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Last active July 13, 2023 10:41
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CloudCharging -<<redis-stack-charge_request_redis-lambda-fn >>
using StackExchange.Redis;
using System;
using System.Threading.Tasks;
public class ChargingEngineService
private static readonly string Key = "account1/balance";
private static readonly int DefaultBalance = 100;
private static ConnectionMultiplexer redis;
public static async Task<ChargeResult> ChargeRequestAsync()
var db = await GetDatabaseAsync();
var remainingBalance = await GetBalanceAsync(db, Key);
var charges = GetCharges();
var isAuthorized = remainingBalance >= charges;
if (!isAuthorized)
return new ChargeResult
RemainingBalance = remainingBalance,
IsAuthorized = false,
Charges = 0
var newRemainingBalance = await ChargeAsync(db, Key, charges);
return new ChargeResult
RemainingBalance = newRemainingBalance,
IsAuthorized = true,
Charges = charges
public static async Task<int> ResetAsync()
var db = await GetDatabaseAsync();
await db.StringSetAsync(Key, DefaultBalance);
return DefaultBalance;
private static async Task<IDatabase> GetDatabaseAsync()
if (redis == null || !redis.IsConnected)
redis = await ConnectionMultiplexer.ConnectAsync($"{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("ENDPOINT")}:{Environment.GetEnvironmentVariable("PORT") ?? "6379"}");
return redis.GetDatabase();
private static int GetCharges()
return DefaultBalance / 20;
private static async Task<int> GetBalanceAsync(IDatabase db, string key)
var res = await db.StringGetAsync(key);
return (int)res;
private static async Task<int> ChargeAsync(IDatabase db, string key, int charges)
return (int)await db.StringDecrementAsync(key, charges);
public class ChargeResult
public int RemainingBalance { get; set; }
public int Charges { get; set; }
public bool IsAuthorized { get; set; }
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