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Last active April 30, 2023 00:39
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PRD algorithm constant calculator (Haskell)
-- Pseudo-random distribution constant calculator.
-- The constants are calculated by numerically approximating the roots of
-- the function f(p) = p - p(c) via Newton-Raphson / bisection.
-- Calculating p(c) is easy: evaluate a polynomial and invert it.
-- For an explanation and visualization of the PRD algorithm, please see
-- This is free and unencumbered software released into the public domain.
-- For more information, please refer to <>
import Control.Monad (forM_, liftM2)
import Text.Printf (printf)
config_TOLERANCE = 1e-15 :: Double
config_STEPS = 100 :: Int
-- Main entrypoint. Outputs a lookup formatted as a Lua table.
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "local prd_constant_lookup = {"
forM_ [1 .. config_STEPS-1] $ liftM2 (printf "\t[%d] = %.16f,\n") id calc
putStrLn "}"
step_size = recip $ fromIntegral config_STEPS
calc i = calculate_c config_TOLERANCE (step_size * fromIntegral i)
-- Given a PRD constant c, calculates p(c) and p'(c).
nominal_p_and_p' :: RealFrac a => a -> (a, a)
nominal_p_and_p' c = (p, p')
p = recip q
p' = negate q' * p*p
n = subtract 1 $ ceiling $ recip c
(q, q') = foldl eval_polynomial (1, 0) $ map fromInteger [n, n-1 .. 1]
eval_polynomial (a, a') k = (1 + (1 - k*c)*a, (1 - k*c)*a' - k*a)
-- Given a nominal probability and an initial guess `c0`, calculates a better
-- approximation of the real value `c = c(p)` using Newton-Raphson.
approximate_c :: RealFrac a => a -> a -> a
approximate_c p c0
| c1 < 0 = c0 / 2 -- Degrade to bisection if underflowing.
| otherwise = c1
c1 = c0 + step
step = (p - p_c) / p_c'
(p_c, p_c') = nominal_p_and_p' c0
-- Calculates the PRD constant for a given p, up to the given tolerance.
calculate_c tolerance p
| p >= 1 = 1
| p <= 0 = 0
| otherwise = c
c = converge initial $ drop 1 $ iterate (approximate_c p) initial
initial = p*p
converge y (x:xs)
| (y - x) < tolerance = x
| otherwise = converge x xs
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