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Created February 10, 2015 12:14
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  • Save MangelMaxime/e299504535e71b4fefea to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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import Color (..)
import Graphics.Collage (..)
import Graphics.Element (..)
import Keyboard
import Signal
import Text
import Time (..)
import Window
{-- Part 1: Model the user input ----------------------------------------------
What information do you need to represent all relevant user input?
Task: Redefine `UserInput` to include all of the information you need.
Redefine `userInput` to be a signal that correctly models the user
input as described by `UserInput`.
type alias UserInput = {}
userInput : Signal UserInput
userInput =
Signal.constant {}
type alias Input =
{ timeDelta : Float
, userInput : UserInput
{-- Part 2: Model the game ----------------------------------------------------
What information do you need to represent the entire game?
Tasks: Redefine `GameState` to represent your particular game.
Redefine `defaultGame` to represent your initial game state.
For example, if you want to represent many objects that just have a position,
your GameState might just be a list of coordinates and your default game might
be an empty list (no objects at the start):
type GameState = { objects : [(Float,Float)] }
defaultGame = { objects = [] }
(gameWidth, gameHeight) = (600,400)
(halfWidth, halfHeight) = (300,200)
type alias Object a = { a | x:Float, y:Float }
type alias ObjectMoving = Object { vx:Float, vy:Float }
type alias GameState = {}
defaultGame : GameState
defaultGame =
{-- Part 3: Update the game ---------------------------------------------------
How does the game step from one state to another based on user input?
Task: redefine `stepGame` to use the UserInput and GameState
you defined in parts 1 and 2. Maybe use some helper functions
to break up the work, stepping smaller parts of the game.
stepGame : Input -> GameState -> GameState
stepGame {timeDelta,userInput} gameState =
{-- Part 4: Display the game --------------------------------------------------
How should the GameState be displayed to the user?
Task: redefine `display` to use the GameState you defined in part 2.
-- helpers values
groundColor = rgb 74 163 41
skyColor = rgb 174 238 238
txt f = Text.fromString >> Text.color purple >> Text.monospace >> f >> Text.leftAligned
msg = "Just some text to bereplace by score value later"
-- shared functions for rendering objects
displayObj : Object a -> Color -> Shape -> Form
displayObj obj color shape =
move (obj.x, obj.y) (filled color shape)
display : (Int,Int) -> GameState -> Element
display (w,h) gameState =
--Text.asText gameState
-- I want to outlined this container
container w h middle <|
collage gameWidth gameHeight
filled skyColor ( rect gameWidth gameHeight ),
move (0,50-halfHeight) (filled groundColor ( rect gameWidth 50 ))
{-- That's all folks! ---------------------------------------------------------
The following code puts it all together and shows it on screen.
delta : Signal Float
delta = inSeconds (fps 35)
input : Signal Input
input =
Signal.sampleOn delta (Signal.map2 Input delta userInput)
gameState : Signal GameState
gameState =
Signal.foldp stepGame defaultGame input
main : Signal Element
main =
Signal.map2 display Window.dimensions gameState
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