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Last active February 8, 2025 11:17
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CryptoLocker attack CVE-2020-3992
Workaround for data recovery for linux vm`s
Step 1:
Create a new Virtual Machine on the same EXSI host that was affected. i useed debian 10
Step 2:
SSH login into the affected esxi host
Step 3:
# Go toy your datastore.
cd /your/datastore/mount/point
# Make a copy of the affected VM
mkdir OldVm_Recovery
cp OldVm/* OldVm_Recovery/ -r
Step 4:
cd OldVm_Recovery
# List all files
$ ls -la
-rw------- 1 root root 123456789 Feb 3 08:47 old-vm-flat.vmdk
# Create a new VMDk file
$ vmkfstools -c 123456789 -a lsilogic -d thin temp.vmdk // replace 123456789 with the size from ls -la output
# Remove temp-flat.vmdk
rm temp-flat.vmdk
# Rename newly created temp.vmdk
# The neme must be the same as flat file, without "-flat".
- Flat file old-vm-flat.vmdk
- WMDK file: old-vm.vmdk
mvtemp.vmdk old-vm.vmdk
# Edit vmdk file
vi old-vm.vmdk
# Change this line from
RW 209715201 VMFS "temp-flat.vmdk"
# To
RW 209715201 VMFS "old-vm-flat.vmdk"
# Delete this line
ddb.thinProvisioned = "1"
Step 5:
# Check the vmdk file, not *flat.vmdk
$ vmkfstools -e old-vm.vmdk
if everithing is ok go to the next step :D
Step 6:
# add old-vm.vmdk as additional disk to the Linux VM created at "Step 1"
# Login into the vm and install testdisk tool
$ apt install --assume-yes testdisk
Now follow the procedure from "" in order to rebuild partition table
if you are lucky, now you cand mount that disk and recover data from it.
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