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metaplex candymachine tutorial
# 🤔 Prerequisites
`npm install --global lerna`
`npm install --global ts-node`
`npm install -g typescript`
# 🗂 Install CLI client
$ git clone
$ cd metaplex
$ cd js
$ yarn install
$ cd js/packages/cli
$ yarn
$ yarn install
//if this is missing install
//npm i @solana/spl-token
$ yarn build
$yarn run package:macos
//or if that doesn't work
$npx pkg . -d --targets node14-macos-x64 --output bin/macos/metaplex
//allow use of cli
$ sudo npm link
now you should see the metaplex cli installed
`$ metaplex -h`
//set solana environment
solana config set -u devnet -k ~/.config/solana/id.json
solana config set -u mainnet-beta -k ~/.config/solana/id.json
## Step 1
Now navigate to the `cli` package source where we can start to run the cli tools
cd packages/cli/src/
## Step 2
Then upload the aforementioned (png, json) pairs to the `@ArweaveTeam`
network using the following. This is where our files are stored immutably on the perma-web to be accessed later Spider web
ts-node cli upload ~/path/to/your/images -k ~/.config/solana/id.json
//devnet, -n means adding 20 pairs of json and png assets
metaplex upload ~/path/to/your/images -k ~/.config/solana/id.json -e devnet -n 20
metaplex upload ~/path/to/your/images -k ~/.config/solana/id.json -e mainnet-beta -n 10000
NOTE: this might not always upload all your images correctly so it might need to be run several times. Keep running until you receive no errors.
## Step 3
Now to create your Candy Machine!
You can specify the mint price of your NFT (in SOL) using the `-p` flag as shown: 1 = 1 SOL
ts-node cli create_candy_machine -k ~/.config/solana/id.json -p 1
metaplex create_candy_machine -k ~/.config/solana/id.json -p 1
This should also print the PDA of your candy machine.
## Step 4
Next, we want to set the start date, after which our NFTs will be freely available for the public to mint Timer clock
ts-node cli set_start_date -k ~/.config/solana/id.json -d "03 Sep 2021 11:23:00 GMT"
metaplex set_start_date -k ~/.config/solana/id.json -d "03 Sep 2021 11:23:00 GMT"
metaplex update_candy_machine --env devnet --keypair ~/.config/solana/id.json --price 0.5 --date "01 Sep 2021 00:00:00 GMT"
## Step 5
Here comes the fun part. Now that our Candy Machine is locked and loaded, it's time to mint Printer
For example, here we are minting to our own key, however you could specify any key here to mint to.
ts-node cli mint_one_token -k ~/.config/solana/id.json
metaplex mint_one_token -k ~/.config/solana/id.json
## Step 6
Sign your mint
metaplex sign_candy_machine_metadata -k ~/.config/solana/id.json
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