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Created September 17, 2018 12:53
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protocol Localizable {
associatedtype LocalizableKey
static var tableName: String? { get }
static func localize(key: LocalizableKey, localizer: LocalizerType) -> String
extension Localizable where LocalizableKey: RawRepresentable {
static var tableName: String? {
return String(describing: Self.self)
static func localize(key: LocalizableKey, localizer: LocalizerType) -> String {
return localizer.localize("\(key.rawValue)", tableName: self.tableName)
protocol LocalizerType: class {
func localize(_ value: String, tableName: String?) -> String
final class Localizer: LocalizerType {
func localize(_ string: String, tableName: String?) -> String {
return NSLocalizedString(string, tableName: tableName, value: "**\(string)**", comment: "")
struct LocalizableTest: Localizable {
enum LocalizableKey: String {
case testKey = "test.key"
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