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Created June 10, 2011 16:38
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Save MarcelloDuarte/1019229 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
class AutoRun {
static public $lastTime;
public static function main($argc, array $argv = array()) {
$lastTime = time();
$dir = new DirectoryIterator(".");
$autorun = new AutoRun($lastTime, $dir);
if ($argc <= 1) {
$argv = array_slice($argv, 1);
$command = implode(' ', $argv);
while(1) {
public static function usage() {
echo "
AutoRun 1.0.0 by Marcello Duarte.
Make sure a autorun bash with your command is in the executable PATH
and it has the followig line:
php AutoRun.php <command>
Usage: autorun
public function __construct($lastTime, DirectoryIterator $testDir) {
self::$lastTime = $lastTime;
$this->testDir = $testDir;
public function run($command) {
foreach ($this->testDir as $file){
if ($file->isDot()) continue;
if ($file->isDir()) {
$this->recursivelyRun($file, $command);
$this->runCommandIfThisFileWasModified($file, $command);
* For some reason I can't use the same Directory Iterator object. I needed
* a brand new Directory Iterator due to some internals of how the SPL class works
private function recursivelyRun(DirectoryIterator $dir, $command) {
* Cloning with the clone statement wasn't enough. I really need a new object.
* I create one with from the previous directory's path.
private function cloneDirectoryIteratorAndCreateNewAutoRun(DirectoryIterator $dir) {
$clone = new DirectoryIterator($dir->getPathName());
return new AutoRun(self::$lastTime, $clone);
private function runCommandIfThisFileWasModified(SplFileInfo $file, $command) {
if ($this->wasModifiedSinceLastRun($file)) {
private function wasModifiedSinceLastRun(SplFileInfo $file) {
return filemtime($file->getRealpath()) > self::$lastTime;
private function clearTerminalAndRun($command) {
private function updateLastModifiedTime(SplFileInfo $modifiedFile) {
self::$lastTime = $modifiedFile->getMTime();
AutoRun::main(count($argv), $argv);
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