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Last active June 10, 2021 16:14
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Save ManojKiranA/7d36c1d1d16a5d3fe74ef34fb7a4d3bc to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
namespace App\Http\Resources;
use Illuminate\Http\Resources\Json\ResourceCollection;
use Illuminate\Pagination\UrlWindow;
use Illuminate\Support\Arr;
use Barryvdh\Debugbar\Facade as DebugbarFacade;
use Illuminate\Container\Container;
use Illuminate\Contracts\Pagination\LengthAwarePaginator as LengthAwarePaginatorContract;
class ApiPaginationResource extends ResourceCollection
* Indicates wheather the debugbar data need
* to be added to api response.
* @var bool
public $needDegugbar = true;
* Create a new Paginated Response
public function __construct(LengthAwarePaginatorContract $paginatedInstance,bool $needDegugbar = true)
$this->needDegugbar = $needDegugbar;
* Transform the resource into an array.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return array
public function toArray($request)
return parent::toArray($request);
* Get additional data that should be returned with the resource array.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @return array
public function with($request)
$withArray = [];
$trueCallback = function(){
return true;
// $falseCallback = function(){
// return false;
// };
$metaData = [
'full_url' => [
'value' => $request->fullUrl(),
'canBeAdded' => $trueCallback,
'page_name' => [
'value' => $this->resource->getPageName(),
'canBeAdded' => $trueCallback,
'path_info' => [
'value' => $request->getPathInfo(),
'canBeAdded' => $trueCallback,
'query_parms' => [
'value' => Arr::except($request->query(),[/**$this->resource->getPageName() **/]),
'canBeAdded' => $trueCallback,
'query_string' => [
'value' => $request->getQueryString(),
'canBeAdded' => $trueCallback,
'request_uri' => [
'value' => $request->getRequestUri(),
'canBeAdded' => $trueCallback,
foreach ($metaData as $metaDataKey => $eachMeta) {
$withArray['meta'][$metaDataKey] = $eachMeta['value'];
$metaData = [
'paginator_url' => [
'value' => UrlWindow::make($this->resource),
'canBeAdded' => $trueCallback,
foreach ($metaData as $metaDataKey => $eachMeta) {
$withArray['links'][$metaDataKey] = $eachMeta['value'];
if($this->needDegugbar && Container::getInstance()->bound('debugbar') && Container::getInstance()->make('debugbar')->isEnabled()):
$withArray['debugbar_profiling'] = DebugbarFacade::getData();
return $withArray;
* Customize the outgoing response for the resource.
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Request $request
* @param \Illuminate\Http\Response $response
* @return void
public function withResponse($request, $response)
// $response->header('X-Value', 'FooBar');
// $users = User::query()
// ->select([
// '',
// '',
// '',
// ])
// ->paginate(2,['*'],'customPage')
// ->onEachSide(2)
// ->appends(request()->all());
// return new ApiPaginationResource($users,true);
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