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Created March 15, 2021 12:23
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dart: lazy fibonacci generator
void main() {
final fib = fibStream();
Iterable<int> fibStream() sync* {
final firstIt = fromList([0]).followedBy(fibStream());
final secondIt = fromList([0,1]).followedBy(fibStream());;
yield* zipWith(sumInt, firstIt, secondIt);
Iterable<T> zipWith<T,S>(T Function(S a, S b) f, Iterable<S> a, Iterable<S> b) sync* {
if (a.isNotEmpty && b.isNotEmpty) {
final firstVal =, b.first);
final firstIt = fromList<T>([firstVal]);
yield* firstIt.followedBy(zipWith<T,S>(f, tail(a), tail(b)));
Iterable<int> limitlessIt (int start) sync* {
final curIt = Iterable<int>.generate(1, (_) => start);
yield* curIt.followedBy(limitlessIt(start+1));
Iterable<T> fromList<T>(List<T> list) {
return Iterable<T>.generate(list.length, (i) => list[i]);
Iterable<T> tail<T>(Iterable<T> it) {
return it.skip(1);
int sumInt(int a, int b) => a + b;
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