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Created September 12, 2016 07:19
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  • Javascript
  • C++
  • C#

PC App

  • Developing Client Applications on Destop with the QT Framework (C++)
  • Developing Client Applications on Destop with the .NET Framework (C#)

Back-End on Web Server

  • Express for HTTP Server and RESTful API
  • WebSocket communication using
  • Token Based Authentication using passport
  • Account Manager System

Front-End on Page Design

  • Boostrap
  • JQuery
  • AngularJS

Unit Test/TDD/BDD

  • Mocha
  • Chai

Continuous Integration

  • Travis CI

Mobile App

  • React-Native


  • MongoDB
  • RethinkDB


  • Wrap Native C++ Class for Use by C#

Computer Vision

  • Computer Vision Based Human-Computer Interaction ( Kinect, Leap Motion and RealSense )
  • Expert in Computer Vision Library( Aforge.NET, OpenCV and Dlib )
  • Participation Projects
  1. Object Tracking
  • Description: It track Real1 robot in specific area
  • Methods: Using color feature and TLD algorithm.
  1. Card Recognition
  • Description: split every card and recognition
  • Methods: Using motion detecion and text classification
  1. Age and Gender Estimation
  • Description: face property estimation
  • Methods: Using LBP and Sobel for feature extraction, ASM for alignment, SVM for classification...
  1. Hand Gesture Recognition
  • Description: Recognize Human action using hand information
  • Methods: Using motion detection and hand detection on HOG feature, SVM for Posture Recognition and HMM for Gesture Recognition
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