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Last active June 27, 2019 12:26
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empirical test of average rotation angle of uniform rand rotations
// Public Domain under, see link for details.
#include <stdint.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <string.h>
#include "xmmintrin.h"
//#define RANDOMIZE
// histogram size
#define HLEN 80
#define TLEN 0x7FFFFFF
// number of samples per axis of rotation
#define DLEN 512
static inline float sgn(float x) { return copysignf(1.f,x); }
// external code: xoroshiro128+
uint64_t rng_state[2];
#define TO_FP32 (1.f/16777216.f)
#define ULP1 TO_FP32
#define F32_MIN_NORMAL 1.17549435082228750796873653722224567781866555677209e-38f
#define EPS (F32_MIN_NORMAL)
static inline uint64_t rotl(const uint64_t v, int i)
return (v << i)|(v >> (64-i));
static inline uint64_t rng_u64(void)
uint64_t s0 = rng_state[0];
uint64_t s1 = rng_state[1];
uint64_t r = s0 + s1;
s1 ^= s0;
rng_state[0] = rotl(s0,55) ^ s1 ^ (s1<<14);
rng_state[1] = rotl(s1,36);
return r;
// end: xoroshiro128+
inline float rsqrtf(float v) { return 1.f/sqrtf(v); }
void reset_generators(uint64_t s0, uint64_t s1)
rng_state[0] = s0;
rng_state[1] = s1;
typedef struct { float x,y; } vec2_t;
typedef union { struct{ float x,y,z,w; }; float f[4]; } quat_t;
static inline void quat_set(quat_t* q, float x, float y, float z, float w)
q->x=x; q->y=y; q->z=z; q->w=w;
// uniform in postive-x half disc
static float uniform_hdisc(vec2_t* p)
float d,x,y;
uint64_t v;
do {
v = rng_u64();
x = (v >> 40)*TO_FP32;
y = (v & 0xFFFFFF)*TO_FP32;
d = x*x;
y = 2.f*y-1.f; d += y*y;
} while(d >= 1.f);
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
return d;
static float uniform_disc(vec2_t* p)
float d,x,y;
uint64_t v;
do {
v = rng_u64();
x = (v >> 40)*TO_FP32;
y = (v & 0xFFFFFF)*TO_FP32;
x = 2.f*x-1.f; d = x*x;
y = 2.f*y-1.f; d += y*y;
} while(d >= 1.f);
p->x = x;
p->y = y;
return d;
static double uniform_quat(quat_t* q)
vec2_t p0,p1;
float d1 = uniform_disc(&p1) + EPS;
float s1 = rsqrtf(d1);
float d0 = uniform_hdisc(&p0);
float s0 = sqrtf(1.f-d0);
float s = s0*s1;
quat_set(q, p0.y, s*p1.x, s*p1.y, p0.x);
// hack to return angle of quaternion (in quaternion space)
return acosf(p0.x);
int main(void)
uint64_t s0;
uint64_t s1;
s0 = _rdtsc();
s0 = 0x77535345;
s1 = 0x1234567;
double sum = 0.0;
quat_t q;
uint32_t hi=0;
uint32_t lo=0;
// sum up the angle of TLEN random rotations.
for(uint32_t i=0; i<TLEN; i++) {
double a = uniform_quat(&q);
// is angle above or below expected 'median' rotation
if (a > 1.15494073) hi++; else lo++;
// sum up for computing average
sum += a;
// measure in quaternion space
double radians = sum*(1.0/TLEN);
// multiply by 2 to get standard angle measure
printf("ave = %f (radians)\n", 2.0*radians);
printf(" = %f (radians)\n", 2.0*57.29577951308232087680*radians);
printf("median = %f/%f\n", lo*(1.0/TLEN),hi*(1.0/TLEN));
return 0;
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