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Last active December 8, 2017 03:38
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Swift: Async callback block pattern example
//ClassA it's the owner of the callback, he will trigger the callback when it's the time
class ClassA {
//The property of that will be associated to the ClassB callback
var callbackBlock : ((error : NSError?, message : String?, adress : String? ) -> Void)?
init() {
//Do Your staff
//Define your function with the clousure as a parameter
func yourFunctionWithCallback(#functionCallbackParameter : (error : NSError?,message : String?, adress : String?) -> ()) {
//Set the calback with the calback in the function parameter
self.callbackBlock = functionCallbackParameter
//Later On..
func callbackTrigger() {
self.callbackBlock?(error: nil,message: "Hello callback", adress: "I don't know")
/ClassB it's the callback reciver the callback
class ClassB {
@IBAction func testCallbackFunction(sender: UIButton) {
let classA = ClassA()
classA.yourFunctionWithCallback { (error, message, adress) -> () in
//Do your stuff
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