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Created November 24, 2023 16:13
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  • Save MarekKnapek/2a90ace29ee4db6a5bfac93a87c4697a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Save MarekKnapek/2a90ace29ee4db6a5bfac93a87c4697a to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
  • Download oldver verison of my tool from GitHub actions artifacts.
  • Download newer version of my tool from
  • Find some large file on your hard disk (>1GB) or create new one.
    • You can use the dd tool for Windows from to create new file.
    • dd bs=1M count=1k if=/dev/random of=plaintext.bin --progress
  • Encrypt the file with the Serpent cipher using the CTR mode and measure how long it took.
    • I'm using the unix time utility from
    • Command to encrypt:
    • c:\path\to\w64devkit64\bin\time.exe .\mkcc-release-x64.exe /direction encrypt /alg serpent /padding pkcs7 /mode ctr /kdf pbkdf2_sha2_512_256 /password Hunter2 /salt cryptor /cost 1000 /input plaintext.bin /output ciphertext.bin
    • Repeat the measurement with newver version of my tool. This version is able to detect and use the AVX-512F insturction set.
    • Hopefully there should be around 2x performance improvement (if not held back by slow hard disk).
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