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Last active December 14, 2015 00:39
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new stuff
;Fixed indentation
(defn range-char [start end]
(let [ i (int start)
j (inc (int end))]
(map char (range i j))))
;Fixed indentation
(defn shift-list [coll n] ;; You don't need to do seq unless you are testing if a seq is empty or changing data structs
(reverse (split-at n coll))))
;Fixed indentation
(defn caesar-cipher [ciphertext shift]
(let [ alphabet (range-char \a \z)
cipher (shift-list alphabet shift)
lookup-table (zipmap alphabet cipher)
translate-char #(lookup-table % \_)] ;; You don't need to use get on a hash-map you can use it like a function with the 2nd arg being the "not found" value
(apply str
(map translate-char ciphertext))))
(caesar-cipher "ftkvhblvhhe" 7)
;; Fixed indention in the let you want the values you are setting to line up on the left margin
(let [ cipher-shift 2
ciphertext (slurp "puzzle1.txt")
plain-text (caesar-cipher ciphertext cipher-shift)]
(println plain-text))
;; I rewrote it to how I would do it now
(def char-range (inc (- (int \z) (int \a))))
;; This function can stand on its own and be perfectly happy
(defn normalize-char [character]
(- (int character) (int \a)))
;; The function just shifts the letter using mod making use of the normalize fn above
(defn decode-char [shift character]
(let [ shifted-char (+ shift (normalize-char character))]
(char (+ (mod shifted-char char-range)
(int \a)))))
(let [ cipher-shift 7
cipher-text "ftkvhblvhhe"]
;; Demo the threading macro
;; This tells it to eval to first expression and put it at the end of the arg list in the proceeding expressions
;; We use a partial so we can create a new function with the cipher shift value inside the closure
(map (partial decode-char cipher-shift) cipher-text)
;; Use apply to convert (str [ \a \b \c ] ) to (str \a \b \c)
(apply str)))
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