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Hydra-Script: Install applications from a file share (example)
# Script framework to install applications from a folder.
# Name of your installation
$name="Remote Desktop Client"
# Path of the application installation folder, including the executable of the installer (or ps1. or MSI)
# Parameter needed for an application (only for exe or ps1 files)
LogWriter ("Installing application $name from $installer")
if ($installer -like "\\*") {
# UNC path
@(Get-PSDrive -Name AppInstall -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) | Remove-PSDrive
# Authenticate to the share
if ($global:Hydra_ServiceAccount_PSC -eq $null) {
LogWriter ("Authentication to $($fileServerHost)\$($fileServerShare) with the computer account")
New-PSDrive -Name AppInstall -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "$($fileServerHost)\$($fileServerShare)"
} else {
LogWriter ("Authentication to $($fileServerHost)\$($fileServerShare) with the service account")
New-PSDrive -Name AppInstall -PSProvider FileSystem -Root "$($fileServerHost)\$($fileServerShare)" -Credential $global:Hydra_ServiceAccount_PSC
LogWriter ("Attaching share to temp folder")
$remoteDirectory=(Get-ChildItem -Path $installer).PSParentPath.Replace("Microsoft.PowerShell.Core\FileSystem::","")
cmd /c mklink /d "$workingDirectory" "$remoteDirectory"
If ($installer -like "*.ps1") {
LogWriter ("Executing a powershell script")
$rval=Start-Process -wait -PassThru -WorkingDirectory $workingDirectory -FilePath PowerShell -ArgumentList "-ExecutionPolicy Bypass -File `"$($workingFile)`" $($parameters)" -RedirectStandardOutput "$($LogDir)\PS1-Installation-$($name).Out.txt" -RedirectStandardError "$($LogDir)\PS1-Installation-$($name).Warning.txt"
} elseif ($installer -like "*.cmd") {
LogWriter ("Executing a bat script")
$rval=Start-Process -wait -PassThru -WorkingDirectory $workingDirectory -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList "/c `"$($workingFile)`" $($parameters)" -RedirectStandardOutput "$($LogDir)\BAT-Installation-$($name).Out.txt" -RedirectStandardError "$($LogDir)\BAT-Installation-$($name).Warning.txt"
} elseif ($installer -like "*.bat") {
LogWriter ("Executing a bat script")
$rval=Start-Process -wait -PassThru -WorkingDirectory $workingDirectory -FilePath cmd.exe -ArgumentList "/c `"$($workingFile)`" $($parameters)" -RedirectStandardOutput "$($LogDir)\CMD-Installation-$($name).Out.txt" -RedirectStandardError "$($LogDir)\CMD-Installation-$($name).Warning.txt"
} elseif ($installer -like "*.msi") {
LogWriter ("Executing a MSI")
$rval=Start-Process -wait -PassThru -WorkingDirectory $workingDirectory -FilePath msiexec.exe -ArgumentList "/i `"$workingFile`" /q /L*V `"$($LogDir)\MSI-Installation-$($name).log`"" -RedirectStandardOutput "$($LogDir)\MSI-Installation-$($name).Out.txt" -RedirectStandardError "$($LogDir)\MSI-Installation-$($name).Warning.txt"
} elseif ($installer -like "*.exe") {
LogWriter ("Executing an EXE")
$rval=Start-Process -wait -PassThru -WorkingDirectory $workingDirectory -FilePath $workingFile -ArgumentList "$($parameters)" -RedirectStandardOutput "$($LogDir)\EXE-Installation-$($name).Out.txt" -RedirectStandardError "$($LogDir)\EXE-Installation-$($name).Warning.txt"
} else {
cmd /c "rmdir `"$workingDirectory`""
LogWriter ("Path doesn't point to a MSI, BAT, CMD, PS1 or EXE file.")
throw "Path doesn't point to a MSI, BAT, CMD, PS1 or EXE file."
cmd /c "rmdir `"$workingDirectory`""
if ($rval.ExitCode -in $okCodes) {
Outputwriter ("Installation of $name ready with exit code: $($rval.ExitCode.tostring())")
} else {
Outputwriter ("Installation of $name failed with exit code: $($rval.ExitCode.tostring())")
throw "Installation of $name failed with exit code: $($rval.ExitCode.tostring())"
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