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Last active January 10, 2021 13:26
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Katsu Changelog


Bug fixes

  • Small bugfix in the rolenick command where one extra page will be emty when there are roles found in increments of exactly five (5, 10, 15).

New features

  • Per request I added functionality to automatically assign the role "Registered" (case sensitive) when running rolenick


Bug fixes

  • Fixed some smol bugs yes

New features

  • Added permissions command to check what permissions are given and what are not

Other changes

  • Added more robuust checks when Katsu doesn't have permissions
  • Overhauled some code to make it better (better functions, removed duplicate code and more)
  • Added new connect permission as required (this will be needed for the new music commands that are in development).
  • Added new manage webhooks permission as required (this will be needed for the new subscribe command that is in development)


Bug fixes

  • None

New features

  • Added new fun commands: dadjoke, dongsize
  • Added Crab Rave command: create the crab rave meme in a video with your own text!
  • Added new Among us commands: emergencymeeting, ejected
  • Added new mod commands to block or unblock users from channels (lockdown whole channel coming soon)
  • Added new feedback command to give feedback about Katsu that is sent to the development server

Other changes

  • Lots of optimisation stuff

v5.0 (the rewrite to Python change)

Honestly, this release took soooo much time that I don't even remember all the new things. I'll do my best to give a as complete overview as I remember.

Bug fixes

  • Emoji command when no emojis are available gave an error
  • Several other bugs with logging on dev-side

New features

  • Kick, ban and unban logging
  • Google command (but using DuckDuckGo engine lmao)
  • HTTP codes commands
  • Pokedex commands
  • Several reaction images commands, see them in the help (reactions category)
  • Several meme image commands, see them in the help (meme category)
  • Several avatar filer commands (also a random one if you can't choose), see them in the help (under meme category)
  • Several fun commands, see them in the help
  • Several new revamps to info commands
  • The long awaited NSFW commands! Butts, boobs, hentai and more! See them in the help
  • Spotify lyrics command
  • Several utility commands, like setting reminders, searching pypi, translate command, qrcode generator and more
  • Decancer command to make life (and nicknames) easier for server admins
  • Facts commands
  • Several owner only commands to make searching users, guilds, bans and bot management a lot easier.

Other changes

  • Errors will be logged on dev-server (only visible to the bot owners) for hopefully easier and quicker bugfixes
  • Smart-ass responses when you try to X nothing (kiss, slap, etc.)
  • Made the memes and the reactions it's own category (instead of all in the fun category) for easier display when using the help command
  • After 2000years finally a revamp of the rolenick command


Bug fixes

  • Fixed a nasty error that occured when guildmember joined but the view auditlog permissions where not set
  • Fixed a bug where leaves are seen as kicks
  • Join/user/server/leave/ban images where broken. Discord broke it. Fixed and set to PNG or GIF if you have it.
  • Fixed an error that happend when Katsu has left a server

New features

  • gecg - for all your Genetically Enhanced Catgirl images
  • owo - owoify your text
  • toggle (admin only) - toggle NSFW or sloowwwmode on the channel that it is typed in
  • neko - for all your neko images needs (run in a NSFW channel to get nsfw nekos you you filthy animal)

Other changes

  • Help command counts how many commands there are for a category
  • Help command has a here argument to display the help in channel instead of DM
  • Help moved to Help category
  • Help commandname now displays if a command is only executable in a NSFW channel or not
  • Renamed features to about
  • Renamed clean to purge and added aliasses for clean/clear
  • Renamed info to stats
  • Decancer output is now plaintext instead of a mention
  • Added a auditlog entry with the reason why a user was kicked. It is not visible if a kick is done without a reason (and not through Katsu)

v4.5.1 (hotfix)

Bug fixes

  • Fixed decancer where there is no nickname gives error.
  • Added selfchecks so Katsu doesn't tries to change it's own nickname.


New features

  • Did you mean (dym)
  • Image commands like: Cuddle, Slap, Kiss, Pat, Tickle, Drake, Coffee
  • Unban added
  • decancer added

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug with poll that gave an error when not using the correct format
  • Network timeouts gave an ugly error, fixed the error and made it prettier
  • Fixed rolenick bug where the next or previous button vanishes on clicking it..

Other changes

  • Moved waittext generation to library function
  • Waittext for chuckme
  • Help aligned was borked, fixed
  • Kiss, hug, whatever op bot gives a "x user back message" (e.g." Kisses User back)
  • Username deMentioned (in hug, kiss, slap, whatever) to make sure you can't mention @ everyone or @ here through Katsu (in the rare case Katsu has the permissions).. you sneaky minxes
  • Renamed create-clan to clan
  • Renamed create-role to role
  • Renamed clear-rolenick to crolenick
  • Added embeds to role and crolenick commands
  • auditlogging will output user tag instead of username
  • Cleaned up code clean command
  • Sorted help
  • Moved nickname to util category
  • Output Help command on category


New features

  • Reddit command with options like meme, animals, funny and random
  • Reload command
  • FML command
  • Unban command to unban previously banned users
  • Minecraft archievements and challenges command

Bug fixes

  • Fix on member join
  • Fixed a bug where incorrect commands gave an error and crashed the bot
  • Fixed the resume event that gave errors
  • Fixed an audit log bug where on join, leave an library error was displayed
  • Fixed the GuildCreate, GuildDelete, Disconnect and Reconnect events
  • Fixed a clean command bug where clean command deleted nothing
  • Fixed a bug where the bot crashed on joining a guild
  • Fixed a bug where the members command without arguments gave a commando incorrect instead of "can't find the role"

Other changes

  • Info renamed to stats, made public and more information added
  • Eval gives textual feedback when command is succesfull or not successfull
  • Autokick feature. Kick members that have a specific role when cron job runs
  • Clear-rolenick also removes gamemoderoles
  • Renamed Katsumoto to Katsu
  • set-role and info commands removed
  • Refactored the following commands to v12 of nodeJS library


Bug fixes

  • Members | now works on a role mention
  • Clan | small fixes in how it works
  • User | now works on a mention

Other changes

  • More logging for reconnects, resumes and disconnects


Bug fixes

  • Hotfix with rolenick


Other changes

  • Complete refactor rolenick command. Now completely variable based on role format which is defined in the config
  • Removed old commands not working and used
  • Invites now created per server instead of using one in the config

v3.1 -> 3.4

New features

  • Autoban feature to automatically ban users that have a specific nickname
  • Ban and kick listeners introduced
  • Pin | new command added to pin messages
  • Renamed delete-clan command to remove-clan

Other changes

  • Added async and updated package versions
  • Refactored once again rolenick
  • Logging refactored
  • Removed create activity, wordt niet gebruikt
  • Unban | removed. This will be added once again later one when the time is there


New features

  • Clans | new command to create categories and channels based on arguments
  • Multiple join roles are now set instead of one


New features

  • When a user joins, a role is automatically set
  • Rolenick | now removes the join role


New features

  • User | you can now use user to display information about you or any other user

Bug fixes

  • User | now works on a mention

Other changes

  • Quote | gave it more options

v1.0 -> 2.6

Bug fixes

  • Set activity fixed
  • Uptime fixed
  • Fixed the invite command for several or more persons
  • Kicks that write to server mod-log gave the wrong information
  • Fixed a bug where event handlers that write to mod log (if DISC_AUDITCHANNEL is empty) gave an error
  • Fixed a bug regarding the guild joins and guild leaves
  • Fixed a bug where the clean command will delete 100messages if you run it with something else then a number
  • Fixed a small bug where the timeout of the rolenick command didn't delete the message
  • Create-role only creates the role on the server he is in now
  • User commando on a not found user gave an error instead a 'message not found' error in channel
  • The check nickname didn't check the nickname properly
  • Fixed in a situation where the user only inserted the prefix, the bot will run the first loaded command
  • Create-clan | now gives an incorrect command instead of an error if one argument is given
  • Members | empty role now gives an 'not found' message, a role that has more then the embed limit crops it and displays 'and more...' text

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