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Created January 7, 2016 20:06
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Gist for describing problem with several image
package ui.components;
import ui.CursorStyle;
import kha.input.Mouse;
import kha.Framebuffer;
import kha.graphics2.Graphics;
import ui.geom.Rectangle;
import ui.geom.Point;
import kha.Color;
class BaseComponent {
public var cursorStyle: String;
public var children: List<BaseComponent>;
public var width(get, set): Int;
public var height(get, set): Int;
private var rect(get, null): Rectangle;
public var color: Color;
public var visible : Bool = true;
public function new (x: Int, y: Int, width: Int, height: Int, ?color: Color, ?cursorStyle: String) {
rect = new Rectangle(new Point(x,y), width, height);
this.color = (color != null) ? color : Color.Black;
this.cursorStyle = (cursorStyle != null) ? cursorStyle : CursorStyle.DEFAULT;
public function get_width(): Int {
return rect.width;
private function set_width(value : Int): Int {
rect.width = value;
return rect.width;
public function get_height(): Int {
return rect.height;
private function set_height(value : Int): Int {
rect.height = value;
return rect.height;
public function get_rect(): Rectangle {
return rect;
public function render(g: Graphics): Void {
g.color = this.color;
public function onHovered(mousePosition: Point): Void {
trace("I am onHovered");
this.color = Color.Orange;
package ui;
import kha.input.Mouse;
import ui.geom.Rectangle;
import ui.geom.Point;
import ui.components.BaseComponent;
import kha.Color;
import kha.Image;
import kha.graphics2.Graphics;
class Manager {
public var layers: Array<List<BaseComponent>>;
public var layersIndex: Array<Int>;
public var baseColor: Color;
private var backbuffer: Image;
public function new(w: Int, h: Int, ?color: Color) {
backbuffer = Image.createRenderTarget(w,h);
// Init the base color
baseColor = (color != null) ? color : Color.White;
// Initialise the layers informations
layers = [];
layersIndex = [];
* Register the Mouse to listeners
public function initInputs() {
if (Mouse.get() != null) Mouse.get().notify(mouseDown, mouseUp, mouseMove, mouseWheel);
* Add the component to the specified layer index
* @param component Component to add
* @param layer The layer index
* @return The instance of the manager to allow chaining methods
public function addComponent(component: BaseComponent, layer: Int = 1) : Manager {
if (layersIndex.indexOf(layer) != -1) {
} else {
layers[layer] = new List<BaseComponent>();
return this;
* A method able to the sort ASC integer
* @param a First number to compare
* @param b Second number to compare
* @return The result of the computation.
* 1 : If a > b
* -1 : If a < b
* 0 : Otherwise
private function sortAscIndexes(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
if (a == b)
return 0;
if (a > b)
return 1;
return -1;
private function sortDescIndexes(a: Int, b: Int): Int {
if (a == b)
return 0;
if (a > b)
return -1;
return 1;
* Render each component ordered by the layer indexes
* @param g Graphics to draw with
public function render(refGraphics: Graphics) {
var g: Graphics = backbuffer.g2;
// Here if I set it to g.begin() it's will not rendez the red rect draw by Sample backbuffer
g.begin(false); // I have to it to false here. Is it normal ?
for(index in layersIndex) {
for(component in layers[index]) {
refGraphics.color = Color.White;
refGraphics.drawImage(backbuffer, 0, 0);
private function mouseDown(button: Int, x: Int, y: Int): Void {
private function mouseUp(button: Int, x: Int, y: Int): Void {
private function mouseMove(x: Int, y: Int, movementX: Int, movementY: Int): Void {
var mousePosition: Point = new Point(x, y);
var shouldBreak: Bool = false;
var localLayersIndex : Array<Int> = layersIndex.concat([]); // Force a copy of the array
localLayersIndex.sort(sortDescIndexes); // Reverse the order of the table
// We reversed the array indexes as we want to stop the hover event on the
// top most component and let it handle the propagation of the event
for(index in localLayersIndex) {
for(component in layers[index]) {
if (component.get_rect().contains(mousePosition)) {
component.onHovered(mousePosition.translate(-component.get_rect().origin.x, -component.get_rect().origin.y));
shouldBreak = true;
if (shouldBreak)
private function mouseWheel(delta: Int): Void {
import kha.Framebuffer;
import ui.Manager;
import kha.graphics2.Graphics;
import kha.Color;
import kha.Scaler;
import kha.Image;
import kha.System;
class Sample {
public var backbuffer: Image;
public var manager: Manager;
public function new() {
backbuffer = Image.createRenderTarget(800, 600);
// Init manager
manager = new Manager(800, 600);
manager.addComponent(new ui.components.BaseComponent(50, 50, 200, 200, Color.Cyan), 1);
manager.addComponent(new ui.components.BaseComponent(100, 100, 200, 200, Color.Magenta), 3);
manager.addComponent(new ui.components.BaseComponent(0, 0, 200, 200, Color.Black), -2);
* Called each frame to render them
* @param framebuffer The framebuffer to draw on
public function render(framebuffer: Framebuffer): Void {
var g: Graphics = backbuffer.g2;
// Draw your stuff here
g.color = Color.Red;
g.fillRect(200, 200, 300, 300);
// Call manger render method to draw your ui
// Apply the new backbuffer state to the framebuffer
// It's actually show the frame to the user
Scaler.scale(backbuffer, framebuffer, System.screenRotation);
public function update(): Void {
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