nbcols+1)
Dim ligne As Variant
ReDim ligne(nbcols - 1)
k = 1 ' car on ignore la ligne d'en-tête
tabcroix = False
While (k + 1) * nbcols <= mytab.Range.Cells.Count
sauver = False
For i = 0 To nbcols - 1
tmptext = mytab.Range.Cells(k * nbcols + i + 1 + myoffset).Range.Text
If RegexMatch("\[[\sxX]\]", tmptext) <> "" Then tabcroix = True
If RegexMatch("\[[xX]\]", tmptext) <> "" Then
sauver = True
'on enlève les éventuels choix inutiles
tmparr = Split(tmptext, vbCr)
If UBound(tmparr) < 0 Then tmparr = Split(tmptext, vbCrLf)
montexte = ""
For j = 0 To UBound(tmparr) - 1
res = RegexMatch("(\[[xX]\]\s?)", tmparr(j))
If res <> "" Then
ind = InStr(tmparr(j), res)
If ind > 0 Then
montexte = montexte & Right(tmparr(j), Len(tmparr(j)) - ind - Len(res) + 1)
montexte = montexte & tmparr(j) & vbCr
End If
End If
Next j
If RegexMatch("\[\s\]", tmparr(UBound(tmparr))) = "" Then montexte = montexte & Left(tmparr(UBound(tmparr)), Len(tmparr(UBound(tmparr))) - 1)
ligne(i) = montexte
ligne(i) = Left(tmptext, Len(tmptext) - 1)
End If
Next i
If sauver Or Not tabcroix Then
tabWord.Add Join(ligne, "@@")
End If
k = k + 1
If tabWord.Count > 0 Then
getObjectDOC = coll2arr(tabWord)
getObjectDOC = Join(getObjectDOC, ";;")
End If
End If
' on extrait une liste de choix par "[X]"
ElseIf Left(LCase(tmparr(2)), 5) = "listx" Then
texte = Right(r.Text, Len(r.Text) - Len(monpar))
textsplit = Split(texte, vbCr)
getObjectDOC = ""
For i = 0 To UBound(textsplit)
m = RegexMatch("\[\s?[xX]\s?\] (.*)", textsplit(i))
If m <> "" Then
getObjectDOC = getObjectDOC & m & ";;"
End If
Next i
getObjectDOC = Left(getObjectDOC, maxint(Len(getObjectDOC) - 2, 0))
' si ça marche pas, c'est que le modèle est peut-être un peu vieux, donc on essaie les checkbox
If getObjectDOC = "" Then
Set mycheckboxes = r.FormFields
For i = 1 To mycheckboxes.Count
If mycheckboxes(i).CheckBox.Default Then
oWord.Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdParagraph
oWord.Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph
montexte = oWord.Selection.Text
getObjectDOC = getObjectDOC & Right(montexte, Len(montexte) - 2)
End If
Next i
End If
' on extrait une regex
ElseIf Left(LCase(tmparr(2)), 5) = "regex" Then
reg = Right(tmparr(2), Len(tmparr(2)) - 5)
texte = Right(r.Text, Len(r.Text) - Len(monpar))
getObjectDOC = RegexMatch(reg, texte, ";;")
' on extrait une image
ElseIf RegexMatch("img[1-9]#", LCase(tmparr(2))) <> "" Then
num_img = Int(RegexMatch("img([1-9])#", LCase(tmparr(2))))
nom_image = Split(tmparr(2), "#")(1)
If num_img <= r.InlineShapes.Count Then
On Error Resume Next
If Err Then r.InlineShapes(num_img + 1).Range.CopyAsPicture
On Error GoTo cestlafin
da = dossier_images
rndname = Str(Int(Math.Rnd() * 10000000000#))
path = da & "\" & nom_image & "_" & rndname & ".png"
compteur = 0
While fileExists(path) And compteur < 1000
rndname = Str(Int(Math.Rnd() * 10000000000#))
path = da & "\" & nom_image & "_" & rndname & ".png"
compteur = compteur + 1
If compteur >= 1000 Then
Debug.Print "SAVE IMAGE ERROR from " & fichier
SaveClipBoardImage path
getObjectDOC = path
End If
End If
getObjectDOC = Right(r.Text, Len(r.Text) - Len(monpar))
End If
' on post-processe la chaîne
For i = 2 To UBound(tmparr)
getObjectDOC = Trim(postProc(getObjectDOC, tmparr(i)))
Next i
' on extrait simplement le texte du paragraphe
getObjectDOC = Right(r.Text, Len(r.Text) - Len(monpar))
End If
'MsgBox "Paragraphe introuvable :("
getObjectDOC = ""
End If
' on ferme le document word
oDoc.Close False
Set oWord = Nothing
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Function
' récupère un objet excel
Function getObjectXLS(ByVal fichier As String, ByVal element As String) As String
Dim arr As Variant
tmp_element = Split(element, "--")
If UBound(tmp_element) = 2 Then
' on détecte le format du fichier
maversion = getTDSVersion(fichier)
fr = getFeuillePlage(maversion, tmp_element)
feuille = fr(0)
plage = fr(1)
If feuille = "" Or plage = "" Then Exit Function
' on extrait l'élément
If InStr(plage, ";") > 0 Then
plages = Split(plage, ";")
If UBound(plages) < 0 Then Exit Function
getObjectXLS = arr2str(getRangeXLS(fichier, feuille, plages(i)))
For i = 1 To UBound(plages)
arr = getRangeXLS(fichier, feuille, plages(i))
getObjectXLS = getObjectXLS & sep_array_lig & arr2str(arr)
Next i
arr = getRangeXLS(fichier, feuille, plage)
getObjectXLS = arr2str(arr)
End If
End If
End Function
'===================================================== NIV 2 =================================================================
Function getFeuillePlage(ByVal maversion As String, ByVal tmp_element As Variant) As Variant
If maversion = "2015" Then
If Left(tmp_element(0), 4) = "VAL_" Then
feuille = "Accueil"
plage = tmp_element(0)
feuille = "Architecture"
plage = "TAB_SERVEURS[" & tmp_element(0) & "]"
End If
ElseIf maversion = "2014" Then
tmp_fr = Split(tmp_element(1), "@")
If UBound(tmp_fr) = 1 Then
feuille = tmp_fr(0)
plage = tmp_fr(1)
addErrParse "SYNTAX ERROR in " & element
End If
ElseIf maversion = "2013" Then
tmp_fr = Split(tmp_element(2), "@")
If UBound(tmp_fr) = 1 Then
feuille = tmp_fr(0)
plage = tmp_fr(1)
addErrParse "SYNTAX ERROR in " & element
End If
End If
getFeuillePlage = Array(feuille, plage)
End Function
' renvoie la version du TDS fourni en entrée : 2013, 2014, 2015 ou inconnu
Function getTDSVersion(ByVal fichier As String) As String
getTDSVersion = "inconnu"
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Workbook
On Error GoTo openexcelerr
If fileExists(fichier) Then
Set oExcel = New Excel.Application
Set oWB = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(fichier)
If sheetExists(oWB, "Architecture") Then
getTDSVersion = "2015"
ElseIf sheetExists(oWB, "Niveaux de services") Then
getTDSVersion = "2013"
ElseIf sheetExists(oWB, "Synthèse serveurs logiques") Then
getTDSVersion = "2014"
End If
oWB.Close False
Set oExcel = Nothing
End If
If Err <> 0 Then
On Error Resume Next
'oWB.Close False
Set oExcel = Nothing
Debug.Print "Erreur lors de l'ouverture de " & fichier & vbCr & vbCr & Err.Description
On Error GoTo 0
End If
End Function
' récupère une plage Excel
Function getRangeXLS(ByVal fichier As String, ByVal feuille As String, ByVal plage As String) As Variant
Dim oExcel As Excel.Application
Dim oWB As Workbook
If Not is_init Then initialisation
On Error GoTo openexcelerr
Set oExcel = New Excel.Application
Set oWB = oExcel.Workbooks.Open(fichier)
' on gère le cas de plages variables
If InStr(plage, "*") > 0 Then
tmparr = Split(plage, ":")
lastrow = oWB.Sheets(feuille).Range(tmparr(0)).End(xlDown).Row
If lastrow - extractInt(tmparr(0)) > 70 Then
lastrow = smartLastRow(oWB, feuille, tmparr(0))
End If
plage = Replace(plage, "*", lastrow)
End If
' on récupère la plage
getRangeXLS = oWB.Sheets(feuille).Range(plage)
oWB.Close False
Set oExcel = Nothing
If Err <> 0 Then
Debug.Print "Erreur lors de l'ouverture de " & fichier & vbCr & vbCr & Err.Description
End If
End Function
' renvoie le range word correspondant au paragraphe spécifié
' il faut donner en entrée le paragraphe à chercher et son style
Function getRangeWORD(ByVal oWord, ByVal oDoc As Document, ByVal monpar As String, Optional ByVal monstyle As String = "")
Set getRangeWORD = Nothing
On Error GoTo fin
If monpar = "" Then
Set getRangeWORD = oDoc.Range
Exit Function
End If
' on cherche le premier heading
oWord.Selection.HomeKey Unit:=wdStory
With oWord.Selection.Find
.ClearFormatting 'Always clear find formatting
.Style = oDoc.Styles(monstyle)
.Text = monpar
.Replacement.Text = "" 'We are not replacing the text
.Forward = True 'Move forward so we can each consecutive heading
.Wrap = wdFindContinue 'Continue to the next find
.Format = True
.MatchCase = True
.MatchWholeWord = False
.MatchWildcards = False
.MatchSoundsLike = False
.MatchAllWordForms = False
compt = 0
oWord.Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdParagraph
oWord.Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph
While (InStr(normaliser(monpar), normaliser(oWord.Selection.Text)) <= 0 Or Len(normaliser(oWord.Selection.Text)) = 0) And compt < 10
For i = 0 To compt
Next i
oWord.Selection.StartOf Unit:=wdParagraph
oWord.Selection.MoveEnd Unit:=wdParagraph
compt = compt + 1
End With
' on cherche le heading d'après
On Error GoTo termine
If compt < 10 Then
debut = oWord.Selection.Range.Start
Set r = oDoc.Range(Start:=oWord.Selection.Range.End)
sautepremier = False
For Each p In r.Paragraphs
aaa = p.Range.Text
If Not p.Range.Style Is Nothing And sautepremier Then
If Left(p.Range.Style, 3) = "Tit" Or Left(p.Range.Style, 3) = "Edf" Then
'truc = (normaliser(Left(p.Range.Text, Len(p.Range.Text) - 1)) = normaliser(monpar))
If (p.Range.Style = monstyle Or monstyle = "" Or Left(p.Range.Style, 5) = "Titre") Then
fin = p.Range.Start
Set getRangeWORD = oDoc.Range(Start:=debut, End:=fin)
Exit Function
End If
End If
End If
sautepremier = True
Next p
Set getRangeWORD = Nothing
End If
Set getRangeWORD = Nothing
End Function
' post-processe la chaîne "s" selon le mode "pp"
' pp = extractint | ifreg[reg]#[val_si_oui]#[val_si_non]
Function postProc(ByVal s As String, ByVal pp As String) As String
If Left(LCase(pp), 10) = "extractint" Then ' EXTRACTINT
n = extractInt(pp)
If n = 0 Then n = 1
postProc = extractInt(s, n)
ElseIf Left(LCase(pp), 5) = "ifreg" Then ' IFREG
brut = Right(pp, Len(pp) - 5)
splitbrut = Split(brut, "#")
If UBound(splitbrut) = 2 Then
myreg = splitbrut(0)
m = RegexMatch(myreg, s)
If m <> "" Then
postProc = splitbrut(1)
postProc = splitbrut(2)
End If
If postProc = "$" Then postProc = m
If postProc = "" Then postProc = s
postProc = s
End If
postProc = s
End If
End Function
' renvoie "###" si l'objet n'existe pas, ou sa valeur s'il est calculé
Function objectExists(ByVal obj_name As String) As String
Dim plage, evalplage As Range
Set plage = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Objets").Range("tab_objets[Objet]")
Set evalplage = ActiveWorkbook.Sheets("Objets").Range("tab_objets[GetObject]")
objectExists = "###"
For i = 1 To plage.Rows.Count
If plage.Rows(i).Value = obj_name Then
objectExists = evalplage.Rows(i).Value
Exit Function
End If
Next i
End Function
' renvoie le numéro de la dernière ligne non vide du tableau dans lequel se trouve la cellule "plage"
Function smartLastRow(ByVal wb As Workbook, ByVal feuille As String, ByVal plage As String) As Integer
Dim source As Range
Set source = wb.Sheets(feuille).Range(plage)
maxi = 300
smartLastRow = source.End(xlDown).Row
For c = 0 To 5
i = 1
While source.Offset(i, c).Value <> "" And i < maxi
i = i + 1
If (i + source.Row > smartLastRow And i < 80) Or (i + source.Row < smartLastRow And i > 1) Then
smartLastRow = i + source.Row
End If
Next c
End Function
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