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Created October 12, 2019 09:29
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SBApplication headers in Swift for
import AppKit
import ScriptingBridge
@objc public protocol SBObjectProtocol: NSObjectProtocol {
func get() -> Any!
@objc public protocol SBApplicationProtocol: SBObjectProtocol {
func activate()
var delegate: SBApplicationDelegate! { get set }
var isRunning: Bool { get }
// MARK: MusicEKnd
@objc public enum MusicEKnd : AEKeyword {
case trackListing = 0x6b54726b /* 'kTrk' */
case albumListing = 0x6b416c62 /* 'kAlb' */
case cdInsert = 0x6b434469 /* 'kCDi' */
// MARK: MusicEnum
@objc public enum MusicEnum : AEKeyword {
case standard = 0x6c777374 /* 'lwst' */
case detailed = 0x6c776474 /* 'lwdt' */
// MARK: MusicEPlS
@objc public enum MusicEPlS : AEKeyword {
case stopped = 0x6b505353 /* 'kPSS' */
case playing = 0x6b505350 /* 'kPSP' */
case paused = 0x6b505370 /* 'kPSp' */
case fastForwarding = 0x6b505346 /* 'kPSF' */
case rewinding = 0x6b505352 /* 'kPSR' */
// MARK: MusicERpt
@objc public enum MusicERpt : AEKeyword {
case off = 0x6b52704f /* 'kRpO' */
case one = 0x6b527031 /* 'kRp1' */
case all = 0x6b416c6c /* 'kAll' */
// MARK: MusicEShM
@objc public enum MusicEShM : AEKeyword {
case songs = 0x6b536853 /* 'kShS' */
case albums = 0x6b536841 /* 'kShA' */
case groupings = 0x6b536847 /* 'kShG' */
// MARK: MusicESrc
@objc public enum MusicESrc : AEKeyword {
case library = 0x6b4c6962 /* 'kLib' */
case audioCD = 0x6b414344 /* 'kACD' */
case mp3CD = 0x6b4d4344 /* 'kMCD' */
case radioTuner = 0x6b54756e /* 'kTun' */
case sharedLibrary = 0x6b536864 /* 'kShd' */
case iTunesStore = 0x6b495453 /* 'kITS' */
case unknown = 0x6b556e6b /* 'kUnk' */
// MARK: MusicESrA
@objc public enum MusicESrA : AEKeyword {
case albums = 0x6b53724c /* 'kSrL' */
case all = 0x6b416c6c /* 'kAll' */
case artists = 0x6b537252 /* 'kSrR' */
case composers = 0x6b537243 /* 'kSrC' */
case displayed = 0x6b537256 /* 'kSrV' */
case names = 0x6b537253 /* 'kSrS' */
// MARK: MusicESpK
@objc public enum MusicESpK : AEKeyword {
case none = 0x6b4e6f6e /* 'kNon' */
case folder = 0x6b537046 /* 'kSpF' */
case genius = 0x6b537047 /* 'kSpG' */
case library = 0x6b53704c /* 'kSpL' */
case music = 0x6b53705a /* 'kSpZ' */
case purchasedMusic = 0x6b53704d /* 'kSpM' */
// MARK: MusicEMdK
@objc public enum MusicEMdK : AEKeyword {
case song = 0x6b4d6453 /* 'kMdS' */
case musicVideo = 0x6b566456 /* 'kVdV' */
case unknown = 0x6b556e6b /* 'kUnk' */
// MARK: MusicERtK
@objc public enum MusicERtK : AEKeyword {
case user = 0x6b527455 /* 'kRtU' */
case computed = 0x6b527443 /* 'kRtC' */
// MARK: MusicEAPD
@objc public enum MusicEAPD : AEKeyword {
case computer = 0x6b415043 /* 'kAPC' */
case airPortExpress = 0x6b415058 /* 'kAPX' */
case appleTV = 0x6b415054 /* 'kAPT' */
case airPlayDevice = 0x6b41504f /* 'kAPO' */
case bluetoothDevice = 0x6b415042 /* 'kAPB' */
case homePod = 0x6b415048 /* 'kAPH' */
case unknown = 0x6b415055 /* 'kAPU' */
// MARK: MusicEClS
@objc public enum MusicEClS : AEKeyword {
case unknown = 0x6b556e6b /* 'kUnk' */
case purchased = 0x6b507572 /* 'kPur' */
case matched = 0x6b4d6174 /* 'kMat' */
case uploaded = 0x6b55706c /* 'kUpl' */
case ineligible = 0x6b52656a /* 'kRej' */
case removed = 0x6b52656d /* 'kRem' */
case error = 0x6b457272 /* 'kErr' */
case duplicate = 0x6b447570 /* 'kDup' */
case subscription = 0x6b537562 /* 'kSub' */
case noLongerAvailable = 0x6b526576 /* 'kRev' */
case notUploaded = 0x6b557050 /* 'kUpP' */
// MARK: MusicGenericMethods
@objc public protocol MusicGenericMethods {
@objc optional func printPrintDialog(_ printDialog: Any!, withProperties: Any!, kind: MusicEKnd, theme: Any!) // Print the specified object(s)
@objc optional func close() // Close an object
@objc optional func delete() // Delete an element from an object
@objc optional func duplicateTo(_ to: Any!) // Duplicate one or more object(s)
@objc optional func exists() // Verify if an object exists
@objc optional func `open`() // Open the specified object(s)
@objc optional func save() // Save the specified object(s)
@objc optional func playOnce(_ once: Any!) // play the current track or the specified track or file.
@objc optional func select() // select the specified object(s)
// MARK: MusicApplication
@objc public protocol MusicApplication: SBApplicationProtocol {
@objc optional func AirPlayDevices()
@objc optional func browserWindows()
@objc optional func encoders()
@objc optional func EQPresets()
@objc optional func EQWindows()
@objc optional func miniplayerWindows()
@objc optional func playlists()
@objc optional func playlistWindows()
@objc optional func sources()
@objc optional func tracks()
@objc optional func videoWindows()
@objc optional func visuals()
@objc optional func windows()
@objc optional var AirPlayEnabled: Int { get } // is AirPlay currently enabled?
@objc optional var converting: Int { get } // is a track currently being converted?
@objc optional var currentEncoder: MusicEncoder { get } // the currently selected encoder (MP3, AIFF, WAV, etc.)
@objc optional var currentEQPreset: MusicEQPreset { get } // the currently selected equalizer preset
@objc optional var currentPlaylist: MusicPlaylist { get } // the playlist containing the currently targeted track
@objc optional var currentStreamTitle: Int { get } // the name of the current track in the playing stream (provided by streaming server)
@objc optional var currentStreamURL: Int { get } // the URL of the playing stream or streaming web site (provided by streaming server)
@objc optional var currentTrack: MusicTrack { get } // the current targeted track
@objc optional var currentVisual: MusicVisual { get } // the currently selected visual plug-in
@objc optional var EQEnabled: Int { get } // is the equalizer enabled?
@objc optional var fixedIndexing: Int { get } // true if all AppleScript track indices should be independent of the play order of the owning playlist.
@objc optional var frontmost: Int { get } // is this the active application?
@objc optional var fullScreen: Int { get } // is the application using the entire screen?
@objc optional var name: Int { get } // the name of the application
@objc optional var mute: Int { get } // has the sound output been muted?
@objc optional var playerPosition: Double { get } // the player’s position within the currently playing track in seconds.
@objc optional var playerState: MusicEPlS { get } // is the player stopped, paused, or playing?
@objc optional var selection: Int { get } // the selection visible to the user
@objc optional var shuffleEnabled: Int { get } // are songs played in random order?
@objc optional var shuffleMode: MusicEShM { get } // the playback shuffle mode
@objc optional var songRepeat: MusicERpt { get } // the playback repeat mode
@objc optional var soundVolume: Int { get } // the sound output volume (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)
@objc optional var version: Int { get } // the version of the application
@objc optional var visualsEnabled: Int { get } // are visuals currently being displayed?
@objc optional func printPrintDialog(_ printDialog: Any!, withProperties: Any!, kind: MusicEKnd, theme: Any!) // Print the specified object(s)
@objc optional func run() // Run the application
@objc optional func quit() // Quit the application
@objc optional func add(_ x: Any!, to: Any!) -> MusicTrack // add one or more files to a playlist
@objc optional func backTrack() // reposition to beginning of current track or go to previous track if already at start of current track
@objc optional func convert(_ x: Any!) -> MusicTrack // convert one or more files or tracks
@objc optional func fastForward() // skip forward in a playing track
@objc optional func nextTrack() // advance to the next track in the current playlist
@objc optional func pause() // pause playback
@objc optional func playOnce(_ once: Any!) // play the current track or the specified track or file.
@objc optional func playpause() // toggle the playing/paused state of the current track
@objc optional func previousTrack() // return to the previous track in the current playlist
@objc optional func resume() // disable fast forward/rewind and resume playback, if playing.
@objc optional func rewind() // skip backwards in a playing track
@objc optional func stop() // stop playback
@objc optional func openLocation(_ x: Any!) // Opens an iTunes Store or audio stream URL
@objc optional func setCurrentEncoder(_ currentEncoder: MusicEncoder!) // the currently selected encoder (MP3, AIFF, WAV, etc.)
@objc optional func setCurrentEQPreset(_ currentEQPreset: MusicEQPreset!) // the currently selected equalizer preset
@objc optional func setCurrentVisual(_ currentVisual: MusicVisual!) // the currently selected visual plug-in
@objc optional func setEQEnabled(_ EQEnabled: Int) // is the equalizer enabled?
@objc optional func setFixedIndexing(_ fixedIndexing: Int) // true if all AppleScript track indices should be independent of the play order of the owning playlist.
@objc optional func setFrontmost(_ frontmost: Int) // is this the active application?
@objc optional func setFullScreen(_ fullScreen: Int) // is the application using the entire screen?
@objc optional func setMute(_ mute: Int) // has the sound output been muted?
@objc optional func setPlayerPosition(_ playerPosition: Double) // the player’s position within the currently playing track in seconds.
@objc optional func setShuffleEnabled(_ shuffleEnabled: Int) // are songs played in random order?
@objc optional func setShuffleMode(_ shuffleMode: MusicEShM) // the playback shuffle mode
@objc optional func setSongRepeat(_ songRepeat: MusicERpt) // the playback repeat mode
@objc optional func setSoundVolume(_ soundVolume: Int) // the sound output volume (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)
@objc optional func setVisualsEnabled(_ visualsEnabled: Int) // are visuals currently being displayed?
extension SBApplication: MusicApplication {}
// MARK: MusicItem
@objc public protocol MusicItem: SBObjectProtocol, MusicGenericMethods {
@objc optional var container: Int { get } // the container of the item
@objc optional func id() // the id of the item
@objc optional var index: Int { get } // the index of the item in internal application order
@objc optional var name: Int { get } // the name of the item
@objc optional var persistentID: Int { get } // the id of the item as a hexadecimal string. This id does not change over time.
@objc optional var properties: Int { get } // every property of the item
@objc optional func download() // download a cloud track or playlist
@objc optional func reveal() // reveal and select a track or playlist
@objc optional func setName(_ name: Int) // the name of the item
@objc optional func setProperties(_ properties: Int) // every property of the item
extension SBObject: MusicItem {}
// MARK: MusicAirPlayDevice
@objc public protocol MusicAirPlayDevice: MusicItem {
@objc optional var active: Int { get } // is the device currently being played to?
@objc optional var available: Int { get } // is the device currently available?
@objc optional var kind: MusicEAPD { get } // the kind of the device
@objc optional var networkAddress: Int { get } // the network (MAC) address of the device
@objc optional func protected() // is the device password- or passcode-protected?
@objc optional var selected: Int { get } // is the device currently selected?
@objc optional var supportsAudio: Int { get } // does the device support audio playback?
@objc optional var supportsVideo: Int { get } // does the device support video playback?
@objc optional var soundVolume: Int { get } // the output volume for the device (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)
@objc optional func setSelected(_ selected: Int) // is the device currently selected?
@objc optional func setSoundVolume(_ soundVolume: Int) // the output volume for the device (0 = minimum, 100 = maximum)
extension SBObject: MusicAirPlayDevice {}
// MARK: MusicArtwork
@objc public protocol MusicArtwork: MusicItem {
@objc optional var data: Int { get } // data for this artwork, in the form of a picture
@objc optional var objectDescription: Int { get } // description of artwork as a string
@objc optional var downloaded: Int { get } // was this artwork downloaded by Music?
@objc optional var format: Int { get } // the data format for this piece of artwork
@objc optional var kind: Int { get } // kind or purpose of this piece of artwork
@objc optional var rawData: Any { get } // data for this artwork, in original format
@objc optional func setData(_ data: Int) // data for this artwork, in the form of a picture
@objc optional func setObjectDescription(_ objectDescription: Int) // description of artwork as a string
@objc optional func setKind(_ kind: Int) // kind or purpose of this piece of artwork
@objc optional func setRawData(_ rawData: Any!) // data for this artwork, in original format
extension SBObject: MusicArtwork {}
// MARK: MusicEncoder
@objc public protocol MusicEncoder: MusicItem {
@objc optional var format: Int { get } // the data format created by the encoder
extension SBObject: MusicEncoder {}
// MARK: MusicEQPreset
@objc public protocol MusicEQPreset: MusicItem {
@objc optional var band1: Double { get } // the equalizer 32 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band2: Double { get } // the equalizer 64 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band3: Double { get } // the equalizer 125 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band4: Double { get } // the equalizer 250 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band5: Double { get } // the equalizer 500 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band6: Double { get } // the equalizer 1 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band7: Double { get } // the equalizer 2 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band8: Double { get } // the equalizer 4 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band9: Double { get } // the equalizer 8 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var band10: Double { get } // the equalizer 16 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var modifiable: Int { get } // can this preset be modified?
@objc optional var preamp: Double { get } // the equalizer preamp level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional var updateTracks: Int { get } // should tracks which refer to this preset be updated when the preset is renamed or deleted?
@objc optional func setBand1(_ band1: Double) // the equalizer 32 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand2(_ band2: Double) // the equalizer 64 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand3(_ band3: Double) // the equalizer 125 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand4(_ band4: Double) // the equalizer 250 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand5(_ band5: Double) // the equalizer 500 Hz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand6(_ band6: Double) // the equalizer 1 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand7(_ band7: Double) // the equalizer 2 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand8(_ band8: Double) // the equalizer 4 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand9(_ band9: Double) // the equalizer 8 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setBand10(_ band10: Double) // the equalizer 16 kHz band level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setPreamp(_ preamp: Double) // the equalizer preamp level (-12.0 dB to +12.0 dB)
@objc optional func setUpdateTracks(_ updateTracks: Int) // should tracks which refer to this preset be updated when the preset is renamed or deleted?
extension SBObject: MusicEQPreset {}
// MARK: MusicPlaylist
@objc public protocol MusicPlaylist: MusicItem {
@objc optional func tracks()
@objc optional func artworks()
@objc optional var objectDescription: Int { get } // the description of the playlist
@objc optional var disliked: Int { get } // is this playlist disliked?
@objc optional var duration: Int { get } // the total length of all tracks (in seconds)
@objc optional var name: Int { get } // the name of the playlist
@objc optional var loved: Int { get } // is this playlist loved?
@objc optional var parent: MusicPlaylist { get } // folder which contains this playlist (if any)
@objc optional var size: Int { get } // the total size of all tracks (in bytes)
@objc optional var specialKind: MusicESpK { get } // special playlist kind
@objc optional var time: Int { get } // the length of all tracks in MM:SS format
@objc optional var visible: Int { get } // is this playlist visible in the Source list?
@objc optional func moveTo(_ to: Any!) // Move playlist(s) to a new location
@objc optional func searchFor(_ for_: Any!, only: MusicESrA) -> MusicTrack // search a playlist for tracks matching the search string. Identical to entering search text in the Search field.
@objc optional func setObjectDescription(_ objectDescription: Int) // the description of the playlist
@objc optional func setDisliked(_ disliked: Int) // is this playlist disliked?
@objc optional func setName(_ name: Int) // the name of the playlist
@objc optional func setLoved(_ loved: Int) // is this playlist loved?
extension SBObject: MusicPlaylist {}
// MARK: MusicAudioCDPlaylist
@objc public protocol MusicAudioCDPlaylist: MusicPlaylist {
@objc optional func audioCDTracks()
@objc optional var artist: Int { get } // the artist of the CD
@objc optional var compilation: Int { get } // is this CD a compilation album?
@objc optional var composer: Int { get } // the composer of the CD
@objc optional var discCount: Int { get } // the total number of discs in this CD’s album
@objc optional var discNumber: Int { get } // the index of this CD disc in the source album
@objc optional var genre: Int { get } // the genre of the CD
@objc optional var year: Int { get } // the year the album was recorded/released
@objc optional func setArtist(_ artist: Int) // the artist of the CD
@objc optional func setCompilation(_ compilation: Int) // is this CD a compilation album?
@objc optional func setComposer(_ composer: Int) // the composer of the CD
@objc optional func setDiscCount(_ discCount: Int) // the total number of discs in this CD’s album
@objc optional func setDiscNumber(_ discNumber: Int) // the index of this CD disc in the source album
@objc optional func setGenre(_ genre: Int) // the genre of the CD
@objc optional func setYear(_ year: Int) // the year the album was recorded/released
extension SBObject: MusicAudioCDPlaylist {}
// MARK: MusicLibraryPlaylist
@objc public protocol MusicLibraryPlaylist: MusicPlaylist {
@objc optional func fileTracks()
@objc optional func URLTracks()
@objc optional func sharedTracks()
extension SBObject: MusicLibraryPlaylist {}
// MARK: MusicRadioTunerPlaylist
@objc public protocol MusicRadioTunerPlaylist: MusicPlaylist {
@objc optional func URLTracks()
extension SBObject: MusicRadioTunerPlaylist {}
// MARK: MusicSource
@objc public protocol MusicSource: MusicItem {
@objc optional func audioCDPlaylists()
@objc optional func libraryPlaylists()
@objc optional func playlists()
@objc optional func radioTunerPlaylists()
@objc optional func subscriptionPlaylists()
@objc optional func userPlaylists()
@objc optional var capacity: Int64 { get } // the total size of the source if it has a fixed size
@objc optional var freeSpace: Int64 { get } // the free space on the source if it has a fixed size
@objc optional var kind: MusicESrc { get }
extension SBObject: MusicSource {}
// MARK: MusicSubscriptionPlaylist
@objc public protocol MusicSubscriptionPlaylist: MusicPlaylist {
@objc optional func fileTracks()
@objc optional func URLTracks()
extension SBObject: MusicSubscriptionPlaylist {}
// MARK: MusicTrack
@objc public protocol MusicTrack: MusicItem {
@objc optional func artworks()
@objc optional var album: Int { get } // the album name of the track
@objc optional var albumArtist: Int { get } // the album artist of the track
@objc optional var albumDisliked: Int { get } // is the album for this track disliked?
@objc optional var albumLoved: Int { get } // is the album for this track loved?
@objc optional var albumRating: Int { get } // the rating of the album for this track (0 to 100)
@objc optional var albumRatingKind: MusicERtK { get } // the rating kind of the album rating for this track
@objc optional var artist: Int { get } // the artist/source of the track
@objc optional var bitRate: Int { get } // the bit rate of the track (in kbps)
@objc optional var bookmark: Double { get } // the bookmark time of the track in seconds
@objc optional var bookmarkable: Int { get } // is the playback position for this track remembered?
@objc optional var bpm: Int { get } // the tempo of this track in beats per minute
@objc optional var category: Int { get } // the category of the track
@objc optional var cloudStatus: MusicEClS { get } // the iCloud status of the track
@objc optional var comment: Int { get } // freeform notes about the track
@objc optional var compilation: Int { get } // is this track from a compilation album?
@objc optional var composer: Int { get } // the composer of the track
@objc optional var databaseID: Int { get } // the common, unique ID for this track. If two tracks in different playlists have the same database ID, they are sharing the same data.
@objc optional var dateAdded: Int { get } // the date the track was added to the playlist
@objc optional var objectDescription: Int { get } // the description of the track
@objc optional var discCount: Int { get } // the total number of discs in the source album
@objc optional var discNumber: Int { get } // the index of the disc containing this track on the source album
@objc optional var disliked: Int { get } // is this track disliked?
@objc optional var downloaderAppleID: Int { get } // the Apple ID of the person who downloaded this track
@objc optional var downloaderName: Int { get } // the name of the person who downloaded this track
@objc optional var duration: Double { get } // the length of the track in seconds
@objc optional var enabled: Int { get } // is this track checked for playback?
@objc optional var episodeID: Int { get } // the episode ID of the track
@objc optional var episodeNumber: Int { get } // the episode number of the track
@objc optional var EQ: Int { get } // the name of the EQ preset of the track
@objc optional var finish: Double { get } // the stop time of the track in seconds
@objc optional var gapless: Int { get } // is this track from a gapless album?
@objc optional var genre: Int { get } // the music/audio genre (category) of the track
@objc optional var grouping: Int { get } // the grouping (piece) of the track. Generally used to denote movements within a classical work.
@objc optional var kind: Int { get } // a text description of the track
@objc optional var longDescription: Int { get } // the long description of the track
@objc optional var loved: Int { get } // is this track loved?
@objc optional var lyrics: Int { get } // the lyrics of the track
@objc optional var mediaKind: MusicEMdK { get } // the media kind of the track
@objc optional var modificationDate: Int { get } // the modification date of the content of this track
@objc optional var movement: Int { get } // the movement name of the track
@objc optional var movementCount: Int { get } // the total number of movements in the work
@objc optional var movementNumber: Int { get } // the index of the movement in the work
@objc optional var playedCount: Int { get } // number of times this track has been played
@objc optional var playedDate: Int { get } // the date and time this track was last played
@objc optional var purchaserAppleID: Int { get } // the Apple ID of the person who purchased this track
@objc optional var purchaserName: Int { get } // the name of the person who purchased this track
@objc optional var rating: Int { get } // the rating of this track (0 to 100)
@objc optional var ratingKind: MusicERtK { get } // the rating kind of this track
@objc optional var releaseDate: Int { get } // the release date of this track
@objc optional var sampleRate: Int { get } // the sample rate of the track (in Hz)
@objc optional var seasonNumber: Int { get } // the season number of the track
@objc optional var shufflable: Int { get } // is this track included when shuffling?
@objc optional var skippedCount: Int { get } // number of times this track has been skipped
@objc optional var skippedDate: Int { get } // the date and time this track was last skipped
@objc optional var show: Int { get } // the show name of the track
@objc optional var sortAlbum: Int { get } // override string to use for the track when sorting by album
@objc optional var sortArtist: Int { get } // override string to use for the track when sorting by artist
@objc optional var sortAlbumArtist: Int { get } // override string to use for the track when sorting by album artist
@objc optional var sortName: Int { get } // override string to use for the track when sorting by name
@objc optional var sortComposer: Int { get } // override string to use for the track when sorting by composer
@objc optional var sortShow: Int { get } // override string to use for the track when sorting by show name
@objc optional var size: Int64 { get } // the size of the track (in bytes)
@objc optional var start: Double { get } // the start time of the track in seconds
@objc optional var time: Int { get } // the length of the track in MM:SS format
@objc optional var trackCount: Int { get } // the total number of tracks on the source album
@objc optional var trackNumber: Int { get } // the index of the track on the source album
@objc optional var unplayed: Int { get } // is this track unplayed?
@objc optional var volumeAdjustment: Int { get } // relative volume adjustment of the track (-100% to 100%)
@objc optional var work: Int { get } // the work name of the track
@objc optional var year: Int { get } // the year the track was recorded/released
@objc optional func setAlbum(_ album: Int) // the album name of the track
@objc optional func setAlbumArtist(_ albumArtist: Int) // the album artist of the track
@objc optional func setAlbumDisliked(_ albumDisliked: Int) // is the album for this track disliked?
@objc optional func setAlbumLoved(_ albumLoved: Int) // is the album for this track loved?
@objc optional func setAlbumRating(_ albumRating: Int) // the rating of the album for this track (0 to 100)
@objc optional func setArtist(_ artist: Int) // the artist/source of the track
@objc optional func setBookmark(_ bookmark: Double) // the bookmark time of the track in seconds
@objc optional func setBookmarkable(_ bookmarkable: Int) // is the playback position for this track remembered?
@objc optional func setBpm(_ bpm: Int) // the tempo of this track in beats per minute
@objc optional func setCategory(_ category: Int) // the category of the track
@objc optional func setComment(_ comment: Int) // freeform notes about the track
@objc optional func setCompilation(_ compilation: Int) // is this track from a compilation album?
@objc optional func setComposer(_ composer: Int) // the composer of the track
@objc optional func setObjectDescription(_ objectDescription: Int) // the description of the track
@objc optional func setDiscCount(_ discCount: Int) // the total number of discs in the source album
@objc optional func setDiscNumber(_ discNumber: Int) // the index of the disc containing this track on the source album
@objc optional func setDisliked(_ disliked: Int) // is this track disliked?
@objc optional func setEnabled(_ enabled: Int) // is this track checked for playback?
@objc optional func setEpisodeID(_ episodeID: Int) // the episode ID of the track
@objc optional func setEpisodeNumber(_ episodeNumber: Int) // the episode number of the track
@objc optional func setEQ(_ EQ: Int) // the name of the EQ preset of the track
@objc optional func setFinish(_ finish: Double) // the stop time of the track in seconds
@objc optional func setGapless(_ gapless: Int) // is this track from a gapless album?
@objc optional func setGenre(_ genre: Int) // the music/audio genre (category) of the track
@objc optional func setGrouping(_ grouping: Int) // the grouping (piece) of the track. Generally used to denote movements within a classical work.
@objc optional func setLongDescription(_ longDescription: Int) // the long description of the track
@objc optional func setLoved(_ loved: Int) // is this track loved?
@objc optional func setLyrics(_ lyrics: Int) // the lyrics of the track
@objc optional func setMediaKind(_ mediaKind: MusicEMdK) // the media kind of the track
@objc optional func setMovement(_ movement: Int) // the movement name of the track
@objc optional func setMovementCount(_ movementCount: Int) // the total number of movements in the work
@objc optional func setMovementNumber(_ movementNumber: Int) // the index of the movement in the work
@objc optional func setPlayedCount(_ playedCount: Int) // number of times this track has been played
@objc optional func setPlayedDate(_ playedDate: Int) // the date and time this track was last played
@objc optional func setRating(_ rating: Int) // the rating of this track (0 to 100)
@objc optional func setSeasonNumber(_ seasonNumber: Int) // the season number of the track
@objc optional func setShufflable(_ shufflable: Int) // is this track included when shuffling?
@objc optional func setSkippedCount(_ skippedCount: Int) // number of times this track has been skipped
@objc optional func setSkippedDate(_ skippedDate: Int) // the date and time this track was last skipped
@objc optional func setShow(_ show: Int) // the show name of the track
@objc optional func setSortAlbum(_ sortAlbum: Int) // override string to use for the track when sorting by album
@objc optional func setSortArtist(_ sortArtist: Int) // override string to use for the track when sorting by artist
@objc optional func setSortAlbumArtist(_ sortAlbumArtist: Int) // override string to use for the track when sorting by album artist
@objc optional func setSortName(_ sortName: Int) // override string to use for the track when sorting by name
@objc optional func setSortComposer(_ sortComposer: Int) // override string to use for the track when sorting by composer
@objc optional func setSortShow(_ sortShow: Int) // override string to use for the track when sorting by show name
@objc optional func setStart(_ start: Double) // the start time of the track in seconds
@objc optional func setTrackCount(_ trackCount: Int) // the total number of tracks on the source album
@objc optional func setTrackNumber(_ trackNumber: Int) // the index of the track on the source album
@objc optional func setUnplayed(_ unplayed: Int) // is this track unplayed?
@objc optional func setVolumeAdjustment(_ volumeAdjustment: Int) // relative volume adjustment of the track (-100% to 100%)
@objc optional func setWork(_ work: Int) // the work name of the track
@objc optional func setYear(_ year: Int) // the year the track was recorded/released
extension SBObject: MusicTrack {}
// MARK: MusicAudioCDTrack
@objc public protocol MusicAudioCDTrack: MusicTrack {
@objc optional var location: Int { get } // the location of the file represented by this track
extension SBObject: MusicAudioCDTrack {}
// MARK: MusicFileTrack
@objc public protocol MusicFileTrack: MusicTrack {
@objc optional var location: Int { get } // the location of the file represented by this track
@objc optional func refresh() // update file track information from the current information in the track’s file
@objc optional func setLocation(_ location: Int) // the location of the file represented by this track
extension SBObject: MusicFileTrack {}
// MARK: MusicSharedTrack
@objc public protocol MusicSharedTrack: MusicTrack {
extension SBObject: MusicSharedTrack {}
// MARK: MusicURLTrack
@objc public protocol MusicURLTrack: MusicTrack {
@objc optional var address: Int { get } // the URL for this track
@objc optional func setAddress(_ address: Int) // the URL for this track
extension SBObject: MusicURLTrack {}
// MARK: MusicUserPlaylist
@objc public protocol MusicUserPlaylist: MusicPlaylist {
@objc optional func fileTracks()
@objc optional func URLTracks()
@objc optional func sharedTracks()
@objc optional var shared: Int { get } // is this playlist shared?
@objc optional var smart: Int { get } // is this a Smart Playlist?
@objc optional var genius: Int { get } // is this a Genius Playlist?
@objc optional func setShared(_ shared: Int) // is this playlist shared?
extension SBObject: MusicUserPlaylist {}
// MARK: MusicFolderPlaylist
@objc public protocol MusicFolderPlaylist: MusicUserPlaylist {
extension SBObject: MusicFolderPlaylist {}
// MARK: MusicVisual
@objc public protocol MusicVisual: MusicItem {
extension SBObject: MusicVisual {}
// MARK: MusicWindow
@objc public protocol MusicWindow: MusicItem {
@objc optional var bounds: Int { get } // the boundary rectangle for the window
@objc optional var closeable: Int { get } // does the window have a close button?
@objc optional var collapseable: Int { get } // does the window have a collapse button?
@objc optional var collapsed: Int { get } // is the window collapsed?
@objc optional var fullScreen: Int { get } // is the window full screen?
@objc optional var position: Int { get } // the upper left position of the window
@objc optional var resizable: Int { get } // is the window resizable?
@objc optional var visible: Int { get } // is the window visible?
@objc optional var zoomable: Int { get } // is the window zoomable?
@objc optional var zoomed: Int { get } // is the window zoomed?
@objc optional func setBounds(_ bounds: Int) // the boundary rectangle for the window
@objc optional func setCollapsed(_ collapsed: Int) // is the window collapsed?
@objc optional func setFullScreen(_ fullScreen: Int) // is the window full screen?
@objc optional func setPosition(_ position: Int) // the upper left position of the window
@objc optional func setVisible(_ visible: Int) // is the window visible?
@objc optional func setZoomed(_ zoomed: Int) // is the window zoomed?
extension SBObject: MusicWindow {}
// MARK: MusicBrowserWindow
@objc public protocol MusicBrowserWindow: MusicWindow {
@objc optional var selection: Int { get } // the selected tracks
@objc optional var view: MusicPlaylist { get } // the playlist currently displayed in the window
@objc optional func setView(_ view: MusicPlaylist!) // the playlist currently displayed in the window
extension SBObject: MusicBrowserWindow {}
// MARK: MusicEQWindow
@objc public protocol MusicEQWindow: MusicWindow {
extension SBObject: MusicEQWindow {}
// MARK: MusicMiniplayerWindow
@objc public protocol MusicMiniplayerWindow: MusicWindow {
extension SBObject: MusicMiniplayerWindow {}
// MARK: MusicPlaylistWindow
@objc public protocol MusicPlaylistWindow: MusicWindow {
@objc optional var selection: Int { get } // the selected tracks
@objc optional var view: MusicPlaylist { get } // the playlist displayed in the window
extension SBObject: MusicPlaylistWindow {}
// MARK: MusicVideoWindow
@objc public protocol MusicVideoWindow: MusicWindow {
extension SBObject: MusicVideoWindow {}
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