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Last active August 27, 2018 15:18
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Theming problems
let component = ReasonReact.statelessComponent("Blob");
type maxWidth = {
small: string,
large: string,
type typography = {
light: int,
bold: int,
type shade = {
extraLight: string,
light: string,
medium: string,
dark: string,
type mediumshade = {medium: string};
type palette = {
honey: shade,
grey: mediumshade,
peachy: shade,
bliue: shade,
mint: shade,
navy: shade,
white: shade,
black: shade,
type theme = {
typograpraph: typography,
[@bs.deriving abstract]
type jsProps = {
className: string,
colour: string,
opacity: float,
shade: string,
height: string,
let make =
) => {
render: _self =>
viewBox="0 0 838 897">
d="M795.310761,252.694177 C867.236309,443.44706 851.116627,625.105971 712.072427,788.496655 C573.028226,951.88734 259.3955,919.778093 128.072972,759.885817 C-3.24955621,599.993541 -92.2301095,240.427234 163.76911,71.4322315 C419.768329,-97.5627706 723.385212,61.941294 795.310761,252.694177 Z"
let jsComponent =
ReasonReact.wrapReasonForJs(~component, jsProps =>
const theme = {
typography: {
light: 300,
bold: 500,
maxWidth: {
small: '690px',
large: '790px',
palette: {
honey: {
extraLight: 'hsl(37, 100%, 86%)',
light: 'hsl(37,100%,84%)', // #ffe0ad
medium: 'hsl(37,100%,77%)', // #ffd28a
dark: 'hsl(37,100%,70%)', // #ffc466
grey: {
medium: 'hsl(70, 12%, 90%)', // roughly #eceee7
peachy: {
extraLight: 'hsl(20, 100%, 96%)', // roughly #fbf3ee
light: 'hsl(20,100%,92%)', // #ffe4d6
medium: 'hsl(20,100%,86%)', // #ffcfb8
dark: 'hsl(20,100%,78%)', // # #ffb48f
blue: {
extraLight: 'hsl(212,100%,98%)', // #f5faff
light: 'hsl(212,100%,96%)', // #ebf4ff
medium: 'hsl(212,100%,92%)', // #d6e9ff
dark: 'hsl(212,100%,86%)', // #b8d9ff
mint: {
extraLight: 'hsl(165, 48%, 94%)',
light: 'hsl(165,48%,92%)', // #e1f4ef
medium: 'hsl(165,48%,84%)', // #c3eae0
dark: 'hsl(165,48%,76%)', // #a4dfd0
navy: {
extraLight: 'hsl(219,21%,80%)', // #51607b
light: 'hsl(219,21%,40%)', // #51607b
medium: 'hsl(219,21%,26%)', // #343e50 (also #353F52 due to a bad conversion by Sean)
dark: 'hsl(219,21%,18%)', // #242b38
white: {
extraLight: 'hsl(0, 0%, 100%)', // #ffffff
light: 'hsl(0, 0%, 100%)', // #ffffff
medium: 'hsl(0, 0%, 100%)', // #ffffff
dark: 'hsl(0, 0%, 100%)', // #ffffff
black: {
extraLight: 'hsl(0, 0%, 50%)', // #000000
light: 'hsl(0, 0%, 50%)', // #000000
medium: 'hsl(0, 0%, 50%)', // #000000
dark: 'hsl(0, 0%, 50%)', // #000000
export default theme;
import React from 'react';
import Blob from './'
import { withTheme } from 'styled-components';
export default withTheme(Blob);
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