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Last active July 25, 2021 23:08
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import tactic data.real.sqrt
noncomputable theory
open real
/- Problem : Let n≥100 be an integer. Ivan writes the numbers n, n+1,..., 2n each on different cards.
He then shuffles these n+1 cards, and divides them into two piles. Prove that at least one
of the piles contains two cards such that the sum of their numbers is a perfect square.
/- Solution: We prove the required claim by constructing a triplet of pairwise unequal
natural numbers a, b, c ∈ [n, 2n], with each pairwise sum being a perfect square. Then, by
Pigeonhole principle, at least two numbers in the triplet must lie in the same pile, which
finishes the proof.
lemma lower_bound (n : ℕ) (l : ℤ): 2 * (l : ℝ) ≥ 2 + sqrt (4 + 2 * n) → (n : ℤ) + 4 * l ≤ 2 * l * l :=
intros hl,
have h₁ : sqrt (4 + 2 * n) ≤ 2 * l - 2 := by linarith,
rw mul_self_le_mul_self_iff at h₁,
rw ← sqrt_mul at h₁,
rw sqrt_mul_self at h₁,
ring_exp at h₁,
norm_num at h₁,
have : 2 * ((l : ℝ) * 4 + n) ≤ 2* (l ^ 2 * 2) := by linarith,
norm_cast at this,
repeat {norm_cast, linarith},
apply sqrt_nonneg,
apply le_trans _ hl,
simp only [le_add_iff_nonneg_right],
apply sqrt_nonneg,
lemma upper_bound (n : ℕ) (l : ℤ): l ≥ 0 → (l : ℝ) ≤ sqrt (1 + n) - 1 → 2 * l * l + 4 * l ≤ 2 * n :=
intros hl₁ hl₂,
have h₁ : (l : ℝ) + 1 ≤ sqrt (1 + n) := by linarith,
rw mul_self_le_mul_self_iff at h₁,
rw ← sqrt_mul at h₁,
rw sqrt_mul_self at h₁,
ring_exp at h₁,
norm_num at h₁,
have : 2 * ((l : ℝ) * 2 + l ^ 2) ≤ 2 * n := by linarith,
norm_cast at h₁,
repeat {norm_cast, linarith},
apply sqrt_nonneg,
lemma radical_inequality {n : ℕ} (h: n ≥ 107) : sqrt (4 + 2 * n) ≤ 2 * (sqrt (1 + n) - 3) :=
rw mul_self_le_mul_self_iff,
simp only [pow_two, mul_neg_eq_neg_mul_symm],
repeat {rw ← sqrt_mul, rw sqrt_mul_self},
suffices : 24 * sqrt (1 + n) ≤ 2 * n + 36,
rw mul_self_le_mul_self_iff,
rw pow_two,
repeat {rw ← sqrt_mul, rw sqrt_mul_self},
by_cases p: n ≥ 108,
have : n = 107 := by linarith,
subst this,
repeat {norm_cast, linarith},
repeat {norm_num, apply sqrt_nonneg},
suffices : 3 ≤ sqrt (1 + n),
rw mul_self_le_mul_self_iff,
repeat {rw ← sqrt_mul, rw sqrt_mul_self},
repeat {norm_cast, linarith},
apply sqrt_nonneg,
lemma exists_numbers_in_interval (n : ℕ): n ≥ 107 → ∃ (l : ℤ), l ≥ 0 ∧
((n : ℤ) + 4 * l ≤ 2 * l * l ∧ 2 * l * l + 4 * l ≤ 2 * n) :=
intros hn,
suffices : ∃ (l : ℤ), l ≥ 0 ∧ 2 * (l : ℝ) ≥ 2 + sqrt (4 + 2 * n) ∧ (l : ℝ) ≤ sqrt (1 + n) - 1,
cases this with l t,
use l,
refine ⟨t.1, ⟨lower_bound n l t.2.1, upper_bound n l t.1 t.2.2⟩⟩,
use floor (sqrt (1 + n) - 1),
{ simp only [ge_iff_le],
rw floor_nonneg,
rw mul_self_le_mul_self_iff,
repeat {rw ← sqrt_mul, rw sqrt_mul_self},
repeat {norm_cast, linarith},
apply sqrt_nonneg },
refine ⟨_, floor_le (sqrt (1 + n) - 1)⟩,
{ suffices : 2 * (sqrt (1 + n) - 2) ≥ 2 + sqrt (4 + 2 * n),
simp only [ge_iff_le] at this,
simp only [ge_iff_le],
apply le_trans this _,
simp only [mul_le_mul_left, zero_lt_bit0, zero_lt_one],
suffices : sqrt (1 + n) - 1 ≤ ↑⌊sqrt (1 + n) - 1⌋ + 1,
have t : (⌈sqrt (1 + n) - 1⌉:ℝ) ≤ ⌊sqrt (1 + n) - 1⌋ + 1,
exact ceil_le_floor_add_one _,
apply le_trans _ t,
exact le_ceil (sqrt (1 + ↑n) - 1),
simp only [ge_iff_le],
suffices : sqrt (4 + 2 * n) ≤ 2 * (sqrt (1 + n) - 3),
exact radical_inequality hn },
/-We show there exists a triplet a, b, c ∈ [n , 2n] with a < b < c and each of the sums (a + b),
(b + c), (a + c) being a perfect square. Specifically, we consider the linear system of equations
a + b = (2 * l - 1) ^ 2
a + c = (2 * l) ^ 2
b + c = (2 * l + 1) ^ 2
which can be solved to give
a = 2 * l * l - 4 * l
b = 2 * l * l + 1
c = 2 * l * l + 4 * l
Therefore, it is enough to show that there exists a natural number l such that
n ≤ 2 * l * l - 4 * l and 2 * l * l + 4 * l ≤ 2 * n for n ≥ 100.-/
lemma exists_triplet_summing_to_squares (n : ℕ): n ≥ 100 → (∃ (a b c : ℤ), (n : ℤ) ≤ a ∧ a < b ∧ b < c ∧ c ≤ 2 * n
∧ (∃ (k : ℤ), a + b = k * k) ∧ (∃ (l : ℤ), a + c = l * l) ∧ (∃ (m : ℤ), b + c = m * m)) :=
intros hn,
by_cases p : n ≥ 107,
have h := exists_numbers_in_interval n p,
cases h with l hl,
use (2 * l * l - 4 * l),
use (2 * l * l + 1),
use (2 * l * l + 4 * l),
refine ⟨_,⟨_,⟨_,⟨_,⟨_, ⟨_, _⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩⟩,
{ rw le_sub_iff_add_le,
exact hl.2.1 },
{ nlinarith },
{ nlinarith },
{ exact hl.2.2},
{ use (2 * l - 1),
ring_exp_eq },
{ use (2 * l),
ring_exp_eq },
{ use(2 * l + 1),
ring_exp_eq },
{ use 126,
use 163,
use 198,
repeat {split, linarith},
refine ⟨_,⟨_,_⟩⟩,
use 17,
use 18,
use 19,
linarith },
lemma mem_compl_iff_nmem_subset {A : finset ℕ} {a b c n : ℕ} (t : A ⊆ finset.range(2 * n + 1)\finset.range n) (h₁ : (n : ℤ) ≤ a)
(h₂ : (a : ℤ) < b) (h₃ : (b : ℤ) < c) (h₄ : (c : ℤ) ≤ 2 * n) : (a ∉ A ↔ a ∈ (finset.range (2 * n + 1)\finset.range n)\A)
∧ (b ∉ A ↔ b ∈ (finset.range (2 * n + 1)\finset.range n)\A) ∧ (c ∉ A ↔ c ∈ (finset.range (2 * n + 1)\finset.range n)\A) :=
norm_cast at h₁,
norm_cast at h₂,
norm_cast at h₃,
norm_cast at h₄,
{ intro ha,
simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_range],
exact ha },
{ intro ha,
simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_range] at ha,
exact ha.2 },
{ intro hb,
simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_range],
exact hb },
{ intro hb,
simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_range] at hb,
exact hb.2 },
{intro hc,
simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_range],
exact hc },
{ intro hc,
simp only [finset.mem_sdiff, finset.mem_range] at hc,
exact hc.2 },
theorem IMO_2021_Q1 : ∀ (n : ℕ), n ≥ 100 → ∀ (A ⊆ finset.range(2 * n + 1)\finset.range n),
(∃ (a b : A), a ≠ b ∧ ∃ (k : ℤ), (a : ℤ) + b = k * k) ∨
(∃ (a b: (finset.range (2 * n + 1)\finset.range n)\A), a ≠ b ∧ ∃(k : ℤ), (a : ℤ) + b=k * k) :=
intros n hn A hA,
-- There exists a pairwise unequal triplet a, b, c ∈ [n, 2n] such that all pairwise sums are perfect squares
have p := exists_triplet_summing_to_squares n hn,
rcases p with ⟨a, b, c, ⟨han, hba, hcb, hnc, p⟩⟩,
lift a to ℕ,
lift b to ℕ,
lift c to ℕ,
-- Consider by cases based on whether each of {a, b, c} belongs to the 'first pile' A or not.
-- In each case, we can find two members of the triplet in the same pile, as required.
by_cases h₁: a ∈ A,
by_cases h₂: b ∈ A,
use a,
exact h₁,
use b,
exact h₂,
refine ⟨_, p.1⟩,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, ne.def],
linarith },
by_cases h₃ : c ∈ A,
use a,
exact h₁,
use c,
exact h₃,
refine ⟨_,p.2.1⟩,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, ne.def],
linarith },
rw (mem_compl_iff_nmem_subset hA han hba hcb hnc).2.1 at h₂,
rw (mem_compl_iff_nmem_subset hA han hba hcb hnc).2.2 at h₃,
use b,
exact h₂,
use c,
exact h₃,
refine ⟨_, p.2.2⟩,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, ne.def],
linarith },
rw (mem_compl_iff_nmem_subset hA han hba hcb hnc).1 at h₁,
by_cases h₂ : b ∈ A,
by_cases h₃ : c ∈ A,
use b,
exact h₂,
use c,
exact h₃,
refine ⟨_, p.2.2⟩,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, ne.def],
linarith },
rw (mem_compl_iff_nmem_subset hA han hba hcb hnc).2.2 at h₃,
use a,
exact h₁,
use c,
exact h₃,
refine ⟨_, p.2.1⟩,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, ne.def],
linarith },
rw (mem_compl_iff_nmem_subset hA han hba hcb hnc).2.1 at h₂,
use a,
exact h₁,
use b,
exact h₂,
refine ⟨_, p.1⟩,
{ simp only [subtype.mk_eq_mk, ne.def],
linarith },
repeat {linarith},
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