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Created June 15, 2014 08:36
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body {
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position: absolute;
margin-left: 10px;
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background-color: #303030;
border-radius: 8px;
padding: 5px;
.buyserver {
cursor: pointer; cursor: hand;
border-color: #00ff00;
background-color: #404040;
color: #00ff00;
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<!DOCTYPE html>
<link type="text/css" rel="stylesheet" href="stylesheet.css"/>
<div id="title" style="border: none;">
<h1 title="Cool title huh?">
DDoS Network Beta 0.1
<div id="mainwindow">
<div class="resourcediv" title="Attacking sites will earn you money. Make it rain $$$">
<p>$: <a id="cash">0</a></p>
<div class="resourcediv" title="This is your DDoS Power, you can get more by buying servers." style="margin-top: 70px">
<p>P: <a id="power">0</a></p>
<div class="mainsplit" title="All about your network!" style="height: 280px;">
<div class="splittitle">
<span class="allstats">
HostGator Shared (1P):&nbsp;<span id="server1">0</span>
<div class="mainsplit" title="These are the sites you are attacking now." style="height: 260px;margin-top: 440px;">
<div class="splittitle">
<span class="allstats">
Bakery - <span id="attack1">Not Attacking.</span>
<div class="mainsplit" style="margin-left: 340px;" title="DDoS them with lazors! Get cash from ramsons!">
<div class="splittitle">
Attack Servers
<div class="buyserver" id="attack1div">
Bakery Next Door (1P)<br>
<div class="mainsplit" style="margin-left: 670px;" title="Buy more DDoS Power!">
<div class="splittitle">
Buy Servers
<div class="buyserver" id="server1buy">
HostGator Shared<br>
<script src="arrumarjs.js"></script>
var power = 0;
var cash = 0;
var pptt = 0; /*Power per ticktock*/
var cptt = 0.2; /*Cash per ticktock*/
var deccases;
var server1 = 0;
var server1div = document.getElementById("server1buy");
var attack1timer = -1;
var attack1div = document.getElementById("attack1div");
var attack1finished = false;
window.onerror = function(msg, url, line) {
// You can view the information in an alert to see things working
// like so:
alert("Error: " + msg + "\nurl: " + url + "\nline #: " + line);
// TODO: Report this error via ajax so you can keep track
// of what pages have JS issues
var suppressErrorAlert = true;
// If you return true, then error alerts (like in older versions of
// Internet Explorer) will be suppressed.
return suppressErrorAlert;
server1div.onclick = function() {
if (cash >= 20) {
cash -= 20;
server1 +=1;
power +=1;
attack1div.onclick = function() {
if (power >= 1){
if (attack1timer=="Not Attacking."){
attack1timer = 10;
function TickTock() {
function CheckComma() {
if (cash > 9.8) {
else {
function AddRes() {
power += pptt;
cash += cptt;
document.getElementById("power").innerHTML = power.toFixed(0);
document.getElementById("cash").innerHTML = cash.toFixed(deccases);
var attack1status = UpdateAttack("attack1",attack1timer,attack1div,attack1finished);
attack1timer = attack1status[0];
attack1div = attack1status[1];
attack1finished = attack1status[2];
function UpdateServerColors() {
if (cash < 20) { = "red"; = "red";
else { = "#00ff00"; = "#00ff00";
function UpdateAttack(attackname, attacktimer, attackdiv, attackfinished) {
if (power < 1) { = "red"; = "red";
else { = "#00ff00"; = "#00ff00";
if (attacktimer >= 0) {
attacktimer -= 0.1;
document.getElementById(attackname).innerHTML = attacktimer.toFixed(0);
attackfinished = true; = "yellow"; = "yellow";
else {
if (attackfinished === true){
cash += 100;
attackfinished = false;
if (p >= 1) { = "#00ff00"; = "#00ff00";
attackfinished = false;
attacktimer = "Not Attacking.";
document.getElementById(attackname).innerHTML = attacktimer;
var arraygen = [attacktimer, attackdiv, attackfinished];
return arraygen;
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