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Last active September 11, 2019 05:32
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using the Macro on Builder

will work work on both the Eloquent Builder and also the Query Builder

    use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder;

    Builder::macro('search', function ( $tableFields, $searchValues, $splitOn = null, $addOwnWildCard = true) {

        $tableFields = (array) $tableFields;
        $searchValues = (array) $searchValues;

        if ($splitOn !== null && array_filter($splitOn) !== []) {
            foreach ($searchValues as  $searchTerm) {
                $splitOnSpaceArray[] = explode(chr(1), str_replace($splitOn, chr(1), $searchTerm));
            $searchValues = \Illuminate\Support\Arr::collapse($splitOnSpaceArray);
        if ($addOwnWildCard) {
            foreach ($searchValues as  $searchTerm) {
                $addWildOnEach[] = "%{$searchTerm}%";
            $searchValues = $addWildOnEach;
        $this->orWhere(function ($query) use ($tableFields, $searchValues) {
            foreach ($tableFields as $attribute) {
                $query->orWhere(function ($query) use ($attribute, $searchValues) {
                    foreach ($searchValues as $searchTerm) {
                        $query->orWhere($attribute, 'LIKE', $searchTerm);

        return $this;

 * Scope a query for Wild Card Search
 * @author Manojkiran.A <>
 * @param  \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder $builderQuery
 * @param string|array $tableFields
 * @param string|array $searchValues
 * @param array|null $splitOn
 * @see
 * @return \Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Builder
public function scopeSearch($builderQuery, $tableFields, $searchValues, $splitOn = null, $addOwnWildCard = true)
    $tableFields = (array) $tableFields;
    $searchValues = (array) $searchValues;

    if ($splitOn !== null && array_filter($splitOn) !== []) {
        foreach ($searchValues as  $searchTerm) {
            $splitOnSpaceArray[] = explode(chr(1), str_replace($splitOn, chr(1), $searchTerm));
        $searchValues = \Illuminate\Support\Arr::collapse($splitOnSpaceArray);
    if ($addOwnWildCard) {
        foreach ($searchValues as  $searchTerm) {
            $addWildOnEach[] = "%{$searchTerm}%";
        $searchValues = $addWildOnEach;
    $builderQuery-> orWhere(function ($query) use ($tableFields, $searchValues) {            
        foreach ($tableFields as $attribute) {
            $query->orWhere(function ($query) use ($attribute, $searchValues) {
                foreach ($searchValues as $searchTerm) {
                    $query->orWhere($attribute, 'LIKE', $searchTerm);

    return $builderQuery;

Finally How To use it

   $fileds = ['email','name'];

  $values = ['','Taylor Otwell'];
   //first Argument will be array of fileds that need to be searched in the Query
   //second Argument will be array of values that to be searched
   //third Argument will be array of patterns for exploding the each string
   //if its set to true the values will be exploded as  ['','Taylor','Otwell'];
   //fourth Argument will be boolean for the adding own wild card
   //if its set to true the values in the sql will be processed as follows
  $query = User:: search($fileds, $values,['.',' ','@'],true)->select('name','email')->get();
     //So query result will be
          `email` LIKE "%example%"
          or `email` LIKE "%net%"
          or `email` LIKE "%Taylor%"
          or `email` LIKE "%Otwell%"
        or (
          `name` LIKE "%example%"
          or `name` LIKE "%net%"
          or `name` LIKE "%Taylor%"
          or `name` LIKE "%Otwell%"
      and `users`.`deleted_at` is null
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