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Created January 21, 2019 08:19
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HR Activities manager
You were assigned a task to create React.js application to mange activities for the human resources department in ABC company. HR managers now place sticky notes on the blackboard with the activity description and the employee name. When the activity is done, they take that note from blackboard and trash it.
Since you are a frontend developer you have agreed to automatize this process by applictation based on React.js with REDUX store.
The Activity manager application should have the following functionalities:
Activities have description, employee name, and done/undone status
Menu with the following links: Employees, Add activity, Current activities, Past activities
Page for Employees - where they can list all employees and add new ones
Page Add activity - where they can add new activity (writing some description and selecting employee from the dropdown)
Page Current activities - they see a list of all undone activities with description and to whom they are assigend - they can click on a link 'Mark as Done' within each activity and it would cause it to disappear from the list (it will appear on Past activities list in turn)
Page Past activities - they can see list of done activities with descriptions and to whom they were assigned
Don't bild everything from scratch - use some app generator to create React.js with ES6 config. You can install any library you need and use any documentation online. The goal of this task is to have all the functionallity in place. The app does not need to look pretty at this stage so you don't need to bother with styling for now. When you finish, please push the solution onto your github account.
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