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Last active September 3, 2019 14:38
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  • Save Marinofull/133d6580ebc6ae657eb2 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
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Fedora sugestion:

While booting the system the GRUB2 menu will be displayed, to boot the system using bash follow these steps:

  • Use the arrow keys to select the boot entry you want to edit
  • Press e to start editing that entry
  • Use the arrow keys to go to the line that starts with linux or linux16
    • If you have a UEFI system it's the line that starts with linuxefi
  • Go the the end of that line add a space then rw then another space and init=/bin/bash
    • If your disk is encrypted, you may need to add plymouth.enable=0 as well
  • Press Ctrl-x or F10 to boot that entry

# adduser [name]

# visudo

# User privilege specification
root        ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL
newuser    ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL

# /sbin/reboot -f

After all, clean your tracks. sudo deluser --remove-home username

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