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Last active May 3, 2024 13:42
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  • Save MarcelMeurer/aab2ef8f36d7c634beebea771f54bf30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MarcelMeurer/aab2ef8f36d7c634beebea771f54bf30 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Create a Azure VM Genertation V2 from an existing V1 virtual machine (opt. including Trusted launch, secure boot, and vTPM)
[ValidateSet('Default', 'StartInternalTask-1', 'StartInternalTask-2', 'StartInternalTask-3', 'CheckInternalTask')]
[string] $mode = "Default"
$ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"
#region Configuration
# source VM (generation V1)
$sourceVmName = "T-WVD-Basic-20"
$sourceVmResourceGroup = "WVD_TEMPLATES"
# target VM to be build (generation V2) - This wil be a copy of the source VM but as V2 generation
$targetVmName = "T-WVD-Basic-30" # max. length is 15
$targetVmResourceGroup = "WVD_TEMPLATES"
$enabledTrustedLaunch = $true
$usePremium = $false # if $true, this speeds up the process but can only be done, if the VM size suppports premium disks
$tempDiskSizeGb = 512 # must be larger to store the wim file of the original disk of the source
#region InternalMethods
$scriptPath = $PSCommandPath
if (-not $PSCommandPath) {$scriptPath="C:\1Drive\OneDrive - sepago GmbH\Desktop\Convert-VmV1toV2.ps1"}
$localPath = Split-Path $scriptPath -Resolve
$logFileName = "$(Split-Path $scriptPath -Leaf).log"
function LogWriter($message) {
$message = "$(Get-Date ([datetime]::UtcNow) -Format "o") $message"
if ([System.IO.Directory]::Exists($env:temp)) { try { write-output($message) | Out-File "$localPath\$logFileName" -Append } catch {} }
#endregion InternalMethods
#region MainApp
LogWriter ("Starting in mode: $mode")
#region CreateTheAzureResources
if ($mode -eq "Default") {
if(!(Get-AzContext)) {
# Connect to Azure if no connection exists
# select subscription
Get-AzSubscription -SubscriptionId $subscriptionId | Select-AzSubscription
# check, if some of the new resources exist
if (Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -DiskName "$($sourceVmName)-Disk-Copy" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {LogWriter "The target disk $sourceVmName exist. Please delete it first."; break}
if (Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -DiskName "$($targetVmName)-Disk-Converted" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {LogWriter "The converted disk $($targetVmName)-Disk-Converted exist. Please delete it first."; break}
if (Get-AzSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -SnapshotName "$($sourceVmName)-Disk-Snap" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {LogWriter "The snapshot $($sourceVmName)-Disk-Snap exist. Please delete it first."; break}
if (Get-AzVm -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {LogWriter "The target VM $targetVmName exist. Please delete it first."; break}
# read data of the existing VM
LogWriter ("Getting data of the source VM")
$sourceVm=Get-AzVm -ResourceGroupName $sourceVmResourceGroup -Name $sourceVmName
$sourceNic=Get-AzNetworkInterface -ResourceId $sourceVm.NetworkProfile.NetworkInterfaces[0].Id
$sourceDisk = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $sourceVm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk.Id.Split("/")[4] -DiskName $sourceVm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk.Id.Split("/")[8]
if ($sourceDisk.HyperVGeneration -like "V2") {
Write-Host "Source VM is still a V2 VM"
# create target VM with a temporary Windows 11 to do the migration
LogWriter ("Creating the target VM (V2)")
$psc = New-Object System.Management.Automation.PSCredential("vmAdmin", (ConvertTo-SecureString "Sup+rTempS+cret123---" -AsPlainText -Force))
$nic = New-AzNetworkInterface -Name "nic-$($targetVmName)" -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Location $location -SubnetId $subnetId -Force
$vmConfig = New-AzVMConfig -VMName $targetVmName -VMSize $sourceVm.HardwareProfile.VmSize
$vmConfig = Set-AzVMBootDiagnostic -VM $vmConfig -Enable
$vmConfig = Set-AzVMSourceImage -VM $vmConfig -PublisherName "MicrosoftWindowsServer" -Offer "WindowsServer" -Skus "2022-Datacenter-g2" -Version "latest" # must be a V2 image
$vmConfig = Set-AzVMOSDisk -VM $vmConfig -DiskSizeInGB $tempDiskSizeGb -CreateOption FromImage
$vmConfig = Set-AzVMOperatingSystem -VM $vmConfig -ComputerName $targetVmName -Windows -EnableAutoUpdate -Credential $psc
$vmConfig = Add-AzVMNetworkInterface -VM $vmConfig -Id $nic.Id
if ($enabledTrustedLaunch) {
$vmConfig = Set-AzVMSecurityProfile -VM $vmConfig -SecurityType "TrustedLaunch"
$vmConfig = Set-AzVmUefi -VM $vmConfig -EnableVtpm $true -EnableSecureBoot $true
New-AzVM -VM $vmConfig -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Location $location -LicenseType $sourceVm.LicenseType
$targetVm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName
$targetDiskOrg = Get-AzDisk -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -DiskName $targetVm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.Name
# copy the source disk with a snapshot
LogWriter ("Creating a copy of the source VM")
$snapShotConfig = New-AzSnapshotConfig -SourceUri $sourceVm.StorageProfile.OsDisk.ManagedDisk.Id -Location $location -CreateOption copy
$sourceDiskSnap = New-AzSnapshot -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -SnapshotName "$($sourceVmName)-Disk-Snap" -Snapshot $snapShotConfig # clean-up after use
$diskConfig = New-AzDiskConfig -Location $location -SourceResourceId $sourceDiskSnap.Id -CreateOption Copy -SkuName $sourceDisk.Sku.Name
if ($usePremium) {$diskConfig.Sku=[Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskSku]::new('Premium_LRS')}
$sourceDiskCopy = New-AzDisk -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -DiskName "$($sourceVmName)-Disk-Copy"
# create the new target disk to hold the data of the source disk (but as a V2 type)
LogWriter ("Create an empty V2 disk as destion for the data")
$diskConfig = New-AzDiskConfig -Location $location -SkuName $sourceDisk.Sku.Name -OsType Windows -HyperVGeneration V2 -DiskSizeGB $sourceDisk.DiskSizeGB -CreateOption "Empty"
if ($enabledTrustedLaunch) {$diskConfig = Set-AzDiskSecurityProfile -Disk $diskConfig -SecurityType "TrustedLaunch"}
if ($usePremium) {$diskConfig.Sku=[Microsoft.Azure.Management.Compute.Models.DiskSku]::new('Premium_LRS')}
$targetDisk = New-AzDisk -Disk $diskConfig -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -DiskName "$($targetVmName)-Disk-Converted"
# attach the copy of the source disk (V1)
LogWriter ("Attaching the copied source disk to the target VM: Lun 6")
$targetVm = Add-AzVMDataDisk -VM $targetVm -Name $sourceDiskCopy.Name -CreateOption Attach -ManagedDiskId $sourceDiskCopy.Id -Lun 6 -Caching ReadWrite
Update-AzVM -VM $targetVm -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup
# attach the later target disk (V2)
LogWriter ("Attaching the empty target disk to the target VM: Lun 7")
$targetVm = Add-AzVMDataDisk -VM $targetVm -Name $targetDisk.Name -CreateOption Attach -ManagedDiskId $targetDisk.Id -Lun 7 -Caching ReadWrite
Update-AzVM -VM $targetVm -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup
# target VM is ready with all attached disks
# now we have to work with the partitions inside of the VM - Invoking this script with the parameter -mode StartInternalTask-1
LogWriter ("Run the first part of the converting process on the target VM - this can last hours")
Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName -CommandId "RunPowerShellScript" -ScriptPath $scriptPath -Parameter @{"-mode" = "StartInternalTask-1"}
# While the script is running internally, we have to wait for completion - looping every 2 minutes (the task can take seeral hours)
$completed = $false
$failed = $false
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
try {
$rv = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName -CommandId "RunPowerShellScript" -ScriptPath $scriptPath -Parameter @{"-mode" = "CheckInternalTask"}
} catch {
LogWriter ("The remote operation failed: $_")
$failed = $true
$completed = $true
LogWriter ("Waiting for the remote task - long running operation")
if ($rv.Value[0].Message.Contains("###:COMPLETE:###")) {
$completed = $true
LogWriter ("The remote opertion completed")
} while (-not $completed)
# 2nd step inside the VM: use dism to write the image to the new disk
if (-not $failed) {
# now we have to work with the partitions inside of the VM - Invoking this script with the parameter -mode StartInternalTask-1
LogWriter ("Run the second part of the converting process on the target VM - this can last hours")
Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName -CommandId "RunPowerShellScript" -ScriptPath $scriptPath -Parameter @{"-mode" = "StartInternalTask-2"}
# While the script is running internally, we have to wait for completion - looping every 2 minutes (the task can take seeral hours)
$completed = $false
$failed = $false
do {
Start-Sleep -Seconds 120
try {
$rv = Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName -CommandId "RunPowerShellScript" -ScriptPath $scriptPath -Parameter @{"-mode" = "CheckInternalTask"}
} catch {
LogWriter ("The remote operation failed: $_")
$failed = $true
$completed = $true
LogWriter ("Waiting for the remote task - long running operation")
if ($rv.Value[0].Message.Contains("###:COMPLETE:###")) {
$completed = $true
LogWriter ("The remote opertion completed")
} while (-not $completed)
# last step inside the VM: create UEFI partition
if (-not $failed) {
LogWriter ("Run the last part of the converting process on the target VM")
Invoke-AzVMRunCommand -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName -CommandId "RunPowerShellScript" -ScriptPath $scriptPath -Parameter @{"-mode" = "StartInternalTask-3"}
if (-not $failed) {
# ready with the internal work
# stop the target VM
LogWriter ("Deallocate the target VM")
Stop-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName -Force
# detach the copy of the source disk (V1)
LogWriter ("Detach the copied source disk")
$targetVm = Remove-AzVMDataDisk -VM $targetVm -Name $sourceDiskCopy.Name
Update-AzVM -VM $targetVm -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup
# detach the later target disk (V2)
LogWriter ("Detacht the target disk")
$targetVm = Remove-AzVMDataDisk -VM $targetVm -Name $targetDisk.Name
Update-AzVM -VM $targetVm -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup
# swap os-disk
LogWriter ("Swap OS disk to have the converted disk as the OS disk")
$targetVm = Get-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName
$targetVm = Set-AzVMOSDisk -VM $targetVm -ManagedDiskId $targetDisk.Id -Name $targetDisk.Name
Update-AzVM -VM $targetVm -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup
LogWriter ("Starting the converted target VM")
Start-AzVM -ResourceGroupName $targetVmResourceGroup -Name $targetVmName
# clean-up
LogWriter ("Cleaning up")
$sourceDiskSnap | Remove-AzSnapshot -Force
$sourceDiskCopy | Remove-AzDisk -Force
$targetDiskOrg | Remove-AzDisk -Force
LogWriter ("We are ready. The new V2 VM $targetVmName is ready and a copy of the original VM (which could be removed if everything works as expected")
} else {
# something went wrong - stopping the process to let the admin doing some debugging
LogWriter ("Error: Something went wrong - stopping the process to let the admin doing some debugging. Remember to clean-up manually (disks, snapshots, VM)")
#endregion CreateTheAzureResources
#region RunOnTheNewVmAndHandleDisks
if ($mode -eq "StartInternalTask-1") {
LogWriter ("Preparing the disks and partitions")
$targetDiskNumber = (Get-Disk | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "*&000007#*"}).Number # lun=7
$sourceDiskNumber = (Get-Disk | Where-Object {$_.Path -like "*&000006#*"}).Number # lun=6
$diskPath=(Get-Disk -Number $targetDiskNumber).Path
Get-Disk -Number $targetDiskNumber | Initialize-Disk -PartitionStyle GPT -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# exclude defender
LogWriter ("Set defender excludes to speed up the imaging and apply process")
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions" -Name "Paths" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths" -Name "1" -Value "S:\" -force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Policies\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths" -Name "2" -Value "T:\" -force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-Item -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions" -Name "Paths" -Force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths" -Name "S:\" -Value 0 -force -ErrorAction Ignore
New-ItemProperty -Path "HKLM:\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows Defender\Exclusions\Paths" -Name "T:\" -Value 0 -force -ErrorAction Ignore
# delete all partion if needed
Remove-Partition -DiskNumber $targetDiskNumber -PartitionNumber 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9 -Confirm:$false -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Create UEFI partition
LogWriter ("Create UEFI partition")
$uefi=New-Partition -DiskNumber $targetDiskNumber -Size 100MB -GptType "{c12a7328-f81f-11d2-ba4b-00a0c93ec93b}" -IsHidden
Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "SYSTEM" -Path $uefi.DiskPath
# Create recovery partition
LogWriter ("Create recovery partition")
$recovery=New-Partition -DiskNumber $targetDiskNumber -Size 450MB -GptType "{de94bba4-06d1-4d40-a16a-bfd50179d6ac}" -IsHidden
$null = @"
select disk $targetDiskNumber
select partition $($recovery.PartitionNumber)
gpt attributes=0x8000000000000001
"@ | diskpart.exe
# Create windows partition
LogWriter ("Create Windows partition")
$windows=New-Partition -DiskNumber $targetDiskNumber -UseMaximumSize
# mount partitions
LogWriter ("Mount partitions")
Remove-PartitionAccessPath -DiskNumber $sourceDiskNumber -PartitionNumber 2 -AccessPath (Get-Partition -DiskNumber $sourceDiskNumber -PartitionNumber 2).AccessPaths[0] -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Add-PartitionAccessPath -DiskNumber $sourceDiskNumber -PartitionNumber 2 -AccessPath "S:\"
Add-PartitionAccessPath -DiskNumber $targetDiskNumber -PartitionNumber $uefi.PartitionNumber -AccessPath "U:\"
Add-PartitionAccessPath -DiskNumber $targetDiskNumber -PartitionNumber $recovery.PartitionNumber -AccessPath "R:\"
Add-PartitionAccessPath -DiskNumber $targetDiskNumber -PartitionNumber $windows.PartitionNumber -AccessPath "T:\"
# Format drives
LogWriter ("Format partitions")
Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "Windows Sytem Drive" -DriveLetter T:\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Format-Volume -FileSystem NTFS -NewFileSystemLabel "SYSTEM" -DriveLetter R:\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
Format-Volume -FileSystem FAT32 -NewFileSystemLabel "SYSTEM" -DriveLetter U:\ -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue
# Capture the source windows
# Dism /Capture-Image /ImageFile:`"C:\Capture.wim`" /CaptureDir:S:\ /Name:Captured
# Start dism but don't wait
LogWriter ("Starting DISM to create an image")
Start-Process -FilePath Dism.exe -ArgumentList "/Capture-Image /ImageFile:`"C:\Capture.wim`" /CaptureDir:S:\ /Name:Captured"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
if ($mode -eq "StartInternalTask-2") {
# Rollout the image to the target disk
# Dism /Apply-Image /ImageFile:"C:\Capture.wim" /ApplyDir:T:\ /Index:1 /CheckIntegrity
LogWriter ("Starting DISM and apply image to the new Windows partition on the V2 disk")
Start-Process -FilePath Dism.exe -ArgumentList "/Apply-Image /ImageFile:`"C:\Capture.wim`" /ApplyDir:T:\ /Index:1 /CheckIntegrity"
Start-Sleep -Seconds 30
if ($mode -eq "StartInternalTask-3") {
# Create UEFI
LogWriter ("Writing UEFI data to UEFI partition")
Start-Process -Wait -FilePath "T:\Windows\System32\bcdboot.exe" -WorkingDirectory "T:\Windows\System32" -ArgumentList "T:\Windows /s U: /f UEFI"
#endregion RunOnTheNewVmAndHandleDisks
#region RunOnTheNewVmAndCheckState
if ($mode -eq "CheckInternalTask") {
if (Get-Process -Name DISM -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue) {
# DISM is still running
LogWriter ("Starting DISM")
} else {
# DISM completed to the rest and terminate
write-host "###:COMPLETE:###"
#endregion RunOnTheNewVmAndCheckState
#endregion MainApp
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maelka commented May 3, 2024

My script runs for 3-4 hours, and every 2 minutes, I receive the following message:
'2024-05-03T13:37:41.6703738Z Waiting for the remote task - long running operation.'

I attempted to run it a second time, but I encountered the same issue.

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