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Last active June 24, 2018 13:26
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Module 4
country countryCode earnings
Belgium BE 20.98
Bulgaria BG 4.17
Czech Republic CZ 7.94
Denmark DK 20.61
Germany DE 18.13
Estonia EE 5.91
Ireland IE 19.79
Greece GR 18.25
Spain ES 16.85
France FR 19.95
Croatia HR 11.68
Italy IT 21.26
Cyprus CY 13.96
Latvia LV 3.96
Lithuania LT 6.04
Luxembourg LU 24.9
Hungary HU 9.15
Malta MT 12.2
Netherlands NL 17.64
Austria AT 17.74
Poland PL 10.51
Portugal PT 11.6
Romania RO 7.04
Slovenia SI 18.75
Slovakia SK 7.43
Finland FI 15.8
Sweden SE 14.86
United Kingdom GB 15.19
Iceland IS 11.29
Norway NO 20.1
Switzerland CH 21.03
Macedonia MK 8.86
<!DOCTYPE html>
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<title>Hourly earnings for 60 + years old people in Europe</title>
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<h1>How do earnings for 60 + years old compare across Europe ?</h1>
<p>Mean hourly earnings in purchasing power standard (PPS) for people aged 60 and more in Europe. Industry, construction and services (except public administration, defense, compulsory social security)
<br />
<p>Hover over a country to display information.</p>
<span class = "source">Source: <a href="">Eurostat</a></span></p>
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//Loop through once for each earnings data value
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//Grab country name
var dataCountryCode = data[i].countryCode;
//Grab data value, and convert from string to float
var dataValue = +data[i].earnings;
var Country = data[i].country;
//Find the corresponding country inside the GeoJSON
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//We'll check the official ISO country code
var jsonCountryCode = json.features[j].properties.iso_a2;
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//Copy the data value into the GeoJSON
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//Get data value
var value =;
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//If value exists…
return "pays";
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