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Created December 20, 2021 09:14
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Require Export List FunctionalExtensionality.
Set Implicit Arguments.
Ltac get_goal := match goal with |- ?x => x end.
Ltac get_match H F := match H with context [match ?n with _ => _ end] => F n end.
Ltac get_matches F :=
match goal with
| [ |- ?X ] => get_match X F
| [ H : ?X |- _ ] => get_match X F
Definition channel P NT (N : NT) : Type := P.
Arguments channel : simpl never.
Inductive sandbox_closer : Prop := ms : sandbox_closer -> sandbox_closer.
Definition sandbox_closer_exit : sandbox_closer -> False := ltac:(induction 1; trivial).
Ltac set_result N T := match goal with | _ := ?X : channel _ N |- _ => unify X T end.
Ltac get_result N := match goal with | _ := ?X : channel _ N |- _ => X end.
Ltac clear_result N := match goal with | H := _ : channel _ N |- _ => clear H end.
Ltac make_sandbox T N :=
let f := fresh in
let g := get_goal in
let H := fresh in
evar (f : channel T N); assert(sandbox_closer -> g) as H; [intro | clear H].
Ltac exit_sandbox :=
match goal with
| X : sandbox_closer |- _ => apply sandbox_closer_exit in X; tauto
Inductive Tree :=
| Empty
| Node : Tree -> Tree -> Tree.
Notation "[ a , b ]" := (Node a b).
Notation "0" := Empty.
Definition Combine_helper (T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 : Tree) : Tree :=
match (T1, T2, T3, T4) with
| (0, 0, 0, 0) =>
match T5 with
| Node T5a T5b => [[[[0, T7], T6], T5a], T5b]
| 0 =>
match T6 with
| Node _ _ => [[[[[T6, T7], 0], 0], 0], 0]
| 0 =>
match T7 with
| [[[[T7a, T7b], T7c], T7d], T7e] =>
[[[[[0, T7a], T7b], T7c], T7d], T7e]
| _ => T7
| _ => [[[[[[T7, T6], T5], T4], T3], T2], T1]
Definition Combine X :=
match X with (t1, t2, t3, t4, t5, t6, t7) => Combine_helper t1 t2 t3 t4 t5 t6 t7 end.
Ltac l T := unify T Empty; simpl in *.
Ltac r T :=
let lt := fresh in
let rt := fresh in
evar (lt : Tree); evar (rt : Tree);
unify T (Node lt rt); simpl in *.
Ltac act := let res := get_match ltac:(get_goal) ltac:(fun x => x) in l res + r res.
Ltac prepare_work := repeat econstructor; compute.
Ltac work :=
solve [repeat (trivial; compute; act)].
Ltac get_destruct_next N :=
repeat act; repeat f_equal;
match goal with
|- _ = ?X => is_var X; try set_result N X
Ltac detect_destruct :=
make_sandbox Tree tt;
get_destruct_next tt;
repeat match get_goal with context [?t] => is_evar t; l t end;
let ret := get_result tt in destruct ret;
clear_result tt.
Definition Split_helper(T : Tree) :
{ T1 : Tree &
{ T2 : Tree &
{ T3 : Tree &
{ T4 : Tree &
{ T5 : Tree &
{ T6 : Tree &
{ T7 : Tree | Combine_helper T1 T2 T3 T4 T5 T6 T7 = T } } } } } } }.
repeat (work||detect_destruct).
Definition Split(T : Tree) : Tree * Tree * Tree * Tree * Tree * Tree * Tree :=
match Split_helper T with
| existT _ T1 (existT _ T2 (existT _ T3
(existT _ T4 (existT _ T5 (existT _ T6 (exist _ T7 _)))))) =>
(T1, T2, T3, T4, T5, T6, T7)
Goal forall t, Combine (Split t) = t.
intros; unfold Split, Combine.
destruct Split_helper as [? [? [? [? [? [? []]]]]]]; subst.
simpl in *; trivial.
Ltac no_inner_match_smart_destruct T :=
(is_var T; destruct T) ||
(let F := fresh in destruct T eqn:?F;
match type of F with ?Term = _ => let F' x := fail 3 in try get_match Term F' end;
match type of F with ?Term = _ :> {_} + {_} => clear F | _ => idtac end).
Ltac match_type_destruct T :=
get_matches ltac:(fun x => match type of x with T => no_inner_match_smart_destruct x end).
Ltac invcs H := inversion H; clear H; subst.
Goal forall t, Split (Combine t) = t.
destruct t as [[[[[[]]]]]].
unfold Split; destruct Split_helper as [? [? [? [? [? [? []]]]]]].
unfold Combine, Combine_helper in *.
repeat (
simpl in *;
match_type_destruct Tree||
match goal with
| H : _ = _ : Tree |- _ => invcs H
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