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Commonly used Vim shortcuts

Vim Shortcuts

command format: [count][operator][motion]

1 Mode

1.1 normal -> insert

i - insert
a - append
o - open a new line
s - delete the character
I - insert at the beginning of the line
A - insert at the end of the line
O - open a new line above
S - delete the line

1.2 normal -> replace


1.3 normal -> visual

<C-V> - visual block mode
<S-V> - visual line mode
:'<,'>normal . - after we enter visual line mode, we can execute command on the selected lines

1.4 history

q: - history command
q? - history search with ?
q/ - history search with /

1.5 dot command

[count]. - repeat last change
; - repeat f/F command
, - repeat F/f command reversely
& - repeat substitute action

2 navigation

H - to the top of the screen
M - to the middle of the screen
L - to the bottom of the screen
<c-f> - scroll a screen
<c-b> - scroll up a screen
<c-d> - scroll half screen
<c-u> - scroll up half screen
:linenumber / linenumber G - to the selected line
fx - jump to next x in current line
Fx - jump to previous x in current line
; - repeat f or F command
, - repeat F or f command (reversed)
} - jump to next paragraph
{ - jump to previous paragraph

3 Marks

m{a-z} - mark current position
M{a-z} - mark current position globally. (Marks take effect after exiting vim)
`{a-z} - move to selected mark
`` - move to last modified position
:Marks - show all marks
:delmarks a b - delete mark a and b
:delmarks! - delete all marks

4 motions

w - until the start of the next word.
b - until the start of the previous word.
e - to the end of the next word.
ge - to the end of the previous word
^ - to the beginning of the line.
$ - to the end of the line.
0 - to the start of the line.
G - to the bottom of the file.
gg - to the start of the file.
a - The commands that start with "a" select an object including white space
i - The commands that start with "i" select an inner object without white space, or just the white space

5 operators

d - delete operator.
dd - delete current line
x - delete current character.
u - undo
<c-r> - redo
r - replace
c - change
p - put previously deleted text
y - copy
yy - copy current line
J - merge current line and next line.
aw - a word
as - a sentence
ap - a paragraph
ab - a block

6 register

"ayy - put current line to register a 
"Ayy - add current line to register a (upppercase A used to track register a)
:reg - show all registers
"+yy - put current line to system clipboard 
"+p - put system clipboard to current cursor

7 search

/ - forward search
? - backward search
* - search current word
% - matching parentheses search
n - next item
N - previous item
:vimgrep/pattern/g files - search all matched text, use :cw command to open search result
:vimgrep/^##/g % - search in whole file where the text matches the pattern

8 substitute

:s/old/new - only subsititute the first occurrence of the 'old' in the line
:s/old/new/g - substitute globally in the line
:#,#s/old/new/g - #,# are the line numbers of the range of the line
:%s/old/new/g - substitute in the whole file
:%s/old/new/g - with a prompt whether to substitute or not
:.,+2s/old/new/g - current line and next two line
g flag - globally within the current line
c flag - eyeball each substitution
% - execute every line of the file
:[range]g/pattern/command - search and execute command
:%g/^xyz/nomarl dd - delete the line which starts with xyz

9 execute an external command


10 write to file

write the buffer - :w filename
selecting text to write -  visual mode to select text, and then :w filename

11 retrieving and merging files

merge file - :r filename
retrieve - :r !ls

12 format

<< - indent to the left
>> - indent to the right
>G - increase the indentation from the current line until the end of the file

13 window

<c-w>h/j/k/l - go to other window
sp / vsp - create a split view
<c-w>r - rotate window
<c-w>T - move window to new tab
<c-w>H/J/K/L - move window

14 quickfix

:cw - open a quickfix window
:cl - list all items
:cn - next item
:cp - previous item
:cr - first item

15 tab

[number]gt/gT - go to next tab
tabnew - create a new tab

16 fold

zf - create a fold in visual mode
za - close/open current fold

17 Plugins

17.1 coc (deprecated)

next-item - <TAB>
confirm - <c-y>
jump to the definition - gd
go back - <c-o>

17.2 fzf (deprecated)

<leader>b - open buffer list
<leader>f - open file list
:Maps - nomarl mode mappings
:Windows - windows
:Marks - marks

17.3 terminal (deprecated)

<leader>t - open a terminal
<leader><ESC> - exit terminal insert mode

17.4 CHADTree (deprecated)

<C-V> - open CHADTree
<C-R> - refresh CHADTree

17.5 vim-surround

add to word - ysiw)
change to word - cs'""
delete to word - ds)

17.6 easy motion (deprecated)

<leader><leader>w - 跳转到下文中的单词开头
<leader><leader>b - 跳转到上文中的单词开头
<leader><leader>e - 跳转到下文中的单词结尾
<leader><leader>ge - 跳转到上文中的单词结尾

<leader><leader>s - 根据关键词搜索上下文
<leader><leader>f - 根据关键词搜索下文
<leader><leader>F - 根据关键词搜索上文

<leader><leader>. - 重复上一次动作
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