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Created October 29, 2019 18:26
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PHP get instance caller
trait Tracable
protected $__call = null;
protected $__call_stack = [];
public static function call(...$args)
$class = new ReflectionClass(get_class());
$self = $class->newInstanceArgs($args);
$self->__call = debug_backtrace(DEBUG_BACKTRACE_IGNORE_ARGS, 2)[1]['class'];
$traits = array_values(class_uses($self->__call));
$interfaces = array_values(class_implements($self->__call));
$parents = array_values(class_parents($self->__call));
$self->__call_stack = array_merge($traits, $interfaces, $parents);
return $self;
public function __called($class): ?string
return $this->__call;
public function __calledStack(): array
return $this->__call_stack;
public function __isCalledFrom($class): bool
if (is_object($class)) {
$class = get_class($class);
return $class === $this->__call
|| in_array($class, $this->__call_stack);
interface CallerInterface {}
trait CallerTrait {}
class ParentCaller {}
class Caller extends ParentCaller implements CallerInterface
use CallerTrait;
public $dependent;
public function __construct()
$this->dependent = Dependent::call();
class Dependent
use Tracable;
$caller = new Caller();
$caller->dependent->__isCalledFrom(Caller::class), // true
$caller->dependent->__isCalledFrom(CallerInterface::class), // true
$caller->dependent->__isCalledFrom($caller), // true
$caller->dependent->__isCalledFrom(CallerTrait::class) // true
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