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Created December 22, 2023 07:40
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Distrust measures
Distrust Measure Metric Description
Data Quality Completeness Measures the proportion of missing data in a dataset. A dataset with a low percentage of missing data is considered to be of higher quality.
Validity Measures whether the data in a dataset is accurate and conforms to a set of predefined rules or constraints.
Consistency Measures whether the data in a dataset is consistent with other data sources.
Timeliness Measures how recent the data in a dataset is. A dataset with more recent data is considered to be of higher quality
Uniqueness Measures whether the data in a dataset is unique or duplicated.
Accuracy Measures the degree to which the data in a dataset is free from errors or inaccuracies.
Precision and Recall Evaluates the performance of a model. Precision measures the proportion of true positive predictions out of all positive predictions, and recall measures the proportion of true positive predictions out of all actual positive cases.
F1-Score A weighted harmonic mean of precision and recall, where the best value is 1.0 and the worst value is 0.0
Gini Coefficient A measure of inequality in a dataset, where 0 represents total equality and 1 represents total inequality
Entropy A measure of the disorder or randomness in a dataset
Data Bias Disparate Impact This metric measures the difference in outcome between groups in a dataset. For example, if a dataset is used to make a decision and a certain group is disproportionately affected by that decision, that dataset may be considered biased.
Group Fairness This metric measures whether a model's performance is similar across different groups in a dataset. For example, if a model's accuracy is significantly lower for one group than for others, it may be considered biased.
Equal Opportunity This metric measures whether a model's false positive rate is similar across different groups in a dataset. For example, if a model's false positive rate is significantly higher for one group than for others, it may be considered biased.
Individual Fairness This metric measures whether similar individuals are treated similarly by a model.
Parity This metric measures whether a model has similar performance for different groups in a dataset.
Theil index This is a measure of the economic inequality in a dataset
Mutual Information This is a measure of the association between variables in a dataset
Gini Coefficient This is a measure of the inequality in a dataset
Covariate Shift This is a measure of the difference in distribution of input features between the training and test dataset
Data Privacy k-anonymity This metric measures the degree to which individuals in a dataset are indistinguishable from at least k-1 other individuals in the same dataset, in terms of the quasi-identifiers.
l-diversity This metric measures the degree to which the sensitive attribute values are diverse within each equivalence class formed by the k-anonymity.
t-closeness This metric measures the degree to which the distribution of the sensitive attribute values in a dataset is similar to the distribution of the sensitive attribute values in the entire population.
differential privacy This metric measures the degree to which a dataset preserves the privacy of individuals by adding noise to the data in such a way that individual-level information is not revealed.
re-identification risk This metric measures the probability that an individual in a dataset can be re-identified by a malicious attacker using external information.
Information Loss This is a measure of the amount of information lost in a dataset after applying privacy-preserving techniques such as anonymization or generalization.
Entropy This is a measure of the randomness or uncertainty in a dataset
Mutual Information This is a measure of the association between variables in a dataset
Traceability This is a measure of the degree to which an individual can be traced back in a dataset
Data Fairness Disparate impact This metric measures the ratio of the positive rate of a sensitive attribute between the privileged and unprivileged groups. A value of 1 indicates no disparity, while values less than 1 indicate that the unprivileged group is more likely to be negatively impacted.
Demographic parity This metric measures the degree to which the distribution of the positive outcome of a sensitive attribute is the same across different groups.
Equal opportunity This metric measures the degree to which the true positive rate of the sensitive attribute is the same across different groups.
Theil index This metric measures the degree to which the distribution of the sensitive attribute is unequal across different groups.
Gini coefficient This metric measures the degree of inequality in the distribution of the sensitive attribute across different groups.
False Positive Rate Difference (FPRD) This metric measures the difference in false positive rates across different groups
False Negative Rate Difference (FNRD) This metric measures the difference in false negative rates across different groups
Statistical Parity Difference (SPD) This metric measures the difference in the rate of favorable outcomes across different groups
Equalized Odds This metric measures the degree to which the true positive rate and the false positive rate are the same across different groups
Data Robustness Adversarial robustness This metric measures the ability of a model to resist adversarial attacks, such as adding small perturbations to the input data in an attempt to mislead the model.
Distribution shift robustness This metric measures the ability of a model to perform well when the distribution of the data it is tested on is different from the distribution of the data it was trained on.
Out-of-distribution robustness This metric measures the ability of a model to detect and handle data that is out of the distribution of the data it was trained on.
Test-time augmentation robustness This metric measures the ability of a model to perform well when additional data augmentations are applied at test time.
Generalization Error This measures the gap between the training and test error, lower the gap more robust the model is.
Confidence-calibrated Error This measures the difference between the predicted probability and the true positive rate, lower the difference more robust the model is.
Model Robustness Score This is a score generated by some toolkits like IBM's AI Fairness 360 that gives a numerical score for robustness.
Data Transparency Model interpretability This metric measures the ability of the model to provide clear explanations for its predictions, such as through the use of feature importance or attribution methods.
Data lineage This metric measures the ability to trace the origins of the data and the transformations applied to it.
Data Provenance This metric measures the ability to track the entire lifecycle of the data, including data sourcing, data preparation, data usage, and data archiving.
Data Governance This metric measures the ability to control, manage and protect the data.
Data Quality This metric measures the ability of the data to meet the needs of its intended use, such as completeness, accuracy, and consistency.
Data documentation This metric measures the ability to provide clear and concise documentation about the data, such as data dictionaries, data definitions, and data quality reports.
Model audibility This metric measures the ability to provide insights into the internal workings of the model and its decision-making process.
Data Explainability Feature Importance This metric measures the importance of each feature in the dataset in relation to the target variable. It helps to understand which features are driving the predictions of a model.
Model interpretability This metric measures the ability of the model to provide clear explanations for its predictions, such as through the use of feature importance or attribution methods.
Attribution methods This metric measures the ability to understand the contribution of each feature to the model's predictions, such as through techniques like LIME, SHAP, and Integrated Gradients.
Model audibility This metric measures the ability to provide insights into the internal workings of the model and its decision-making process, such as through techniques like decision trees, rule sets, and decision lists.
Proximity Measures This metric measures the similarity of a sample to the samples of a particular class, such as through techniques like k-neighbors, decision boundary visualization.
Global Sensitivity measures This metric measures the ability of a model to be robust against small changes in the input data, such as through techniques like adversarial examples, sensitivity analysis.
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