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Last active June 24, 2020 23:12
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Verbose project Euler 31 solution (with recursive call to self and cache)
# Project Euler 31 solution
from functools import lru_cache
@lru_cache(maxsize=1000) # Cache the results (this can be commented out and the function just works slower)
def ways(target, coins):
# Early escape for simple cases
if target==0: return 1 # This will be the case when reduced_target is 0
if len(coins)==0: return 0
if all(target<c for c in coins): return 0
# Actually do the computation
total = 0 # Initialize total to 0
reduced_coins = set(coins) # Mutable set copy of coins
for coin in coins: # For each coin value
reduced_coins.remove(coin) # Remove coin from the reduced set
for j in range(target//coin): # However many times can this coin fit in target (e.g 10 fits 3 times in 33)
reduced_target = target-(j+1)*coin # Target minus integer multiple of coin value
# Recursively call self to figure out how many ways are there to reduce the remainder
remainder_total = ways(reduced_target,frozenset(reduced_coins))
total += remainder_total
return total
if __name__ == '__main__':
# Frozenset is immutable and therefore hashable. This is needed for the lru_cache
# The use of sets ensures the elements are unique
coins = frozenset((200,100,50,20,10,5,2,1)) # British coins
amount = 200 # £2
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