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Created February 19, 2018 22:09
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man page for trizen
.\" Automatically generated by Pandoc 2.1.1
.TH "" "" "" "" ""
.SH trizen
trizen is a lightweight wrapper for AUR, written in Perl.
Main features include:
.IP \[bu] 2
Installation of packages from the AUR
.IP \[bu] 2
Search support for AUR packages
.IP \[bu] 2
Reading AUR comments for packages
.IP \[bu] 2
Upgrade support for AUR packages
.IP \[bu] 2
Recursive resolver of AUR dependencies
.IP \[bu] 2
Built\-in interaction with \[aq]pacman\[aq]
.IP \[bu] 2
Edit support for text files
.IP \[bu] 2
Input/output UTF\-8 support
.IP \[bu] 2
Tagged version:
git\ clone\
cd\ trizen
makepkg\ \-si
.IP \[bu] 2
\f[C]\-git\f[] version:
git\ clone\\-git.git
cd\ trizen\-git
makepkg\ \-si
.SH Screenshots
.SS Search results
[IMAGE: trizen \-Ss
youtube (]
.SS Package info
[IMAGE: trizen \-Si
sidef (]
.SS Options
[IMAGE: trizen
\-h (]
[IMAGE: trizen
\-Sh (]
.SH Usage
usage:\ trizen\ [options]\ [pkgname]\ [pkgname]\ [...]
Main\ options:
\ \ \ \ \-S,\ \-\-sync\ \ \ \ \ \ :\ install\ packages\ (see:\ trizen\ \-Sh)
\ \ \ \ \-C,\ \-\-comments\ \ :\ display\ AUR\ comments\ for\ a\ package
\ \ \ \ \-G,\ \-\-get\ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ clones\ a\ package\ in\ the\ current\ directory
\ \ \ \ \-R,\ \-\-remove\ \ \ \ :\ remove\ packages\ from\ the\ system\ (see:\ pacman\ \-Rh)
\ \ \ \ \-Q,\ \-\-query\ \ \ \ \ :\ query\ the\ package\ database\ (see:\ pacman\ \-Qh)
\ \ \ \ \-F,\ \-\-files\ \ \ \ \ :\ query\ the\ files\ database\ (see:\ pacman\ \-Fh)
\ \ \ \ \-D,\ \-\-database\ \ :\ operate\ on\ the\ package\ database\ (see:\ pacman\ \-Dh)
\ \ \ \ \-T,\ \-\-deptest\ \ \ :\ check\ dependencies\ (see:\ pacman\ \-Th)
\ \ \ \ \-U,\ \-\-upgrade\ \ \ :\ install\ built\ packages\ from\ \[aq]\-\-clone\-dir\[aq]\ or\ `pwd`
Other\ options:
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-quiet\ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ display\ any\ warnings
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-stats\ \ \ \ \ :\ show\ stats\ about\ the\ installed\ packages
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-nocolors\ \ :\ disable\ text\ colors
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-debug\ \ \ \ \ :\ activate\ the\ debug/verbose\ mode
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-help\ \ \ \ \ \ :\ print\ this\ message\ and\ exit
\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-version\ \ \ :\ print\ version\ and\ exit
See\ also:
\ \ \ \ trizen\ \-Sh
\ \ \ \ trizen\ \-Gh
::\ Each\ configuration\ key\ is\ a\ valid\ option\ when\ preceded\ with\ \[aq]\-\-\[aq]
.SH Sync options (\f[C]\-S\f[])
usage:\ trizen\ {\-S\ \-\-sync}\ [options]\ [package(s)]
Main\ options:
\ \ \-s,\ \-\-search\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ searches\ for\ packages
\ \ \-i,\ \-\-info\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ outputs\ info\ for\ packages
\ \ \-m,\ \-\-maintainer\ \ \ \ :\ outputs\ packages\ maintained\ by\ [...]
\ \ \-p,\ \-\-pkgbuild\ \ \ \ \ \ :\ outputs\ PKGBUILD\ only
\ \ \-l,\ \-\-local\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ builds\ and\ installs\ packages\ from\ `pwd`
\ \ \-u,\ \-\-sysupgrade\ \ \ \ :\ upgrades\ installed\ packages
\ \ \-y,\ \-\-refresh\ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ refresh\ package\ databases\ (with:\ \-u)
\ \ \-c,\ \-\-clean\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ clean\ the\ cache\ directory\ of\ `trizen`\ and\ `pacman`
\ \ \-a,\ \-\-aur\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ only\ AUR\ operations\ (with:\ \-c,\ \-u,\ \-s,\ \-i)
Other\ options:
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-devel\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ update\ VCS\ packages\ during\ \-Su
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-show\-ood\ \ \ \ \ \ :\ show\ out\-of\-date\ flagged\ packages\ during\ \-Su
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-noinfo\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ display\ package\ info\ after\ cloning
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-nopull\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ `git\ pull`\ new\ changes
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-noedit\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ prompt\ to\ edit\ files
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-nobuild\ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ build\ packages\ (implies\ \-\-noedit)
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-noinstall\ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ install\ packages\ after\ building
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-needed\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ reinstall\ up\-to\-date\ packages
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-asdeps\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ installs\ packages\ as\ dependencies
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-asexplicit\ \ \ \ :\ installs\ packages\ as\ explicitly\ installed
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-force\ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ pass\ the\ `\-\-force`\ argument\ to\ `pacman`
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-skipinteg\ \ \ \ \ :\ pass\ the\ `\-\-skipinteg`\ argument\ to\ `makepkg`
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-noconfirm\ \ \ \ \ :\ do\ not\ ask\ for\ any\ confirmation
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-movepkg\ \ \ \ \ \ \ :\ move\ built\ packages\ into\ pacman\[aq]s\ cache\ directory
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-movepkg\-dir=s\ :\ move\ built\ packages\ in\ this\ directory\ (with\ \-\-movepkg)
\ \ \ \ \ \ \-\-clone\-dir=s\ \ \ :\ directory\ where\ to\ clone\ and\ build\ packages
\ \ \ \ trizen\ \-S\ \ <package>\ \ \ \ \ #\ install\ <package>
\ \ \ \ trizen\ \-Ss\ <keyword>\ \ \ \ \ #\ search\ for\ <keyword>
\ \ \ \ trizen\ \-Si\ <package>\ \ \ \ \ #\ show\ info\ about\ <package>
.SH Get options (\f[C]\-G\f[])
usage:\ trizen\ {\-G\ \-\-get}\ [options]\ [package(s)]
Main\ options:
\ \ \ \ \-d,\ \-\-with\-deps\ \ \ \ \ :\ clones\ a\ package\ with\ all\ needed\ AUR\ dependencies
\ \ \ \ trizen\ \-G\ \ <package>\ \ \ \ \ #\ clones\ <package>
\ \ \ \ trizen\ \-Gd\ <package>\ \ \ \ \ #\ clones\ <package>\ along\ with\ its\ AUR\ dependencies
A configuration file is automatically generated at:
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